PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Holt, Harold

Period of Service: 26/01/1966 - 19/12/1967
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00001653.pdf 1 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Holt, Harold Edward
P.M.No. 91/1967 ANZAC Fellowship Scheme

FOR PRESS: A P. M. No. 91/ 1967


Statement by the Prime Minister, Mr Harold Holt

It gives me special pleasure to announce the establishment of an Anzac Fellowship Scheme, designed to stimulate the exchange of ideas and information between Australia and New Zealand, and generally strengthen the bonds of understanding between the two countries.

This brings to fruition a proposal I put forward when I visited New Zealand earlier this year. I suggested the provision of two scholarships each year to enable New Zealand men and women to visit Australia for study,travel and observation. The idea was warmly welcomed by the New Zealand Government and it was agreed that they would provide reciprocal opportunities.

The scheme provides for New Zealand citizens who have shown outstanding ability and achievement in such fields as primary and secondary industry, commerce, education, the arts or the public service, to be given an opportunity of furthering their professional experience or training in Australia. Australians will have similar opportunities to visit New Zealand under arrangements being announced by the New Zealand Prime Minister today.

The terms and conditions of the Anzac Award in each country have been worked out, and details of the scheme, together with application procedures, will be released shortly through the Department of Education and Science, which will administer the scheme in Australia. An Australian Committee will be set up to recommend Australian candidates for New  Zealand   awards and to make the final selection of New Zealand candidates for Australian awards.

The Anzac Fellowships will be awards carrying distinction for those selected. It is hoped that they will attract candidates of a high calibre who,in the course of their fellowships, will gain not only experience of benefit to their own careers but also a deeper understanding of the achievements and problems of their host countries.  


3rd September, 1967.