PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Holt, Harold

Period of Service: 26/01/1966 - 19/12/1967
Release Date:
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Transcript ID:
00001239.pdf 2 Page(s)

FOR PRESS P. M. No. 5/ 1966
The new Prime Minister, Mr. Harold Holt c ntinues
to receive congratulatory messages from many parts of the
world. Among the latest messages from world leaders are
cables and letters from the Prime Ministers of Britain,
Canada, South Africa, New 4ealand, Iorthern Ireland, the
Soviet Union, Germany, reece, Israel, Korea, Malta Japan
and Rationalist China and from the Presidents of Pakistan
and -ialagasy. The British Prime Minister, Mr. ilson said
" I send you my best wishes on your appointment
as Prime Minister of Australia, following Sir Robert
Menzies' retirement. I look forward to working closely
with you on the many important questions which affect
our two countries and I warmly welcome you as a
Commonwealth colleague. I am sure that under your
leadership Australia and Britain will maintain their
strong ties of friendship."
The Canadian Prime Minister, Mr. Lester Pearson
said " My colleagues and I should like to join in
congratulating you on your appointment as Prime
iinister in the Commonwealth Government to succeed
Sir Robert Menzies. From the experience of my
colleagues who have had the pleasure of meeting you
and working with you in Commonwealth and international
bodies there has developed the fullest confidence that
the intimate and warm ties that have existed between
our two governmats will continue and be strengthened.
I look forward to having the same frank
and easy exchanges on mutual problems with you that I
and my predecessors have long enjoyed with Sir Robert.
I hope we will have an early opportunity of meeting.
Please accept my and my colleagues very
warmest best wishes as you assume your new responsibilities."
The New Zealand Prime Minister, Mr. Holyoake,
said " My colleagues and I would like to congratulate
you on the occasion of your assuming office as Prime
Minister and to wishyou sincerely every success in the
years ahead. I am sure that the varm friendship between
our countries will ensure continuing co-operation in
all matters of mutual concern. Towards that end I
should like you to know that you may always rely on
my fullest co-operation. Under your leadership
Australia I know will continue to provide that
forthright influence in Commonwealth and world affairs
which it has had now for many years." / 2

The message from the Chairman of the Council of
Ministers of the Mr. Kosygin, reads
" Please, Mr. Prime Minister accept my
con. ratulations in connection with your appointment
to the position of Prime Minister of the Commonwealth
of Australia. Permit me to express the hope
that relations between the Soviet Union and Australia
will develop favourably in the interests of the
peoples of our countries and of the cause of peace
In our time."
CANBERRA, 27th January, 1966