PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Holt, Harold

Period of Service: 26/01/1966 - 19/12/1967
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Transcript ID:
00001339.pdf 5 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Holt, Harold Edward

Exchange of' remarks between President Johnson of the
U. S. and Prime Minister Harold Holt of' Australia at
arrival ceremonies for the Prime Minister on the
South Lawn of the * White House. 29th June. 1966.
Mr. Prime Minister and Mrs. Holt:
. ie greet you this morning as friend and partner.
It is a very genuine pleasure to welcoirie you and M. rs. Hclt,
and the distinguished members of your party, to our country.
j\: jy personal ties to your country are as deep as a man' s
can be. During the war I found among you openhearted
friendship when I was far from,, home. Now, once again, our two
nations are fighting side by side in the defence of freedom.
The first thing that I read every morning are the
battle reports from Viet Nam. I want you to know that I follow
the exploits of 4~, 500 Australians fighting there with the
same interest and concern as those of our ow. n men. Mr. Prime
Minister, I take great pride in their courage and their
dedication. I derive great strength from the sacrifices they
are making. You in Australia know that in Viet Nam we are meeting
a challea. ge which just must be met. It imst be met because
it is always dangerous to let aggression succeed. It must be
met becauge our SEATO commitments require us to defend the
people of South Viet Nam from external attack.
It must be met because the security of Australia and the
United Status of 1America is directly at stake in preserving
the independence and the freedom of the nations of South East
Asia. Jie also know that behind the struggle against
aggression in Viet Nam a vital, free Asia is rapidly emerging.
Shielded by the courage of the Vietnamese and their allies,
many Asian countries are driving forward with real success in
their economic and social development.
Vte all know of the remnarkable growth of Australia and
Japan in recent years. But last year the growth rate in South
Korea was 8 per cent., in Taiwan it was 7 per cent., in
Malaysia it was 512 per cent., in Thiland it was 6 per cent.
Growth in Iran has been averaging better than 6 per cent a year.

Pakistan is rapidly recovering from the setback
caused by the conflict last year.
Last week I received word from India which moved
me greatly. The monsoons have begun. It looks as though
the rainfall this year will be ample and the harvt will be
good. With adequate rainfall, the courageous measures of the
Indian government, and the support of the world cormunity, I
hope and I expect that India will surge forward in the year
ahead. Indonesia is turning the corner into the most
promising phase of its postwar history.
M1eanwhile, there is rising in Asia a new spirit of
regional association and regional self-confidencu. It was
that spirit to which I responded and which I tried to encourage
in the talk I gave in Baltimore in April, 1965.
Now the dream of an Asian development bank is a reality,
binding up the peoples from Teheran to Seoul in a great common
enterprise. . ork goes forward to develop the M4ekong Valley,
despite the conflict close by.
I know that Australia has, for many years, assuned a
majcr responsibility for the security and the development of
its region, through the Colombo Plan, the ,1ekong Committee,
SEATO, and bilateral contributions to developing regions of
the area. Our ovn security is heightened because we are
joined with you in hNZUS.
vie feel a new sense of fellowship and conmon destiny
emerging in Asia. followed with great interest the recent
meeting in Seoul of the Asian and Pacific Council, in which
your government participated.
Nations that were long isolated from each other are
now beginning to know each other and to find new cormon ground.
Old antagonisms are giving way to a new awareness that there
are great possibilities in working togethcr, great challenges
to be met and great jobs to be done.
Above all, Asia is proving once agai-that stability
and power are not to be found in tyranny and aggressive wars
against a neighbour.
Stability and power come frca free men and free nations
working together on behalf of the people. de both know that
should we fail in Viet Nan these new possibilities in free Asia
would be endangered or destroyed.

M1r. Prime Minister, as you co,. e this morning to this
house on your long-awaited visit, I wish to tell you and,
through you, to tell your wonderful people, that we shall not
fail. W~ e shall persist. 14e shall succeed.
The good, brave people of South Viet Namn shall be given
their chance to forge their own destiny in peace.
The free peoples of Asia shall be given their chance
to shape the destiny of their own region.
These are your goals in Asia, M'r. Prime Minister, and
they are ' also the goals of the United States of America.
llro President and Mlrs. Johnson..
Thank you for your warm welcomne, Mr. President. You
have said warin and generous things about Australia andits
people. Wk-hat a memorable morning for the Australian people and
f or an Australian Prime Minister. I thank you for the honour
which, by this ceremonial, you have accorded to my country and
you have accorded to me. vhat has been done will be appreciated
deeply by my people as it is by myself as head of my government.
4e meet, Mr. President, as heads of government while
our two nations are again-comrades in arms. This is at least
the fourth time in this century that Americans and Australians
have combined together vvith other friendly forces to resist
aggression. We fought alongside each other in two world wars, and
then Australia was the first country, I believe, to announce
itself beside you when America iiade the historic decision to
bring its strength to the aid of South Korea.
I say historic decision advisedly, because I believe
that to have been, Mr. President, one of the turning points
in human history. I believe at that critical point of time
was decided the issue of whether we handed Asia over to
penetrating, aggressive communism, or whether we kept intact
a large part of Asia as member countries of the coimñ pany of
free people throughout the world.
Australia was with you when you decided on the
decision, critical also to you and to us, in South Viet Nam,
another battleground against communist aggression.
You have spoken of the task force of Australians which
is now assembled in Saigon. You will be aware, M~ r. President,
that in other parts of South Last Asia Australia is making
a military contribution, small by the standards of your own
great country, but useful in the company in w.-hich we find
ourselves there.

I know that this task force in South Viet Nam will
acquit itself with disti-ction. The men that are serving
there are men of quality. They are well trained. The
first battalion was accorded the highest commendation by your
own leaders and by the leaders of South Viet Nam. The task
force which follows them will acquit them selves With no
less courage and distinction.
The outcome of this struggle is critical for the
hopes that you and we share for a better and more secure way
of life for the free people of Asia.
You have spoken of the vital free Asia that is
emerging. I can speak of this from some personal experience,
because not merely do we have a view from dom under which is
pelhaps a different perspective from that of others in
different parts of the world, but it has been my own good
fortune in recent times to have travelled over several of these
coLntries of South East Asia.
W, hat has occurred over recent years is a transformation.
To go through Thailand, 1,1alaysia, and even South Viet Nam,
itself, and see the massive support being rendered there, see
the security, the progress which has beon found possible by
these other countries where com,: unism has successfully been
held in check to see these things is to give heartening
encouragement to go on with the job of resisting aggression
where we find it.
But it does not take a war to bring Americans and
Australians close together. vq'e like each other. Friendships
form quickly between us. le have many mutually beneficial
links., our trade with each other., the investment that you
make with us with your capital. ge co-operate in many
constructive international interests and oauses.
You mentioned, 1ir. President, your time in Australia
years ago. A new Australia has arisen since then. When
can we ste you there again? And this time we hope with Mrs.
Johnson, and perhaps the whole family.
You will be encouraged to see the National growth in
which many American skills and resources have assisted.
lIr. President, we recognize all too clearly in my ovn
country that on yoa, personally, falls the heavy and at times
lonely responsibility of free world leadership on your country
these burdens have been assumed in comparatively recent times
in terms of modern history. But America has shouldered those
burdens firmly, and you have inspired and encouraged us all by
the strength of your own resolution.

You know that in Australia you have an understanding
friend. I am here, Sir, not asking for anything an
erperience which I am sure you value at times when it is not
sofrequent as it might be.
You have in us not merely an understanding friend, but
one staunch in the belief of the need for our presence with
you in Viet Nam. vie are not there because it is right to be
there, and, like you, vie shalh stay there as long as seems
necessary in order to achieve the purposes of the South
Vietnamese government and the purposes that we join in
formulating and progressing together.
And so, sir, in the lonelier and perhaps even more
disheartening moments which comre to any national leader, I hope
there will be a corner of your mind and heart which takes cheer
froii the fact that you have an adiiring friend, a staunch
friend, that will be all the way with LBJ.