The honest admission by Labor's Regional Development, Infrastructure, Transport and Population spokesman Martin Ferguson (Courier Mail Saturday 17/2/2001) that there was no underspending of $2.9 billion on roads is in stark contrast to the blatantly dishonest exploitation of this issue by the Leader of the Opposition.
In responding to the Auditor-General's report Mr Beazley knowingly distorted the truth. There has never been an underspending of $2.9 billion on road funding.
As Mr Ferguson said, "Look . there is no $2.9 billion that wasn't spent. It's an accounting issue." He went on to say "You've got to tell these people the truth . to win the respect of people you have to be honest."
This is not a standard the Opposition Leader has applied to his comments on road funding.
As the Deputy Prime Minister has repeatedly said the Auditor-General's report dealt with what were essentially accounting and classification issues.
The Federal Government has in fact dramatically increased road funding with its $1.6 billion Roads to Recovery programme.
Kim Beazley should take a truth lesson from Martin Ferguson.
However, if you are willing to deceive the Australian people as Finance Minister about a budget deficit of $10.3 billion why concern yourself with fiddling the truth on road funding.
19 February 2001