PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
  • Bali tragedy
Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston
Interview with Tony Eastley, ABC News



And joining ABC news live is the Prime Minister, Mr John Howard. Mr Howard when you say terrorists can strike anywhere, would that allow Australia to commit forces to Iraq and still allow for increased protection that you talk about at home and in the region?


Well they are two separate issues and obviously our first concern now is helping the victims of this terrible thing in Bali and doing everything we can in co-operation with the Indonesians to track down the people who have been responsible for murdering so many Australians in a foreign country.


But you are confident we would have the resources to do both?


Well, as you know Tony, no decision has been taken in relation to Iraq. It is hypothetical, you know that. We are dealing with the Iraqi situation through the United Nations and as recently as this morning when I spoke to President Bush he indicated that it was still his hope that that issue could be resolved without resort to military force and still have it resolved through the processes of the United Nations. I think the focus for Australia, understandably at the moment, is very much on helping the people who have been badly wounded and injured in Bali and offering comfort and support and help to those who have lost their loved ones in this terrible situation.


Prime Minister you want Indonesians to make a maximum effort in pursuing this investigation, how confident are you that they will pursue that investigation rigorously?


Tony, we want their co-operation, we have to deal with them in the way that maximises the outcome as far as Australia is concerned. I don';t think it is helpful to securing that co-operation for me at the moment to be speculating in answer to your question.


Alright, I might ask you…


Look I want to catch the people who did this, Australians want the people who did this caught, we need the help and co-operation of the Indonesians in order to do that. It is therefore clearly not in Australia';s interests for me to start speculating in advance about the measure of Indonesian co-operation, particularly on national news.


You told Parliament today there was a need to review anti-terrorism legislation, given that that has only recently been toughened what have you got in mind?


I think it';s prudent given what';s happened that we look again at that legislation and I also think it';s necessary that we look again at our counter-terrorist response capacity. In both areas I believe we are in good shape, but that doesn';t mean you can';t make it even better and it doesn';t mean that there aren';t some things that we shouldn';t learn out of what has occurred tragically in Bali over the weekend.


Prime Minister, thanks for joining us.


Thank you.
