PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston


[Tape starts]

General Cosgrove has proved to be an inspiration not only to the men and

women of the Australian Defence Force, but also to the men and women of

other countries that are serving with Australians in the INTERFET force.

You've behaved in an absolutely impeccable and professional manner. Your

training has been demonstrated to be very adequate for the job that you

were given. You've not only secured your military objectives, but just as

importantly you have secured the broader social and civilian objectives

that these days any men and women in the armed forces of a country must

do. You've won the confidence and the respect and the affection of the local

people who've had a very rough time. You came here because it was the right

thing for our country to do, and it was also in Australia's interests that

you come. And having come here you've discharged your job with tremendous

professional skills...[break in speech].

But could I just say picking up where I stopped, that you came here in the

name of the whole country, and you came to carry out a very just mission

and also a mission that was in Australia's long term interests. And you've

brought back to the people of East Timor some hope, some optimism, and some

measure of faith in the future. You've also restored great peace and stability

to this area. It's been a very important, although unexpected part of your

military life, and I know that many of you have quite properly seen it as

the sort of thing that you joined the Army in order to do. And I know that

when you came here there was understandably a lot of apprehension about

how dangerous it was because it was dangerous, and we shared as best we

could the anxiety that you and more importantly your families would have

felt about what might happen. But because of the tremendous training that

you've received and the way in which you've been so effectively led, gratefully

and thankfully casualties have been kept to an absolute minimum and that's

something that we're always extremely grateful to know.

Can I assure you that your mission here has the total support of the entire

Australian population. In the 25 years that I've been in politics I've not

known an overseas involvement of Australia, and this of course is our biggest

involvement militarily since the Vietnam War, which has attracted such across

the board support. Irrespective of differences back home over other issues,

there is very widespread support that you're right to be here, that you've

done it well, and that in the process you have added a great deal of lustre

to a very proud Australian military tradition. And I want therefore on behalf

of myself, my Government, and all of the people of Australia to express

my gratitude and thanks and appreciation and respect to all of you, to the

commander of the INTERFET operation Major-General Cosgrove, to all the other

commanding officers of the Australian units that are serving here, because

Australia has led this mission. It was Australia's initiative that brought

this mission about. It was Australian leadership that got the INTERFET together,

and it's been Australian leadership that had done so much effective work.

But that is not in any way to play down the significance of the cooperation

from our 16 or 17 other friends within the INTERFET forces, from different

parts of the world. All of them have played a very very significant role.

But your contribution has been immense. I thank you for it. I wish all of

you well. I hope that it continues to be a smooth operation, and that in

the fullness of time when it's fully completed, all of you will safely return

home to your families and other loved ones. And can I just very very warmly

thank you very much.

I have two pieces of mail that I want to deliver. One of them is to Private

Robin J Moore of the boys of the Intelligence Section who corresponded with

me, and I was very pleased to respond to their correspondence. And also

Major S E Clinging of 2RAR as well. And in the course of moving around and

saying hello to you I'd be delighted to meet those two gentlemen and personally

hand these items of mail to them.

But just again, thank you very much. You've done a superb job and the entire

Australian nation is very proud of all of you. Thanks.
