PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
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  • Howard, John Winston
Address at the Young Australian of the Year Award Lunch

Subjects: Australia Day; young Australians


Thank you very much Sandra, Lisa Curry-Kenny the Chairman of the National Australia Day Council, Marjorie Turbayne, David Kemp, Archbishop Hollingworth, other very distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. Can I say how delighted Janette and I are to be here and to play a small part in this very national recognition of the contribution of young Australians to the vibrancy and the health of our community. More than perhaps on earlier years because it's the Centenary year in which we look back on what our country has achieved over the last one hundred years.

This Australia Day Council brings a focus on everything that is good and positive about Australian life. And recognising the achievement of people, giving people a pat on the back and saying that in your own endeavour you've done something rather special for our country is a very important way of contributing to that great sense of cohesion and harmony that exists within Australia.

I've had many emotional experiences as Prime Minister over the last 12 months. It's a very moving experience to have the privilege of being Prime Minister of such a remarkable country. And as I look back over the last year I would have to say that by far the most moving experience that I had, and there were many, was a few hours I shared with some 12 to 15,000 young Australians on Gallipoli Peninsula on ANZAC Day of last year. And this gathering interest and commitment of young Australians to that particular part of the Australian story, that very special part of the Australian story, means now some 10 to 15,000 young Australians gather enthusiastically in their inimitable relaxed yet respectful way on Gallipoli Peninsula each ANZAC Day. And to have the opportunity as my wife and I did to move amongst them and talk to them and to share their sense of excitement yet their sense of wonder at that part of the history of our country brought home to me probably better than any other experience that I could have had over the last year, the sheer quality, decency and positive attitude of young Australians. And as we celebrate the achievements of young Australia today, as we honour those who have been put forward and as particularly later on we honour the person chosen as the Young Australian of the Year we give thanks to today's younger generation for what they mean to us, we hope and pray that they do not have to do what the younger generation of earlier years that we honour on ANZAC Day had to do so tragically in defence of our country. But most importantly we give thanks that our country has produced such remarkably talented young people in so many fields of Australian endeavour. I thank all of them on behalf of the nation, I pay tribute to them and I express my unbounded confidence in the capacity of young people to build an even better and greater country in the next one hundred years.

