PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
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  • Rudd, Kevin
Remarks at the announcement of the Australian 2008 Paralympics Team, Parliament House, Canberra

I would like to start by just reflecting on what extraordinary things you have done and those before you have done. The video presentation just now is a graphic visual reminder of the fact that our Paralympic teams past and present have overcome all odds in order to be there representing Australia. You are a celebration of the possible and I congratulate you for your guts, your determination and your professionalism and your commitment to our countries name.

I would like to start by thanking the President of the Australian Paralympic Committee, Greg Hartung, for inviting me to this announcement of the Australian Paralympic Team. But most importantly I'm here to congratulate the athletes selected to be part of the 2008 team, particularly those that have joined us today.

You are extraordinary Australians and you have done extraordinary things and all Australians are proud of you, all Australians are proud of your achievements in getting to where you have got and all Australians are proud of what you will do in our collective name in Beijing - good on you.

Thank you for making Therese and Kate and I honorary members of your team. We promise not to muck up, well at least Therese and I do.

Therese is particularly honoured to be an unofficial member of your team. Let me tell you a little bit of her story. Her Dad was in a wheelchair. He was an RAAF navigator during the war, his plane crashed and progressively during the 50's and 60's he lost the use of his legs and her entire life memory of her Dad is her Dad in a wheelchair, and he past away only about a decade ago in his mid 70's and he was an extraordinary man.

But here's the connection also, after the war in his period of rehabilitation he was sent to Stoke Mandeville, that hospital in the United Kingdom where the Stoke Mandeville games began. The Stoke Mandeville games then gave birth in large part to the Paralympic movement from 1960 on. And Therese's Dad, John Rein, was there at the original Stoke Mandeville games we are advised - she was not there - in the mid 50's we are advised from the family history, carrying the Australian flag at those games and an archer. He later participated in wheelchair basketball and he later also participated in other sports and was a great encouragement to many people who then became participants in the Paralympic movement.

So for Therese it's a particular honour to be here and she has a huge family connection in terms of the inspiration which her Dad represented in her life as someone who always believed in overcoming the odds. So well done, Therese knows in particular how tough that can be.

Australia has participated in the Paralympic Summer Games since they first commenced in Rome in 1960. Our success has grown from winning 8 medals in the first games to a record achievement of 149 medals in the 2000 Sydney Games.

Since 1996, Australia has been ranked in the top five nations at the Paralympic Games and was one of only two countries to win 100 or more medals at the Athens games in 2004. The stories of their success and many of your successes, as many of you were at Athens, are truly inspirational.

In Athens, the leading medal winner, Chantel Wolfenden, won an incredible six medals in the sport of swimming, closely followed by Prue Watt, who won a total of five medals in swimming as well. We also had great successes on the track, with Tim Sullivan winning gold in all four of his sprint events. These are just a few of the success stories among the Australian Paralympians.

At this year's Paralympic Games in Beijing, Australia will take a total team of 170 athletes and 121 staff - our biggest team ever to an “away” Games - and I am sure at this Games we will continue to be a dominant force - no pressure.

We will be watching you as you strive towards your goals in Beijing. We Australians love our sport. And we take great pride in those who represent our country in the field of sport. We love to see the action and the competition, and we are motivated by the hard work you put in and the character you demonstrate.

The Government is proud to support you through the Australian Paralympic Committee. The Committee's vision - to enable Paralympic athletes to “inspire and excite the world” - is one which all Australians share.

The Government recognises the importance of encouraging Australians to participate in sport - for the personal and social reward that it brings and to bring about also a healthier country, a healthier community.

We are keen to enhance recognition and support for disabled athletes. It is important that we improve pathways into elite sport for athletes with a disability and improve participation more broadly. Your own efforts are particularly important in helping us to achieve this. You are role models, all Australians, all Australians are watching you as role models and it is a great role model that you provide us all.

You are about to represent Australia at these games and this is itself as I said before an extraordinary achievement. Not too many people get to reach this level of excellence and compete against the best in the world their chosen sport.

The example you set goes an enormous way to motivating other Australians to get active, participate in sport and be the absolute best they can. You are role models, not only as sports men and women, but also as extraordinary people. You challenge us to dream big and to keep striving towards our goals despite the obstacles that we may run into in life.

Your efforts inspire our country. Of course there is still more to do - when the Games themselves actually begin. And I'm sure our Chinese friends are looking forward to that day which comes very soon and I look forward very much to being there among them at the time when those games lift off.

You will have a lot of support from your coaches and trainers, your family and friends. And don't forget that you have this whole nation of Australia behind you. And yes, we're going to be watching.

The 2008 Paralympic Games will be broadcast into every household in Australia, with over 100 hours of live and highlight coverage shown through the ABC. I thank the ABC for their commitment and for their support.

Also I hope that you thoroughly enjoy your time in Beijing, it's a great city. Therese and I have lived their ourselves for a few years, it's a fantastic place. You'll find many, many really interesting things to do apart from your actual participation in the games themselves. It's an ancient land, an ancient capital and a wonderful people.

And I would like to thank all the coaches, trainers, and other staff who support our athletes. Your dedication and professionalism is appreciated. On behalf of all Australians, I would like to wish all those participating in these the 13th Paralympic Summer Games the greatest of success.

Australia will be watching, Australia will be cheering, and Australia will be proud of you one and all.