PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
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Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston
Announcement of Scoresby Road Funding, Wantirna, Victoria

Subjects: Scoresby Road Funding; Women in the Defence Force; HIH.



Well ladies and gentlemen this morning I'm delighted to announce that the Federal Government will designate the Scoresby Freeway as a road of national importance. That means that we will contribute on a dollar for dollar basis with the State Government, we'll pick up 50% of Government contributions to the construction of the freeway. We've had some productive discussions with the Victorian Government and we are prepared to commit $220 million to this project. That $220 million will of course be matched by the Victorian Government and between us we will negotiate a partnership with the private sector to fund the construction of the entire freeway over a period of years, in a fashion that need not require the introduction of a toll to be paid by the public. There are financing techniques available, there are a number, and in partnership with the State Government we will negotiate with the private sector. This project has been the subject of very strong advocacy by my federal colleagues, all of whom are here today. I also would add that the late Peter Nugent, who's widow Carol is with us today, joins his other colleagues representing people in the Scoresby corridor in their persistent advocacy of this project. And I also acknowledge the presence of the Mayor and two of my state Parliamentary colleagues who've also been persistent advocates. Now this area of Melbourne is home to one million people, it accounts for something like 40% of the manufacturing and other productive output of Melbourne. This project when completed will reduce travelling time for about 100,000 vehicles a day. It has enormous implications for the tourist industry. It will ease driving conditions for tens of thousands of Melbournians every day. It is rare that a project of this type is declared a road of national importance, normally these things are left entirely to the responsibility of state governments. We believe that this project is so important to the people of this part of Melbourne that we are prepared to shoulder 50% of the government contribution to the project. It is a real win for the Federal representatives of this area of Melbourne, that they put a very strong case to the Federal Government. Most of the $220 million that we will commit to the project comes out of the $1.6 billion additional road money that I announced along with the Deputy Prime Minister just before Christmas. Finalisation of the arrangements will be subject to a number of matters that have been involved in discussions between Mr Anderson and his Victorian counterparts. This is a real redletter day for the people of Scoresby corridor. This freeway has been long argued for, it's been long needed and it will now come to fruition because the Federal Government is willing to shoulder half of the government contribution and commit unequivocally $220 million to its construction.


How soon is construction going to start?


Well as soon as we finalise the details with the Victorian Government, and they of course are the constructing authority. And as far as we are concerned our money is available, our money is there, it will be in our budget on the 22nd of May, so no arguments, no ifs buts, no maybes, it's there. We'll expect it of course to be matched by the Victorian Government and together we can negotiate, I'm sure, an arrangements with the private sector which will not require the imposition of a private toll to be paid by the motorist. There are financing techniques available, and we'll discuss that further with the Victorian Government. And can I say the discussions to date have been practical and they've been positive and I would hope that that would continue to be the case. I mean we have decided to support this project because it's very important (inaudible) it really will make a huge difference to travelling conditions in this part of Melbourne. Thankyou.


Do you know what sort of a time saving.


Something in the order of for sections of it 15 minutes, for others 20 minutes and for some 25 minutes. That is gold gold isn't it in terms travelling it's fantastic. Golden time savings.


On another matter, Prime Minister, could I ask you what your views on the new political power, of political party 'People Power' who are going to run a candidate in Aston?


I don't know anything about it.


What about women in the defence force?


Well 95% of positions in the defence force (inaudible) women. And I'm regularly flown by some very talented female pilots in the RAAF. I think they're terrific.


(inaudible) combat.


Well that's the subject of a report and we'll have a look at that.


What about HIH?


HIH will be the subject of a very detailed considerations by the Government, and the Treasurer dealt with that very comprehensively this morning (inaudible) you have a look at his interview. Thank you