PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
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  • Rudd, Kevin
Speech at Wandong Church Service Wandong, Victoria

Firstly, this is an honour to be with you today because you're a community which is surviving and building and becoming strong again.

A little while ago, I think a day or two ago, I was telephoned in my office by a lady I'd never met before. Her name was Rose. Where are you Rose? There she is. She's a persistent lady. (Laughter and applause.) And so, I had this message there from Rose could I please call back. There's been a few calls into the office this week about a range of things. So I'm sorry it took a day or so to come back, but I spoke to her the other night and she described a little bit about what's happened in your town.

It was good to talk to someone local about what has happened here. Because what has happened is a story of what is happened everywhere. But it's also very special for you as members of this community.

This morning I had the honour of sitting down with each of the representatives of your local council. People who you've elected, voted for and they speak for you. It was a very good meeting as we went through each of the practical challenges which lie ahead. But beyond that, it gave me a sense of just the scope of what has happened here. And I thank the Mayor - Sue, where are you? - and other councillors, for spending that time with me and with Jenny Macklin who is with me today.

What do you say in the midst of tragedy?

I think there are two things that I can say. One is this, to know that you are not alone. You are not alone. It's not just that your community here in Wandong, and the Wandong district has rallied behind you in such strength and such force - so too has the entire state and the nation and the world.

Yesterday, after speaking to Rose, I spoke to Tim Fischer who had just come from the audience in Rome with Pope Benedict XVI. The first words of the Pope were about your community here. The Pope wanted to pass on through our representative, Tim Fischer in Rome, his deepest prayers, his deepest sympathies and his deepest love for all of you. I do that this morning on this the day of service and of worship.

So if there's one thing to say is that you're not alone.

The other is to say this, together we rebuild. Together we rebuild. And brick by brick, house by house, street by street, we rebuild. And we rebuild together. And not just for tomorrow, not just for next week, and not just for next month, but until this community is rebuilt completely.

I heard a little bit this morning from your councillors about the scope, the size of this community. Some - correct me if I'm wrong Mayor - 2,200 people in Wandong and Heathcote Junction and in the Wandong District.

(MAYOR: Yes, that's correct.)

I got a tick.

And of, among those people, good people who live in this good community, some 200 houses are now gone or destroyed or damaged.

So our first responsibility to understand the scope of that, that's one in 10. So we have a very practical challenge to work through. And we will do that. House by house, street by street, although it will take time. Time to do well.

There are those who are injured, and they must be attended. Injuries to the body and injuries to the soul. This brings me to the three of your number who have perished in these flames. I've heard these stories this morning. And they are the human face of absolute tragedy.

So as we move forward, what I say to you as Prime Minister is this - we intend and we resolve to be with you every step of the way from here.

This is an easy thing to say, it is a much harder thing to do. But I am determined that we will honour this commitment to you and each of these communities that have been ravaged by these fires.

I cannot promise to you that it will be done perfectly each step of the way. We're all human beings. But I can undertake to you this. That we'll be with you every step of the way until each community is rebuilt.

As Australians we reflect on what make us Australian. I often put it into these terms, and these fires have brought it home again: one of the great virtues and values which we hold dear and have held dear since ANZAC to present - courage, resilience, compassion.

I see an army of courage out here to my right called the CFA. (Applause)

Wandong Brigade, Kilmore, those who have helped from further afield. The fact that you could have your Wandong Brigade people out there defending everybody in this scarred landscape which is 20 metres from where I speak, and at the same time their own houses, four of them, or half a dozen of them, burning down. I've met this morning this young family and in exactly that situation, and others who have lost their homes as well.

You know what they've said to you blokes, and the good woman who runs you, and the good women in your number, is that you have genuine guts, genuine strength, and you do something for the nation's soul at hard times. Because you know what you've done in these actions? You put yourself last and put the community first. And as Prime Minister of Australia I thank you. (Applause)

Around the world we see our boys in green led by the Chief of the Defence Force who I've brought here today, Angus Houston, doing that all the time, putting themselves last and putting their comrades in arms first, and putting their country first of all. And our army boys have been out there too helping (inaudible).

Resilience, well you know, that's sticking to the task. We've all got a challenge of resilience. That's something which happens in your heart and in your stomach.

And I heard from the local authorities here you're going to get together for a community festival soon. This is good, it's part of resilience. And compassion.

The army of people here who are chaplains, who are from the churches, who are from the Salvos, who are from the Red Cross, who are from every community and charitable organisation supported by the arms of government through the Victorian Government and the Federal Government, and the local government.

There is an army of courage and we are surrounded by a sea of compassion, and you are part of it. And not just what you say, it's not just putting an arm around somebody although that is important, it's what you then do. And each of you is in the business of doing.

But coming here to Wandong today, thank you Rose, by the way we've also discovered something else in Wandong today, and that's what happened to Elvis. Elvis is still with us. Dropping 9,000 litres I gather in a hit in Wandong, I gather.

But here at Wandong and hearing these great stories and these very sad stories, you in this community, full of courage, resilience and compassion, telling your message to the nation and the world at large. As Prime Minister of Australia, I salute each and everyone of you.