PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
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Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Transcript of Prime Minister's New Year Message

New year is a time for us to reflect on the year that's just past and of course, to look to the year that lies ahead.

2008 saw some outstanding and memorable achievements around the world, including in the Beijing Olympics in August, the Paralympics in September and at the year's end, the historic election of an African-American as President of the United States.

At home, Australians came together as we made the historic apology to the Stolen Generations and pledged to work together to close the gap on indigenous disadvantage.

We hosted around 150,000 young people from around the world for the remarkable World Youth Day celebrations in July. And this year we showed again the great strength of Australia's democracy with the smooth transition to a new Federal Government.

But for much of the year our news was dominated by the worsening global financial crisis, the likes of which have not been seen in almost 80 years.

This has created a lot of uncertainty throughout our community as people worry about their jobs, their businesses and their retirement savings. As the global financial crisis has unfolded the Government has taken early and decisive action to do everything possible to stabilise our financial markets and to stabilise the Australian economy, families and jobs from the full impact of the crisis.

As we enter 2009, we know it will be a very tough year for the global economy. And it will be a tough year for Australia as well.

What is important is that we remember we are all in this together.

The Government is determined to do all we can to support Australian families and the jobs and businesses of Australians. And if we stick together, businesses, unions, employers, employees, governments at different levels, federal, state and local and the whole community, we can and will see Australia through.

Australia is a great nation and so often the hardest times bring out the best in us.

We're a tough people, we're a resilient people and in hard times we also care for each other and for other members of the community.

Let us each have a restful break this holiday season and let us enter 2009 with optimism and with renewed energy.

In this spirit I extend to all Australians, country and city, big towns, small towns, our biggest cities to the distant outback my best wishes for a happy, healthy and fulfilling new year.
