PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
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Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston


Your Excellency, the Premier of South Australia, John Olsen, to my

ministerial colleagues, Senator Nick Minchin, Sir Arvi Parbo the Chairman

of the Board, Mr Hugh Morgan the Managing Director, the leader of

the South Australian Opposition, Mr Wran, other colleagues, ladies

and gentlemen.

In coming here today to open the Olympic Dam extension I wanted to

demonstrate first and foremost the very strong commitment of the Federal

Government to the mining industry in this country. Providing about

$41 billion of export income the mining sector is still the major

contributor to the export earnings of Australia. The mining industry

at present in Australia operates in quite a challenging environment.

Although the domestic economy is strong inflation is low, interest

rates are the lowest they have been for decades, industrial disputes

are at record low levels and we have been operating for several years

under an exchange rate regime which has been administered in a way

to promote and not retard the international competitiveness of the

Australian economy. It is nonetheless the case that world commodity

prices are very low and as such the export environment because of

that is very challenging. And it is therefore all the more welcome

to me as Prime Minister and to the Federal Government generally that

WMC continues to make such an enormous investment in mineral development

and mineral exploration in this country.

And I want on behalf of the Government to thank that company for the

faith that it's shown in Australia's economic strength and

Australia's economic future. I want to thank it for the contribution

that it's made over the years to the export earnings of our nation.

And I also in issuing those thanks want to particularly thank the

workforce of the company. Mining is not the easiest of vocations.

It has its challenges, it has its depravations, it has its difficulties,

it still, despite the enviable safety record of this company, also

has its dangers. And there are aspects of mining that many other sections

of the Australian community would not readily embrace. And I do want

to record my admiration for the miners of Australia, my admiration

for the employees and the managers of Western Mining for the remarkable

contribution that you have made to the development of the minerals

sector in Australia and the remarkable contribution you have made

to the economic strength of this country.

It is important that we provide uncompromising support to the mining

industry in this country. It is possible to strike a balance between

caring for our environment and sensibly exploiting the mineral deposits

of Australia. We have been given by providence a remarkable store

of mineral deposits. There is no nation on earth that has been as

fortunate as Australia in that respect and we would be very negligent

not only to ourselves but also to future generations if we allowed

obsessions with other things as distinct from the reasonable advocacy

of other things to deny us the rational and sensible and careful exploitation

of the mineral reserves of this nation. A strong mining sector provides

not only tens of thousands of jobs in its own right but through downstream

processing and the contribution it makes to the manufacturing industry

of Australia, it provides hundreds of thousands of jobs. It provides

wealth to its shareholders. And I'm very proud of the fact that

Australia is now second only to the United States as the greatest

share-owning democracy in the world. And it's a very, very proud

thing that you have a nation that has so many shareholders and I want

more shareholders. And if we have our way and we get a few people

crossing the floor in our Upper House we might have a lot more shareholders

in Australia.

But it is a tremendous day. And it's right that Arvi pays tribute

to the customers. No business works without customers. No business

prospers without customers. And looking after your customers and keeping

them satisfied is a tremendously important element of any industry.

So I want to congratulate all of those people who have been associated

with Roxby Downs from its beginning.

I, along with Sir Arvi and John Olsen and others, went down and had

a look at that remarkable engineering feat which is this operation

here. And it's the first time I've had the opportunity of

visiting this particular site, and I really did find it quite a remarkable

engineering feat. And Arvi remarked on a number of occasions how different

it was from when he started in the mining industry in Germany some

50 years ago. And, indeed, mining has changed. It's become more

sophisticated. It's become more productive. But there's

still an ethos in the mining industry that binds the men and women

of that industry together in a particular fashion.

So to all of you who are associated with this opening today, the company,

the employees, the customers, the townspeople of this area, and I

had the opportunity of meeting some of the school children and I was

told by their headmaster that they had all been there for just on

ten years and they've had an association, a living association,

with the mining industry and the development of this great resource.

Before I conclude there is one other thing that I want to say, and

because it is the last public mining occasion of this character that

Arvi Parbo will be present at as he will retiring as Chairman of the

Board of WMC, I want to pay a special tribute as Prime Minister to

Arvi for the enormous contribution that he has made, not only to this

company but he has made to Australian industry and to Australia generally.

I can't think of a single Australian who better epitomises the

post-world war achievement of this country. Our capacity to absorb

in a harmonious and positive way millions of people from all around

the world. Arvi came to Australia via Germany from his native Estonia

almost 50 years ago. He couldn't speak a word of English when

he came to this country. He graduated with first class honours in

engineering from Adelaide University. He went on to become not only

Chairman of Western Mining but also Chairman of the ‘big Australian'.

I have known him for more than 20 years. I have not found a businessman

in Australia who better combines a capacity to run a company efficiently,

to see the importance of productivity and making a profit but also

the social and community responsibilities of corporate Australia to

the rest of the nation. And I do thank the company and I compliment

Arvi Parbo on the announcement that is being made today about the

establishment of the WMC trust. It is the very example of the sort

of corporate philanthropy which I believe we need more of in Australia.

And Western Mining has been one of those companies that has always

been to the fore and has always been demonstrating a lead.

But Arvi you have impressed those that you've met in business

and in life generally greatly with your integrity, with your high

intelligence, your love of Australia, your love of mining, your understanding

of your fellow human beings. You are a marvellous example of what

we have achieved in this country of how with nothing, with not even

a knowledge of the language of our nation, you can go to the very

top. It's a tribute to you but it's also a tribute to the

Australian dream and the Australian ideal of the last 50 years. And

on that note I have very great pleasure in declaring open the Olympic

Dam extension. Thank you.
