PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Rudd Government to Deliver on Election Commitment on Australian Building and Construction Commission

The Rudd Government will honour its election commitment to ensure there is a tough cop on the beat in the building and construction industry.

Tomorrow the Government will introduce legislation which responds to the Wilcox Review by amending the Building and Construction Industry Improvement (BCII) Act.

The legislation will honour our promise to abolish the Australian Building and Construction Commission and replace it with the Fair Work - Building Industry Inspectorate.

The existing coercive powers will be maintained, alongside new safeguards recommended by Federal Court Judge Murray Wilcox.

The Government's position on the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) has been clear for a long period of time.

There are problems in parts of the building and construction sector which cannot be ignored.

The Rudd Government has no tolerance for conduct which breaks the law, whether it be unlawful industrial action or underpayment of employees.

At the same time, this sector is full of hard working people helping to build Australia towards recovery.

That's why the Government is determined to get the balance right.

Last year the Government asked former Federal Court Judge Murray Wilcox to produce a report following months of consultations with stakeholders.

The Wilcox report came to the following pivotal conclusion about the ongoing need for coercive powers:

“I am satisfied there is still such a level of industrial unlawfulness in the building and construction industry, especially in Victoria and Western Australia, that it would be inadvisable not to empower the [Specialist Division] to undertake compulsory interrogation. The reality is that, without such a power, some types of contravention would be almost impossible to prove.

I have reached the opinion that it would be unwise not to endow [Specialist Division] (at least for now) with a coercive interrogation power. Although conduct in the industry has improved in recent years, I believe the job is not yet done.”

The Wilcox report also recommended important new safeguards on the exercise of the coercive powers.

The Government agrees with the principal conclusions of the Wilcox report and has determined to retain the coercive powers with the new safeguards Wilcox recommends.

Importantly, the Government is taking an extra step to respond to the Wilcox observation that parts of the building and construction industry raise increased compliance problems.

The Government has developed a mechanism to switch off the coercive powers for peaceful parts of the industry where such extra compliance arrangements are not necessary.

This will enable compliance to be focussed on those parts of the industry where it is needed most.

The Government has also accepted and implemented the Wilcox recommendations to equalise penalties for building workers with other workers and to sunset the coercive powers in five years' time.

Prior to the sunset there will be a review of compliance in the building and construction industry.