PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Resignation of David Epstein as Prime Minister's Chief of Staff

The Prime Minister's Chief of Staff, David Epstein, today tendered his resignation with the intention of taking up a new role outside the Australian Government in the New Year.

“I'd like to thank Kevin Rudd for allowing me the opportunity of being Chief of Staff to the Prime Minister of a Federal Labor Government”, Mr Epstein said.

“What began as a temporary assignment to lead Kevin Rudd's office to the last federal election turned out to be as successful as anyone could have hoped for, lasting longer than we first planned when the Prime Minister asked me to stay on to help manage Labor's transition to government”.

“I recently advised the Prime Minister that I intended to move on by the end of the year, and I now need to decide on some options that are before me.”

“I'd particularly like to thank my wife and children for supporting me through thick and thin. I think it might be the last time they willingly let me say I am just going off to Canberra for a short time to work on an election campaign.”

“I'm proud to have contributed to a new Australian Government which can allow Australians to re-engage with each other and the rest of the world. There is much to be done, but I'm leaving knowing the foundations are there to do it.”

“Since early 2007, I've been privileged to work with people dedicated to making Australia a better place. They range from PMO staff, ALP ministerial and electorate staff, federal ALP Caucus members, Tim Gartrell and the ALP National Secretariat, the wider Australian labour movement and, since 24 November 2007, members of the Australian Public Service”, Mr Epstein concluded.

Mr Epstein will leave the Prime Minister's Office formally on 14 November, after handing over responsibilities to Deputy-Chief of Staff, Alister Jordan, who will be appointed Chief of Staff.


David Epstein recently resigned as Chief of Staff and Principal Adviser to the Prime Minister.

Mr Epstein's career includes work in government, as a corporate adviser and in the telecommunications industry.

Mr Epstein began volunteering as an ALP staffer in 1981. His background in federal politics includes staff positions with two Cabinet Ministers and six years as Federal Government media director during the Hawke and Keating Governments.

He was appointed Communications Director for the Australian Labor Party National Secretariat in 1996, later joining the staff of the Leader of Opposition the Hon Kim Beazley to become Chief of Staff to (1997 to 1999).

Mr Epstein left politics in 1999 to become Executive Director of the Australian Electrical and Electronic Manufacturer's Association (AEEMA), and its major operating body the Australian Telecommunications Industry Association (ATIA).

He subsequently worked as a senior telecommunications executive, then became a director and shareholder of corporate advisory firm, Government Relations Australia.

He joined Mr Rudd's staff in July 2007 as Chief of Staff to the Leader of the Opposition.

Mr Epstein was educated at The Geelong College and the Australian National University, where he majored in Politics (International Relations) and Economic History. He is married to Sandra Eccles, and has two children.

His recreational interests are reading, travel and outdoor activities, particularly long distance cycling (Audax).