PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
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Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston


Well thank you very much Nicholas Platt. To my Ministerial colleague

Joe Hockey the Minister for Financial Services in the Australian Government

to Andrew Peacock the Australian Ambassador to the United States,

Michael Baume the Australian Consul General here in New York, many

other distinguished guests, ladies and gentleman. I want to thank

the organisations that have brought this luncheon together and the

fact that they bring together an organisation which is concerned about

the involvement of the rest of the world in the affairs of Asia, that

is the Asia Society, the fact that the hosts also include organisations

that bring together the fostering of good relations between Australia

and the United States and organisations that are concerned about the

economic strengths and the economic well being of our two societies

is certainly very appropriate for the subject of my address.

I'm coming to the end of what has been a two week visit out of my

country. A visit which has taken me, not only to the United States,

but also taken me to Australia's best customer America is a good one,

but we have one that's even better and that is Japan and the visit

has in both countries has reinforced to me a number of things. First

and foremost of course its reinforced the interaction and the interdependence

of our relationships both politically and economic with those two

countries. Its brought home to me how important economic strength

is in the world. How much economic strength allows a nation of Australia's

size of just under 19 million to punch considerably above its weight

and I've had the opportunity over the last couple of weeks to reinforce

to all of the people I've seen, which have been at the highest levels

of Government in both Japan and the United States, the continued commitment

of Australia to a very deep and abiding involvement in the affairs

of the Asian Pacific Region.

I'm rather pleased that when introducing me Nicholas referred to that

phrase of mine, the unique intersection that Australia occupies because

it does to my mind encapsulate very well where Australia is placed

in the world. We are unusual in occupying that intersection. We do

of course have very strong and abiding links with the nations of Europe.

We have a shared history, we have a shared language, with one of them

we have a shared culture with so many of them. We of course have,

as all of you in this audience particularly know and understand, we

have a special affinity and a special affection for and a shared history

with the people of North America, particularly the people of the United


But there we are geographically, side by side, cheek by jowl, with

the peoples of Asia. And that does give us a special opportunity and

it gives us a special responsibility. And in taking advantage of that

opportunity and in discharging that special responsibility we can

best do so from a position of economic strengths and economic example

and economic vitality. And of a number of things that I'm particularly

proud of, that the Government I lead has been able to achieve over

the last three and a quarter years, one of them is the fact that in

Asia's time of trial and economic difficulty, Australia was able to

be a good helpful and reliable friend. It wasn't just an association

of rhetoric and an association of expressions of goodwill. We were,

along with Japan, the only other country that participated in the

three international monetary fund bailouts of Indonesia, Korea and

Thailand. And at a very critical stage of the negotiations between

the international monetary fund and Indonesia it was the representations

of the Australian Government to the International Monetary Fund which

I believe played a very important role in perhaps injecting a greater

sense of realism and a greater understanding of the need to achieve

a balance between the economic and the social considerations in relation

to that particular country.

We've been able to do these things and I believe without exaggeration

to play a very constructive role over the last few years because of

greater domestic economic strengths and it brings back to all of us

the importance that if you seek to have some influence in the world

you must do so in part from a position of economic strengths and economic


The Australian economic story of the last few years is a very good

one. We are growing very strongly, last year we had a growth rate

of around five per cent. We have the lowest net government debt to

GDP ratio of any country in the OECD. We have the lowest interest

rates as my Treasurer humorously says since man first walked on the

moon in 1969. We have very low inflation. If we can get rid of the

other 50 per cent of Telstra, we'll have no net Commonwealth debt

by the year 2002. And we have course are now getting the benefit of

a number of fundamental economic reforms that have been carried out

in Australia over the last few years. And when three weeks ago that

wonderful afternoon that in my political career I will never forget,

there was returned to the House of Representative from the Senate

a series of bills to amend the Australian taxation law and I had the

opportunity of moving that the House of Representatives approve the

legislation and thus finally pass into law the bills to reform Australia's

taxation laws after years and years of debate and advocacy.

We had an interesting debate and I talked about the five pillars of

the modernisation of the Australian economy over the last 15 or 20

years. I mentioned the fiscal consolidation that has been undertaken

in the last three and a quarter years where we've turned a deficit

of $10 .5 billion into a surplus in two years. I talked about the

financial deregulation of the Australian economy, first recommended

by the Canberra report, which I commissioned as Treasurer in 1979,

looked at with some trepidation by the incoming Labor Government in

1983 but then to its great credit and with our support in Opposition

embraced in full and that led to the floating of the Australian dollar,

the admission of foreign banks into Australia, the abolition of exchange

controls and a number of other measures which have underwritten the

operation of the Australian financial system since.

I thought of tariff reform. Once again particularly of the statement

made by the former Labor Prime Minister, Bob Hawke in 1991, with our

strong support from Opposition, to reduce tariff levels in Australia.

I of course also recalled that great thing that had been left unchallenged

in Australia year after year, that is the deregulation of the labour

market which has been undertaken very vigorously by my Government

over the last three and a quarter years and has played a major role

in boosting the productivity of the Australian workforce and the Australian

labour market.

And the fifth and final of the pillars of economic reform has of course

been the renovation of the Australian taxation system. And that taxation

reform is undoubtedly the biggest change to our taxation system since

World War II and arguably the biggest change to our taxation system

since federation. It will introduce a broad based indirect tax, a

goods and services tax we call it, it will replace a very outdated

old fashioned wholesale sales tax, it will replace a number of taxes

at a state level. I'm pleased to tell this audience, amongst those

will be stamp duty on share transactions and it will also replace

immediately the Financial Institutions Duty which is levied by State

governments. Importantly, it will give to the Australian States a

guaranteed revenue base to provide the Government schools, the hospitals,

the roads, the police services which are the bread and butter of the

provision of public services by governments in Australia.

All-in-all it represents the major renovation of our system and it

will be accompanied, wisely in my view, at precisely the same time

with major reductions in personal income tax. I've never believed

that it's wise in politics to try and implement major structural reforms

separating what might be seen as the electorally harder bits from

the electorally more attractive bits, because surprisingly voting

publics have a tendency not to remember for terribly long some of

the electorally attractive bits, but to remember for much longer some

of the electorally harder bits. So taking my cue from other countries

that have disconnected elements of the reform, we've kept the two

of them together. And when on the 1st of July next year

the Goods and Services tax comes into operation, also on the 1st

of July there will come into operation the largest reduction in personal

income tax in Australia since the end of World War II.

Taken together it does represent a mammoth reform. It's going to make

our exports cheaper, it's going to cut the cost of fuel, and that

is very important in a country as large as Australia. It's going to

reduce business costs overall and I think its going to inject a great

deal of additional vitality into the Australian economy.

Now that in a sense is one shoe of tax reform. The other shoe which

will start dropping on the 31st of July when we receive

a report from a very respected Australian businessman, John Ralph

who's written it with the assistance of a number of other very well

known Australian businessmen including Bob Joss who's done such a

marvellous job of running the Westpac bank in Australia over the last

few years. That report will deal with the renovation of Australia's

business taxes. Now I would be the first to acknowledge that we need

reform in that area. I understand the view to be widely held in many

areas of the investment community that the odd change here and there

to the capital gains tax would be extremely welcome. I understand

that people are arguing very strongly for a more competitive corporate

tax rate. I appreciate that in an increasingly globalised economy

where seamless transfers of capital are almost as quickly matched

by increasingly seamless transfers of job opportunities, that it is

important if you want to attract capital from, for example the United

States, it is important to have the investment choice tax-wise as

neutral as it can possibly be. And without endeavouring or trying

in any way to pre-empt what John Ralph's committee is going to recommend,

I can assure you that those sorts of considerations and the need to

make Australia as attractive as possible as an investment destination

will bulk very largely in our minds.

And as many in this audience will know, one of the specific focuses

of my visit to New York has been to associate myself with the efforts

of many both within the government and within the business community

in Australia to promote Australia as a world financial centre. And

indeed Joe Hockey's specific responsibility within the government

includes very much that particular activity. And in doing so I believe

that I speak, and Joe speaks, from a position of great generic economic

strength as far as our country is concerned because I can't think

of a time when it's possible to speak with credibility as positively

as we can now about the strength and the optimism of the Australian

economy. So I can assure this audience that we will have that particular

aspiration of making Australia a world financial centre, that particular

aspiration very much in our minds when we sit down in a few weeks

time, as we will, to consider the recommendations of the Ralph Committee.

I just want to say two other things before allowing plenty of time

for people to ask me questions, and I want to return to a theme that

I developed for a moment at the gathering yesterday which I addressed.

And that is that one of the great dividends of what has happened in

Australia over the last year, one of the great dividends of the fact

that we have been able to stare down the worst economic collapse Asia's

had in the last 40 years, is that it has given to the Australian people

and to the Australian nation a sense of self-belief about the capacity

of this country to succeed internationally that I don't believe it's

had before.

Australians by character and by nature are openly confident people.

Yet there's always been within many of us, in many Australians a belief

that whatever our assertiveness may be and whatever our confidence

may be, when it comes to the international economic stage it's always

been a bit difficult and a bit threatening and a bit intimidating

out there. And what we've been able to do over the last year against

all predictions and that is to defy a collapse that by all the conventional

rules should have engulfed us, and indeed most people in Australia

believed it was going to engulf us in one form or another by about

the end of 1998, has I believe not only sent a very powerful message

to the rest of the world, but it's also sent the very powerful message

to all Australians and to the entire Australian nation. It's demonstrated

to the world that we are a can-do community, that we do have a capacity

to slug it out and survive and to stare down the worst that a fairly

hostile world economic environment can offer.

Now, there are reasons for it, and I've described the various reforms

that have been undertaken in Australia over the last 20 years which

have played a part in the strengthening and in a time of crisis the

fire-proofing of the Australian economy against the Asian economic

downturn, and I might add that one of the things that also greatly

aided us during that very difficult period in 1997 and 1998 was the

skilfull management of the exchange rate in Australia by the Reserve

Bank. Now all of those things came together when they were most needed.

But I think the best thing of all that's come out of it beyond the

employment growth, the low inflation, the low interest rates, the

high levels of business investment, valuable though all of those things

are, the psychological value of Australians finding that they've been

able to defy and overcome this major economic challenge I think it

is made an incalculable contribution to the national sense of self-worth,

belief and confidence of our country. And in the end that is infinitely

more important than any more narrowly based economic doctrine, or

economic goal, or economic prescription. So as Prime Minister I find

that of all of the emotions, if I can put it that way that one feels

out of the experience of the last year, that is far and away and infinitely

the most satisfying and the most enduring.

Can I simply conclude Nicholas by thanking you and your colleagues

for having me here again here in New York. I think you've helped host

a few luncheons for me in the past. I do value very much the involvement

of the organisations that have sponsored today's lunch and it's another

opportunity for me to say again as Prime Minister of Australia how

deep and abiding and how important is our relationship with the United

States. We have our differences, we've had one this week on one aspect

of our export trade of which I won't dwell any further because it

is already well-known to the audience. We've believed that we've been

treated less than fairly and have made that very plain in our discussions

with the American Administration. But the relationship is deeper and

more long-standing and more important than an understandable and deeply

held difference, and in some quarters of the Australian community

a quite bitterly held difference, on a particular trade issue and

today is an opportunity for me to say again how very important that

overall relationship is and I'm delighted that I've had the chance

of addressing this lunch today to share some of my thoughts with you.

Thank you.



My name is Dick Radez and I am not a shy American but I work with

US pension funds and endowments and venture capital fund to fund managers

that invest in venture capital funds in Silicon Valley in Europe.

We have been prevented from investing in Australian venture capital

opportunities over the years because of both the legal treatment of

the venture capital investment vehicles in your country, the capital

gains tax and whatever. Now, I have been after your Minister, Mr Hockey,

about this already and he's agreed to take another look at a presentation

in the Australian venture capital community gave to Mr Ralph. But

given that his brief seems to be on rather a larger scale there is

one more concern with things like trying to create another Silicon

Valley down in Australia where we think you have got the intellectual

talent and the experience and software information technology, the

Internet. How do we get this revisited if the Ralph Report doesn't

touch upon it as fully as it might?


Well, I think Ralph will have something to say about it. And I can

assure you that it will be very thoroughly visited when we look at

the Ralph Report in every respect.


You talk about the five pillars and that's fine. It seems one pillar

you have missed out on is immigration. What are your comments on that?


Well, I don't think I did miss out on it at all. I was describing

in that speech, and again today, the five things that I believe have

contributed to the strength of the modern Australian economy. So the

question though of immigration policy is a separate issue. We have

achieved the economic strength we have now either because of, in spite

of, or based upon in some way the immigration policy we have presumably

followed over the last 20 or 30 years. So I don't think it can be

said that in arriving at where we are now the immigration policy that

we have followed is flawed. We have, as a Government, the view that

at the moment the current intake is about right. The current intake

is lower than what it was at some stages in the1970s and 1980s. It

is an intake that has a greater proportion of people with skills and

with a greater emphasis on business migration. It is, of course, based

on a completely non-discriminatory principle. It is open to this or

any future government to vary the level of immigration in the future

if it believes that economic and social circumstances require it.

Immigration if you look at the sweep of years since World War II immigration

has been of enormous benefit to Australia as it has to the United

States. But it's always been important to ensure that the aggregate

flow of immigration and the composition of it in terms of skills versus

family reunion is right for the economy at the particular time. So

we don't have a doctrinaire view about the level of immigration we

have a pragmatic view. And the pragmatic judgement at the moment is

that the current level is right. There is a view that if you doubled

or trebled immigration overnight, if you could do that you would have

an enormous impact on the so called aging of the population. There

have been some studies done on this and that particular view is somewhat

misplaced and somewhat exaggerated that it's not quite as simple as

that. But that does not say that a higher intake might not be sustainable

in Australia in the years to come. I don't rule that out but I think

there is some mythology about, around about the impact in the short

to medium term of a dramatic increase. It just doesn't compute according

to the advice I have it doesn't quite work out in practice like that.


My name is Tim Copland from Goldman Sachs, Mr Howard. With the falling

gold price and the relative strength of the Australian dollar the

Australian gold mines are hurting at the moment. Do you propose to

provide them with some assistance whether it's by tax relief or some

other means to help out the Aussie gold miners?


Well, it's not immediately in contemplation, if I can put it that

way. Look, I mean, fair try but..


Nicholas Hyde from JP Morgan. I have been out of Australia for about

two years and one thing about being in the United States which I find

different to Australia is the depth of the economy across all regions

and across the smaller towns of America. And I was just wondering

when I look at Australia I see more of a concentration in the major

cities and hopefully with the increase of information flows, you know,

is the Government doing anything about trying to get the wonderful

performance of the economy into centres other than just within the

major cities of Australia?


Well, I am not surprised that you would find that difference. I mean,

because of the huge size of the United States and the vastly bigger

population of course that is a difference. I mean, I might be statistically

wrong in saying so but I don't think I am conceptually wrong in saying

that Australia is probably the most urbanised western society. I mean,

it is one of the things that people still have great difficulty in

coming to terms with about Australia of just how big our cities are.

Of how big, for example, by world and United States standards a city

like Sydney is. So we are a very urbanised society and it is also

true that as the nation is doing very well economically there are

still significant areas of social deprivation and economic deprivation

in the regions. I mean, the major cause of the rise for a moment and

then thankfully the disappearance of One Nation was not, in my view,

race but it was economic deprivation and alienation in regional areas

of Australia. And it's something that every society has to grapple

with but we are doing a number of things in relation to that. We are

making very strenuous efforts including out of the proceeds of the

privatisation of Telstra. We are making very great efforts to provide

more communication services in the bush. We don't want communications

haves and have nots in Australia. We are working very hard at that.

But one of the reasons why we are so very angry about the American

decision on lamb, now that you have asked me, is the opportunity that

is.I mean, here is a group of people of really battling Australian

farmers without any government help, got off their backsides and carved

out a new market in this country and whack, it's taken away or certainly

penalties put on it. Look, I think there are a large number of particular

policies that we are following in telecommunications, in land renewal

through our Natural Heritage Trust proposals. We are trying to tackle

the problem of getting medical practitioners into country areas, we

are trying to reduce the cost of country students boarding in universities

or colleges in the cities. There are a whole range of things that

we are doing. But it's a very good and relevant question because side

by side with the national economic strengths and the extraordinary

prosperity of a number of parts of Australia, particularly in parts

of the larger cities and some of the coastal areas, there are communities

that feel as though they are left behind and we are working very hard

to bring them along as best we can.


Philip Hedger from Pfizer [inaudible]. You have just been to Japan

and we do a lot of business both in your country and Japan as you

know. And I wonder if you could give us your, sort of, first hand

appreciation of the economic positive indicators that have just come

out of Japan in the first quarter and doubtless you spoke with various

ministers there whether you feel that there's cause for prolonged

optimism there?


Well, I think the Japanese economy has undergone a number of very

necessary structural changes. I think there are more needed. The best

sense I could get was tha