P. M. No. 36/ 1966
Joint Statement by the Prime Minister, Mr. Harold HWlt and
the ifremier of Western Australia, Mr. D. BranI
The ' ommonwealth and Western Australian State
Governments are to continue their financial suppnrt for the
development of Exmouth, the support township for the United States
Communication Station at Iorth iest Cape. The township In being
constructed by the Viest Australian State authorities.
This was announced today in a joint statement
released by the Prime Minister, Mr. Harold lt, and the Western
Australian Premier, Mr. Brand.
The overall cost of housing and other public
facilities and amenities is estimated to be in excess of
47, OOOOO. This expenditure will be shared between the
Commonwealth and State with the Commonwealth providing the
greater share. In the development of Exmouth, the aim is to create
an attractive town of good standard, with an integrated community
@ f Australian and American families.
The pDpulatiDn of Exmouth is expected to reach about
2,000 by the end of 1967.
In the first phase 6f development, which is nearing
completiDn, forty-six houses have been built for Australian
families, and 130 are under construction for American families.
An office has been built for the Civil Commissioner
and his staff. Certain public buildings including a police
station and court house, health centre and library, emergency
centre and fire station are nearibg completion. A nursing
st ok five small wards is also nearing completion.
There will be -an integrated school in the t. wn for
Australian and American children. Twc classrooms built by
Australian authorities have been in use for a year, and six
classrooms are being built by United States authorities at their
expense. A children's playground and pre-school kindergarten are
also being developed. A hotel-motel has been opened and other commercial
developments include the completion of a store, garage and transport
depots. The second phase for development at Exmouth, which
is now being commenced, will include the building of an additional
8p4o ohl. ouses for Australian families, a community hall and a swimming
The number of classrooms at the school is to be
increased further, and full hospital facilities will replace the
nursing post now under construction. o/ 2
A programme of tree and grass planting for streets
and park lands will be undertaken, a nursery of shrubs and trees
has been established, bowling green, cricket oval, tennis and
basketball courts are nearing completion mand various social
clubs have been launched.
In releasing the statement in Canberra, Mr. Holt
said " The develpment of the township at Exmouth will
make an impirtant contribution to the operation of the
US Navy's chmmunication station at North ' Vest Cape.
" I need hardly emphasise the significance for
australia -anmd her Allies of the rapid and successful
completion of this whole project. But in addition tu
this defence significance, the Exmouth development will
add an aspect of decentralisation to the many other
projects now under way in WJestern Australia, bringing
greater diversification and balance to the activities
of the State."
17th April, 196