PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Meeting of the Council of Australian Governments, Effective Federalism for the Future: Practical Steps Towards Ending the Blame Game and Boosting Productivity Growth

I have asked the Premiers, Chief Ministers and the Australian Local Government Association to attend a Council of Australian Governments meeting in Melbourne on 20 December 2007.

The Government has a plan to move Australia forward by boosting long-term productivity growth for the future.

The Government has a plan to tackle Australia's future challenges and I want to begin implementing that plan as soon as possible.

I want to use this COAG meeting to set a new framework for co-operative Commonwealth-State relations and take practical steps to end the blame game.

The time for buck-passing must come to an end. The time for real work to deal with real problems facing the nation must begin.

Discussions at the Melbourne COAG will include:

1. The future of Health and Hospitals in Australia, including:

* Tackling elective surgery waiting lists

* Investing in aged care, especially in transition care

* Investing in public dental programs

* Preventative healthcare

2. Education, Skills and Training - The Productivity Agenda, including:

* Lifting the Year 12 retention target

* Investing in Early Childhood

* Promoting the study of Asian languages in our schools

* Establishing Trades Training Centres in Secondary Schools

* Implementing the Government's National Secondary School Computer Fund

* Developing a National Curriculum

3. Climate Change and Water, including:

* Establishing a National Emissions Trading system

* Establishing a single national renewable energy target

4. Infrastructure:

* Establishment of Infrastructure Australia to audit Australia's infrastructure bottlenecks.

5. Business deregulation, including:

* Cutting red tape for Australian business

6. Housing, including:

* More streamlined development approval processes and measures to reduce infrastructure charges and developer costs

* Addressing rental affordability

* Homelessness

7. Other National Reform Initiatives

The purpose of the 20 December meeting is to agree on a comprehensive program of work for COAG for 2008 with agreed objectives and reporting timelines.

In a departure from past meetings, I have invited Treasurers to also attend this meeting in Melbourne.

I do not under-estimate the degree of difficulty involved in this ambitious agenda.

But the time has come now to roll our sleeves up and get to work.


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