PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
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Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston


Thank you very much Larry, ladies and gentlemen.

I am here as I think you all know as part of an almost week long visit

to rural and regional parts of Australia to learn more of the opportunities

as well as the problems and challenges of that part of our country.

I have certainly learnt or have confirmed for me, I understood it before

but there's nothing quite like having it driven home in many face-to-face

discussions. But one of the things that people in the region value most

of all is the maintenance and expansion of basic services and whether

those basic services are provided by the Government, provided by the private

sector or provided through a cooperative effort of the two the outcome

is the same. That is the community has a better service, has an enhanced

opportunity of access to those services.

And one of the areas of great concern to people in the region is to have

adequate access to financial services. And the opening of this Credit

Union here in Ocean Shores today will improve the availability of financial

services in this part of Australia. Today is not an exercise in simply

maintaining an existing service level it's an exercise in increasing

and improving an existing service level.

And this has been made possible by the efforts of the Summerland Credit

Union which has made such an enormous contribution to this part of Australia.

And it's also been made possible as a result of the improved regulatory

environment of the credit union that came out of the Wallis inquiry. The

Wallis inquiry which really updated the Australian financial systems was

established by the Government just after we were elected in 1996. And

the recommendations of that inquiry have largely been adopted. And one

of those recommendations was to give credit unions enhanced access to

chequeing and other facilities, to have them more closely linked to the

payment system. In other words, to enhance the role, the viability and

therefore the capacity of credit unions throughout Australia.

And increasingly as we go around Australia we find credit unions replacing

the role that was performed by banks. We see because of the change in

the flexibility in Australian financial systems we see new opportunities

opening up for credit unions. And I applaud the credit union movement

and I congratulate the Summerland Credit Union in particular for the initiative

that is displayed genuinely and particularly for the initiative that is

being displayed here in Ocean Shores.

But in addition to that, the Government itself recognised that apart

from improving the regulatory climate and therefore making the expansion

of the credit union movement possible the other thing the Government has

done is to provide some $70 million out of the proceeds of the sale of

the second part of Telstra to finance the establishment throughout Australia

of 500 rural transaction centres.

And these are clusters of services. I opened the first one of them in

Eugowra which is near Parkes in New South Wales, a town of probably 500

or 600 people. I opened it up in the old Westpac banking chamber. And

the facilities that this transaction centre contained were basic financial

services, Medicare easy claim facilities, Internet services, copying facilities

and also provision for the establishment of other facilities.

Now, what these rural transaction centres will do is to provide on a

cooperative basis in small country communities around Australia a capacity

for the local community with seed money from the Federal Government to

bring basic services back to rural Australia.

So when you have the combination of the credit union bringing new services

to Australia and you have these rural transaction centres bringing services

back to rural Australia I think you can actually see the beginning of

turning around of the changes that have occurred. So having local facilities

is important for any local community and people want a sense of local

identity. This is a very nice part of the world in which to live, it deserves

basic services and the credit union movement is to be congratulated. And

Summerland Credit in particular is to be congratulated for the initiative

and the foresight and the commitment it is making to this community. And

from now on there will be a new enhanced local financial facility in this

part of the world. It's been made possible essentially by the credit

union movement but in turn the changes we made to the financial system

created the right environment and the right climate for the credit union

movement to expand.

I therefore wish the Summerland Credit Union well. I congratulate it.

I thank it for the contribution that it's making to the local community

and I have great pleasure in declaring the Summerland Credit Union here

in Ocean Shores officially open for business. Thank you.
