PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
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Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Victoria Cross for Australia

It is with great honour today that we commend the valour of Trooper Mark Donaldson with the presentation of the first Victoria Cross for Australia.

This is a truly historic day.

Trooper Donaldson's bravery will forever be engraved in Australian history.

Generations of school children will now know of the story of Trooper Mark Donaldson.

It is a story all Australians should know.

It is a story of a hero - one which will be told in classrooms, workplaces and watering holes for many years to come.

Trooper Donaldson's courage and selflessness in the face of such unspeakable danger is not only a great tribute to him and his family - it epitomises the spirit of the Aussie digger.

The soldiers that he saved will be forever indebted to him.

The nation will be forever indebted to him.

It is 40 years since a Victoria Cross was presented to an Australian. The last Victoria Cross (Imperial) was awarded on 24 May 1969, to Warrant Officer Keith Payne VC OAM for gallantry during the Vietnam War.

In 1991 the Victoria Cross for Australia replaced the Imperial Victoria Cross.