PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
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  • Rudd, Kevin
Transcript of Television Interview Sydney

PM: Well, this Opera House is not just Sydney's great symbol to the world, it's Australia's great symbol to the world. And we owe this great symbol to this great man who has now passed away.

JOURNALIST: Your thoughts about the fact that politicians were brave enough to embrace that design all those years ago. Do you think that would happen again? It was a very brave and courageous move on their part.

PM: Well, look back to the 60s. Australia was a little more conservative in those days. I think all those who were party to the decision to build this great building which becomes Australia's great symbol to the world and Sydney's great symbol to the world owe that to, I think, the courage of the architect, owe that to the courage of those who approved the design.

JOURNALIST: Your thoughts about the fact that, I suppose, it is quite sad in a way that he never actually saw the completed building?

PM: Well, often there are controversies associated with great buildings like this. But you know, in the great sweep of history, what we are left with is a beautiful building, Sydney's symbol to the world, Australia's symbol to the world, and owed in large part to this great man. A son of Denmark, but I've got to say, in terms of his spirit, a son of Australia as well.

JOURNALIST: Prime Minister could I ask you about Mumbai? Developments overnight, seems to be some hope that we are just looking at just one Australian outstanding?

PM: We are now still concerned about a small number, a very small number, of Australians. We are trying to be very thorough about this, person by person, check by check. And we'll do that all the way through. But what is good to see is so many Australians now returning safely home in what has been a terrible, terrifying experience for our people.

JOURNALIST: And your offer to India of experienced investigators - has that been welcomed?

PM: The Indian Government, through both the Foreign Minister and the High Commission in Canberra, have expressed appreciation for Australia's offer of help, including a full range of Australian Federal Police services.

Of course, it is a matter for the Indian authorities now that this event has virtually concluded to decide what then follows. We stand ready to assist.

JOURNALIST: Are you encouraged by Pakistan's statements overnight re: any connection?

PM: The Government of Pakistan has made appropriate statements. But I've got to say, what is called for in the period ahead is calm between Islamabad and New Delhi in what could be a very difficult period ahead.

Terrorism is an enemy of all civilised countries and all civilised peoples. And our challenge is to work with all of our friends, allies and partners in the world to tackle the scourge - its causes, as well as its ugliest manifestations, which we have seen most recently in this great city Mumbai.