PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Official Visit to Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands

I will visit Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands from 6-8 March. I will be accompanied by the Hon Duncan Kerr SC MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Pacific Island Affairs, and the Hon Bob McMullan MP, Parliamentary Secretary for International Development Assistance.

In Papua New Guinea, I will meet the Prime Minister, the Rt Hon Sir Michael Somare, and other senior ministers in Port Moresby. I will also visit Australian-funded aid projects in Goroka.

On 8 March, I look forward to meeting Solomon Islands Prime Minister the Hon Dr Derek Sikua, and other senior ministers in Honiara.

Australia has a strong and close relationship with Papua New Guinea. We want to see a strong, growing and stable neighbour to our north. We have significant links across trade and investment, defence and development assistance. Bilateral economic ties are close, with two-way merchandise and services trade valued at around A$4.4 billion in 2006-07. I look forward to seeing Sir Michael again, following our meeting in Bali in December 2007.

In Solomon Islands, Australia plays a leading role in the reconstruction and nation- building work of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands. I am also committed to using our bilateral aid program to assist with the country's rural development and infrastructure challenges. I was pleased to welcome Dr Sikua to Canberra in January this year. I look forward to continuing discussions on maximising the effectiveness of Australia's contribution to development challenges in Solomon Islands.

I will use the visit to underscore Australia's commitment to work in partnership with our friends and neighbours in the Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands on regional challenges, including economic sustainability, effective development, and climate change.