PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Chief of Staff

I would like to thank David Epstein for his hard work and loyalty as my Chief of Staff and Principal Adviser during my time as Opposition Leader and Prime Minister.

David Epstein today resigned as my Chief of Staff in order to take up a new role outside of the Australian Government in the new year.

As Opposition Leader I sought out David Epstein and asked for his assistance to help deliver a victory for Labor at the 2007 Federal Election, and if successful, establish a new Australian Government.

David Epstein agreed to that challenge and his counsel and leadership played a pivotal role in Federal Labor's election victory.

David's professionalism and experience were vital ingredients in establishing a new Australian Government.

David's strong links with the business community, state governments and the labour movement were great assets during his time in my office.

As well as being a central and trusted member of my team, David has served the Labor Party with distinction in key roles for more than 20 years. I wish him and his family well.

On behalf of the Australian Labor Party, I thank David sincerely for his leadership and the first class advice he has provided to three Labor Governments and the party.

Alister Jordan, my Deputy Chief of Staff, will replace Mr Epstein as Chief of Staff. Mr Jordan has served as my Senior Adviser and Deputy Chief of Staff for the last six years.

David Fredericks has been appointed as my new Deputy Chief of Staff. Mr Fredericks was previously Chief of Staff to Minister for Climate Change and Water Penny Wong, and Leader of the Opposition Kim Beazley.