PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston


SUBJECTS: taxation reform, business taxation system, Ralph Report, Asian-Pacific

region, Australia's relationship with Israel.

Thank you very much Chris for that very warm and generous introduction.

To Leon Kempler, to his Excellency the Ambassador to Australia from Israel,

Sir Zelman Cowen, the former Governor-General of Australia, my ministerial

and parliamentary colleagues, the Governor of the Reserve Bank, Ian Macfarlane,

and many distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen.

It is for me a particular honour and pleasure to be at this lunch. And there

are a number of things I want to say about the connection I feel I have

with the Chamber and what the Chamber represents in terms of relations between

the people of Australia and the people of Israel.

But I think it is appropriate for me to say at the very beginning that I

know that I speak on behalf of all of you here, and I know millions of Australians,

in expressing to the Government and the people of Turkey our immense sadness

at the enormous natural disaster which has overtaken that country. I've

asked the relevant sections of our Government to assess what assistance

Australia can provide to the Government and to the people of Turkey and

I know that the thoughts of many Australians and most particularly those

within our community who have family links with Turkey will be very much

with the people who are suffering as a result of this terrible natural disaster.

Ladies and gentlemen my pleasure in being here today and the honour I feel

in being invited to address this lunch is based in no small measure than

on the association at a personal level I've had, long pre-dating my entry

into public life, with the Jewish people of Australia and the profound admiration

that I've had for the State of Israel and what that country has achieved

since it's formation in 1948 in such adversarial and difficult circumstances.

And I'm very proud of the fact that I've led a government which has, whilst

its kept its eye very clearly on the maintenance of a fair and just peace

in the Middle East, is a Government that has always in terms of its voting

record in the United Nations and generally in a diplomatic sense deported

itself in a way that is profoundly sympathetic and understanding towards

the Government and the people of Israel. And the Australian Government has

always understood the difficulties faced by the State of Israel and has

pursued policies which are conducive to a further understanding of that.

I welcome very warmly the message that was sent to this luncheon by the

newly elected Prime Minister of Israel, Ehud Barak. He starts with a very

large mandate and I can say from personal experience its always good to

have your first term in government with a very large majority because you're

bound in the course of taking decisions that are important to the future

of your country and the long term stability of your government, you are

bound to take some decisions that are going lose you a few friends and lose

you a bit of support. I look forward to the Prime Ministership of Mr Barak.

I wish him well. I know that he will pursue a just and lasting peace in

the Middle East and I know that it is the desire of not only of my government

but of all Australians of goodwill that there be that peace which recognises

the legitimate rights, not only of the State of Israel and the people of

Israel, but also the legitimate rights of other nations and other peoples

within the Middle East.

The relationship between Australia and Israel is a very close relationship.

It is a relationship built on some common values. It is a relationship built

on the common value of our commitment to individual liberty and freedom.

Israel has been since her foundation a beacon of democracy and liberty in

the Middle East. We share those values and those aspirations with Israel

and our two peoples feel close as a consequence. We have of course very

special links through the vibrant character of the Jewish community in Australia,

but not only that but also because of the great respect so many Australians

feel towards Israel and what Israel has achieved over the last 50 years.

We have substantial economic links. But those economic links can be advanced

and I'm glad that the information technology delegation that was led by

Richard Alston to Israel was seen in such a highly successful light and

I hope that the delegation dealing with agribusiness, which will shortly

go to Israel, led by Phil Scanlan of Bonlac will be equally successful because

in those two areas in particular, information technology and agribusiness,

there is much to be shared between our two nations and our two societies.

And it is through those sorts of links that we can build the modern 21st

century characteristics of the relationship. The bonds of culture, the bonds

of freedom, the people to people links, the cultural links, will always

be there. But as Dr Johnstone exhorted us to do we should always keep our

friendships in good repair and the friendship between Australia and Israel

is no exception and we must seek in every way to build new ways of deepening

and widening that friendship.

And on that score I would like on behalf of the Government to address some

words of thanks to you Mr Ambassador as you complete your tour of duty here

in Australia. Over the last four years you have represented your country

with great skill and dignity and grace. You have been a fine Ambassador

for the people of Israel. You have understood the character of the relationship

between our two nations and our two societies and you have interpreted in

a new and fresh way the relevance of the links between our two societies

as we move towards the 21st century. And I therefore thank you and your

wife for the great work you have done in building even deeper links between

our two societies and on behalf of everybody here I wish you well in your

diplomatic and personal future as you leave this country with our immense

gratitude and our immense goodwill for a job remarkably well done.

In his introductory remarks Chris Anderson was kind enough to speak of the

health and the strength of the Australian economy. And I want to spend just

a few moments reinforcing the importance and the relevance of the strong

economic climate that has been created in Australia over the last few years.

There is little doubt that we are now experiencing the strongest economic

fundamentals that Australia has seen since the late 1960s and in many ways

the fundamentals are better now than they were then because then we were

living in something of a world of economic unreality. We still then lived

behind high tariff barriers. We lived under a centralised wage fixation

system. We saw our markets as rather limited. The potential economically

of the Asian Pacific region was yet to be fully realised and when we look

back on those years, prosperous though they were, we could see that in a

sense they were something of a calm before the economic storm which overtook

the world in the 1970s with the end of fixed exchange rates, the quadrupling

of oil prices and the other fundamental changes that occurred around the


But now 30 years on our economy has been transformed. We are now an outward

looking economy. We have low tariff barriers. We have a floating exchange

rate. We are very much part of the global economy. We see information technology

as being at the leading edge of economic achievement as we go into the next

millennium. And importantly we've had governments, and I say governments

because I am willing to give credit to my predecessors in one or two areas

where I believe they undertook reforms that have been important to the long

term economic strength of this country. And I think particularly of the

decisions taken to deregulate the financial system and reduce tariff levels

in Australia. But we have therefore had governments and most particularly

the government that I've had the privilege of leading over the last three

and a half years that have been willing to embrace fundamental change and

reform and it is no accident that we have been able to stare down the worst

economic downturn Asia has ever experienced.

People often say to me that we have been lucky. Now we have been lucky.

It's a great saying about Australia - the lucky country - coined by Donald

Horne. But it's also true that you make your own luck. You make your own

luck in life and you make your own luck as a nation. And we have made our

own luck over the last few years. We could have squibbed it with the budget

when we came into office. We could have said oh well if economic growth

increases it will whirr back into surplus as somebody once famously said.

We could have done that. We could have taken the easy way out in relation

to industrial relations reform. We could have squibbed the fight that was

needed to reform the Australian waterfront. We could have put taxation reform

aside because it was too difficult. We could have gone soft on competition

reform. We could have done all of those things. And if we had done all of

those things, if we had sat on our economic reform hands after 1996, you

would not now be experiencing the sort of buoyant business conditions that

I think most Australians in business are now experiencing. And the economic

strength we now have and the respect that is now afforded to Australia in

international political and economic forums is no accident. It is a consequence

of the policy changes that we have embraced over the last three and a half


A few weeks ago I was in the United States and naturally I visited not only

Washington, but also the financial centre of the world New York and I found

there the greatest level of respect for the strength of the Australian economy

that I have encountered at any time in the 25 years that I have been visiting

that city in various political capacities. And the greatest thing to me

out of what Australia has achieved over the last few years is the psychological

boost it's given all of us. We've always been a confident people. We've

always been an optimistic people. But there's also been quite a number amongst

us who believe that when it gets to the rough and tumble of international

economic competition sometimes we can't cut the mustard. But what I think

out capacity to stare down this Asian economic downturn has done is that

it's given to us a national self-confidence, a national self-belief, a national

sense of economic achievement, the like of which this country has not had

certainly not in my experience and perhaps in our experience since the end

of World War II.

So we are looking at a situation where our economic fundamentals are very

strong. And as I frequently say this is not a council of complacency or

smugness. You climb one economic reform hill and you find another in front

of you. You never rest. You can never say well we've had three and a half

very good years. Now we'll sit back and enjoy it and just let the economy

look after itself. Once you start to do that people are entitled to ask

the question are you any longer fit to be in government? Because the process

of reform is an ongoing one It's an ongoing challenge. And that is why having

successfully negotiated 85 to 90 per cent of our tax package through the

Parliament, and I regret the fact that we didn't get the lot. We went to

the Australian public with a package. The Australian public voted for that.

I felt right up until Senator Harradine made that famous speech in the Senate

I thought there was a chance of getting the lot through. And when he stood

up and said "I can't", or "I can not", I think and he

didn't. I knew that what we had to do was to sit down and negotiate with

the Australian Democrats and see what we could get through.

And as a result of that negotiation we didn't get everything but we got

85 to 90 per cent of it. And that represents the most historic change to

our taxation system since Federation.

But the next shoe to fall as far as taxation reform is, of course, reforming

our business taxation system. And I want first of all in my remarks about

it today I want to record my immense gratitude to my friend and an eminent

Australia businessman, John Ralph, who is here today, for his chairmanship

and stewardship of this remarkably coherent examination of Australia's business

taxation system. I also want to thank Rick Allet and Bob Joss who assisted

John Ralph in preparing this review.

It is without question the most comprehensive and detailed review of Australia's

business taxation system ever. It is not, of course, the first review that's

ever been carried out of Australia's taxation system. We have been regularly

reviewing our system now for as long as I have been in Parliament. In fact,

within a few months of my coming into Parliament in 1974 we got the report

of the Asprey review which was commissioned by the late Billy Snedden when

he was Treasurer in the McMahon Government. And now a quarter of a century

on the big thing that has changed is that governments have begun to implement

reviews of our taxation system.

We have brought about fundamental change to the general taxation system.

We are now about to focus on fundamental change of the business tax system.

And we couldn't have been better served by the report that John has delivered.

And I want to thank him very warmly on your behalf and on behalf of the

Government for the tremendous dedication that he has brought to the task

over the last nine or ten months.

Now, I can't announce to you today, much as all that a few people suggested

I should, I can't announce to you today all of the decisions that the Government

has taken on the review that John and his colleagues have prepared. I can

however take you as best I can into my confidence, the Government's confidence,

regarding the process that we are going to bring to an examination of the


We have commenced the detailed examination in Cabinet of the Ralph report.

We haven't taken decisions, we still have a number of meetings to hold and

quite a deal of analysis to undertake and no doubt at various stages quite

a lot of questioning of members of the review group and people associated

with preparation of the report.

I am able to say to you that the Australian business taxation system will

undergo quite fundamental change as a result of the recommendations of the

report. And without canvassing areas of the report that I cannot canvass

by dint of the fact that many elements of it do have a market sensitivity

and until the Government has taken a decision as to which direction to go

it is inappropriate to speculate.

But I can say a number of things about the recommendations that are important

for the Government's understanding and I hope the business community's understanding

of it. And that is first and foremost it's very cohesive and integrated.

It represents a total road map of the way forward so far as our taxation

system is concerned. It's not one of those reports that, sort of, puts and

takes and where you end up with something that lacks coherence and lacks

integration. It's a report that quite properly is designed to make this

country competitive in the 21st century.

And I frequently say at gatherings like this that we are, for better or

for worse, we are part of the global world economy. Those who think that

in some way we can go back to the old days of shutting out the world and

letting it pass us by are deluding themselves. We can't do that. And if

we are to survive and if we are to do better than we are doing at the present

time then, of course, we have to be part of the global economy. And that

means we have to make investment decisions in this country as attractive

as possible. It means that when we are looking at something like the capital

gains tax, which I and the Government believe does need significant change

and reform, we need to look at the attractiveness not only of Australians

making investment in this country but also the attractiveness of Australia

for people elsewhere to make investments. When we are looking at the attractiveness

of Australia as a country in which to invest we must also look at the capacity

of Australian companies to invest abroad and the value of the returns those

Australians get from investing abroad.

It is no secret that one of the issues that we need to resolve and one of

the issues that's been a matter of very significant public debate in Australia

over the last few months is, of course, the question of whether or not we

might as a community opt for a lower general company tax rate, say 30 per

cent, paid for in part by the removal of some existing provisions in the

taxation legislation such as accelerated depreciation.

Now, this has quite legitimately raised debate from within the business

community about the relative impact on sectors. And that's a proper debate.

If you are a manufacturer you will bring a particular view to tax reform.

If you are in the service industries you will bring another view. If you

are in the mining industry you will bring yet a third view.

But it's important not only as we assess those competing claims, it's also

important when the business community assesses those competing claims that

they don't look at one section of taxation reform in isolation. It's not

good enough for the manufacturers to say, well, I'll look at the impact

on us, of say a lower company tax rate and less accelerated depreciation,

without also looking at the aggregate impact of taxation reform generally.

Because I think it is fair to say that what has already gone through the

Parliament has in relative terms been of greater advantage to some sections

of the business community than it has been to other sections.

And what is important therefore when the Government reaches its decision

as well as when business reaches its decision that all of us take into account

the aggregate impact, the integrated impact, the whole impact of taxation

reform and all aspects of it on the operations of business.

I know that there is intense interest and speculation not only in the media

but within the business community. And we are keen to take our decisions,

to announce them and to see them implemented as soon as possible. But it

is also desirable that we get those decisions right. You don't get one or

two bites of business taxation reform. The opportunity that is in front

of us at the moment is an opportunity that comes only once in a generation.

And just as we took time to take our decisions in relation to general taxation

reform and the result turned out to be a very positive one so it is with

business taxation reform that we will take not an inordinate amount of time

but we will take the right amount of time in order to reach the right decision.

We will involve those in the community who should be involved in discussions

to the appropriate degree. Can I point out that there has already been very

extensive consultation between John and his committee and members of the

business community in putting this reform proposal together.

I find it very difficult on an occasion like this or indeed any other occasion

when I am addressing a gathering of men and women who are involved in business

in Australia to talk without turning a great sense of optimism and enthusiasm

indeed excitement about the economic prospects that lie in front of this


Chris said in his remarks that we occupy a very special place in the world.

I have often said that Australia occupies a unique intersection. We are

a nation that has deep links with the people and the nations of Europe.

We are in many ways a projection of western civilisation in this part of

the world. We share great democratic and liberal values in the broader sense

of that word with the countries of North America.

But here we are geographically in the Asian-Pacific region. And our cultural

and political and other life is being enriched by the contribution of hundreds

of thousands of Australians of Asian descent and Asian background. And when

you put all of that together you find a country that is really quite unique.

There is no other society in the world that has that combination of background,

of values, that intersection of geography and history that Australia has.

And it provides to us not only a tremendous economic opportunity but it

provides to us a tremendous political opportunity. And the great change

that I have felt as Prime Minister of Australia over the last few years

as I have visited the nations particularly of our region is that the view

of Australia has changed. Because of our economic achievement and strengths

we are seen with a new respect. We no longer ask ourselves those rather

silly questions of whether we are part of Asia, whether we are Asian, whether

we are in Asia or we're enmeshed with Asia. What is happening now is we

are just being ourselves as Australians in Asia. And we are finding, I think

to our advantage, that we are no longer seen as the anxious outsider seeking

admission into the rich club of Asia and the Pacific. Rather, we are seen

as a very confident, self-assured, successful, where appropriate compassionate

partner in the Asian-Pacific region.

I am proud of the fact that we were strong enough economically to be, along

with Japan, the only country in the world that contributed to the IMF bail-outs

of Indonesia, Korea and Thailand. I am proud of the fact that we are seen

in this part of the world as punching above our weight. Most of all, I am

proud of the fact that we are seen as doing it with that special combination

of unique Australian values that our history, our geography and our cultural

inheritance has given us.

Ladies and gentlemen, I thank the Chamber for the invitation to be here

today. I salute those in the Israel-Australia Chamber of Commerce for the

contribution they make to the vibrancy and the success of the business community

in Australia. Many people in this room today have made a massive contribution

to the economic strength and the economic vitality of our country. You have

enriched the quality of the country's business life and many of you have

also made a massive contribution to the quality of Australia's cultural


As Prime Minister of Australia I am very conscious of that. I honour that

contribution and I warmly thank you for what you are doing for Australia

and in particular in the context of this gathering the great and enduring

links between the people of Australia and the people of Israel. Thank you.







David Griffiths from Macquarie Bank. A question for Mr Howard. If we look

at the implications of the tax reform and look at particular things like

accelerated depreciation and then we lay across that the Kyoto greenhouse

effect and what that will have on West Australian business, it goes to the

heart of a lot of our growing businesses which has driven our sector. My

question is, have you looked at the regional implications of tax reform

and things like the Kyoto and is there anything the Government can do to

address those issues?


Well, the answer is that we are, of course, very conscious of regional implications

as we look at the Ralph Committee recommendations. It is true that a number

of mining companies have expressed a concern about the situation where you

might have a lower rate of company tax but accelerated deprecation would

be withdrawn. Not all mining companies have put that point of view. It's

also true, if you look at the analysis of the impact of taxation reform

generally quite a lot of that analysis produces a situation where the benefits

to the mining sector have been assessed as greater than the benefits to

other sectors. And that is relevant to the exhortation I made in my earlier

remarks that as people react to business tax reform and business changes

I ask them to take into account the aggregate impact of taxation reform.

Now, I know the contribution of the mining industry of Western Australia

to this nation's export income. I think it's about 25 per cent of our export

income comes from the mining exports of Western Australia. And I am very

conscious of that and we don't intend to take decisions that are going to

impose unfair burdens or to cripple the capacity or indeed retard the capacity

of the mining industry to go on making a contribution. And I am also very

conscious of the revenue climate of large mining projects in Australia.

So the answer to your question shortly is, yes, I am aware of regional implications.

The longer answer is the one you have just heard and we'll certainly endeavour

to put all of those things into the balance.


Good afternoon Mr Prime Minister. My name is Wolf Blass, I am the founder

of Wolf Blass Wines International.


Hello Wolf.


We are part of the Fosters Corporation and I am delighted to see my friend

John Ralph to be there. We are the wine State and I want to speak on behalf

of the wine industry and as you are aware we just have made an announcement

that we have passed $1 billion revenue..




.we have become the sixth biggest export revenue earner for Australia. However,

my question is the tax reform. We at the moment are paying 41 per cent and