The Federal Opposition Leader, Kim Beazley, knows that if a half GST is not imposed on caravan park residents then rents will still rise by a comparable amount to that which would flow from the application of the half GST.
That is why he engaged in wordy evasion when confronted with the question on âMeet the Press' today.
Labor has deliberately misled caravan park residents. Those residents will be no better off if the half GST is not imposed. That is because if the half GST is not imposed, caravan park owners will not receive refunds of their input taxes.
Therefore, those owners will increase the rents or fees they charge their residents in order to recoup those taxes.
That is why the option available in relation to caravan parks does not discriminate against residents. They are not unfairly treated compared with other long term residents.
Labor has deceived them. When asked if he would roll back the half GST all the Opposition Leader could say was that caravan park residents would have "top priority" under any future Labor Government Ñwhatever that means!
Labor attacks the Government on caravan parks but doesn't promise to do anything different.
18 June 2000