PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
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  • Howard, John Winston
Address to the St Charles School Spring Fair, Ryde


Thank you very much Father Monkerud, Mrs Hingerty, the Major of Ryde, the President of the Parents and Friends Association of St Charles and my fellow Australians. I simply want in opening this spring fair to pay tribute to the extraordinary contribution of the St Charles community to the strength of the Catholic faith in this area. The contribution over that 150 years that successive members of this parish have made to the spiritual life of the community and also take the opportunity of paying tribute to the strength of the Catholic education system here in Ryde in 2007 and looking back at the strength of that contribution over 150 years.

This is a community that I've had quite a bit of contact with over the years and I've shared a number of very important occasions with you and I'm delighted to have the opportunity of being here to open your spring fair. You certainly attract a large number of people and that is an illustration of the strength and the vibrancy of the community and this parish represents the modern face of Ryde. It represents people of many different ethnic and cultural backgrounds but united as Australians and united as people committed to the influence of the Christian faith and the importance of parents having the right to educate their children according to the choice which is always been a cornerstone of my personal beliefs in relation to education.

I admire the strength and resilience of the Catholic education system, it hasn't been easy over the years and I'm delighted that as the years have gone by it's been possible for governments to give more and more assistance because the education that your children receive according to your choice of faith is very important in the exercising of your rights as Australians.

I want to pay tribute to you Father and all the teachers here. Could I say to all the children, after your parents there are no more important people in your lives than your teachers. I know on occasions you may not think that but please believe me, it is true, and what you learn at school, what you are taught, the values you imbibe from your teachers are absolutely priceless as the years have gone by and I guess like any other parent I'm very grateful for the quality of education that my children received in both the public and private systems of Sydney and I'm, I want to take this opportunity of commending the principal and commending all the teachers of this wonderful school for the guidance and the education they give to their children.

And finally what a beautiful Australian spring day this is. It's a great day to be alive, it's a great day to give thanks for that and it's a great day to share this extraordinary privilege that we all have of living in the most wonderful country in the world and that of course is Australia and in that spirit and with those good wishes I have great pleasure in declaring this fete open. I hope it's a huge success, thank you.