The Minister for Justice and Customs has informed me that the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions has concluded that in relation to the unauthorised use of Mr Reith's telecard, there is insufficient evidence for the laying of criminal charges against any person.
This conclusion follows referral by the Australian Federal Police to the Director of Public Prosecutions of the results of the investigation of the matter commissioned by the Minister last May.
There remains the question of any civil legal obligation on the part of Mr Reith (or indeed any other person) in relation to the remaining monies arising from the unauthorised usage of the telecard.
I have today asked the Solicitor-General, Mr David Bennett QC, for advice as to the civil legal liability of Mr Reith or any other person for the remaining monies.
Naturally, Mr Reith has indicated to me that if the Solicitor-General advises that any liability exists on his part, he will make immediate arrangements to meet that obligation.
11 October 2000