PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
National Policy Commission on Indigenous Housing

The Australian Government will establish a National Policy Commission to develop innovative proposals to improve the provision of housing in remote Indigenous communities.

In my National Apology speech I committed the Government to the creation of a forum to develop solutions to the problem of overcrowding, health problems, violence and abuse that flow from inadequate housing in remote Indigenous communities.

The establishment of a National Policy Commission aims to meet that commitment.

The Commission will report to me as Prime Minister and the Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Jenny Macklin, and will meet at least four times a year with the first meeting to occur before the end of June 2008 if possible.

Jenny Macklin will oversee a secretariat comprising officers from my department and hers, to support the work of the Commission.

I will shortly write to all those I have previously nominated to invite them to take up positions on the Commission. These include: Mr Danny Gilbert AM;

Mr Paul Pholeros; Ms Leah Armstrong; Mr Joe Ross; Ms Tania Major; Mr Warren Mundine and Mr Dale Alcock.

I have confidence this group will provide sound advice to the Government on new approaches to addressing remote Indigenous Housing.

My great hope that this Commission might be bipartisan and include the Leader of the Opposition has not been realised.

The Government was unable to reach agreement with the Leader of the Opposition on the membership of the Commission, although two of his nominees, Mr Warren Mundine and Mr Dale Alcock will be invited to participate.

I have decided that this matter is too urgent to delay for the sake of an agreement that might never be reached.