FOR PRESS P. M. No. 88/ 1965
Statement by the Pri. me Minister, Sir Robert Menzies
I received a deputation today representing the
Australian Woolgrowers' and Graziers' Council, The Graziers'
Association of New South Ialesand tho N. S. W. Country Party
to discuss the drought situation. My colleagues, the
Treasurer, Mr. Holt, and the Minister for Primary Industry,
Mr. Adermann, joined me in these discussionsd
The deputation gave us details of the current
drought situation, particularly in Northern New South Wales
and Queensland. I informed them of the steps my Government has
already taken and gave an assurance that it would give
careful consideration to the views they put forward.
The Australian Jioolgrowers' and Graziers' Council
was represented by its President, Mr. T. B. C. Walker, and
Executive Officer, Mr. P. Nicholas, while the Graziers'
Association of New South Wales was represented by its
Chairman, Mr. B. A. Vright; representing the New South
Wales Country Party was its Chairman, Mr. R. Hurt.
Also attending the meeting were two Liberal and
two Country Party members, Messrs. J. M. Fraser, H. J. Bate,
I. A. Allan and V. A. Pettit.
CANBERRA, ath November, 1965.