The readiness of Australian business to prepare for the Millennium Bug is good news for all Australians.
Having our computers ready for the next century is vital for safeguarding jobs, exports and our economic performance. The Coalition Government has been hard at work preparing for the Year 2000 problem, and I am pleased that business is meeting the same challenge.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics survey, released today, shows that there has been a three-fold increase in the number of businesses reporting that they have completed their Year 2000 preparations since October 1998.
These results confirm international surveys that rank Australia alongside the United States, United Kingdom and Canada as world leaders in terms of Year 2000 preparedness.
The survey demonstrates that the hard work of the Year 2000 National Steering Committee, under the leadership of Mr Maurice Newman AM, is reaping rewards.
Australia’s effort in preparing for the Year 2000 problem is another demonstration of our nation’s strength within the Asia-Pacific region.
The Government has assisted businesses to meet the challenge of the Year 2000 problem through:
- Enacting the Year 2000 Information Disclosure ("Good Samaritan") Act to encourage organisations to share information about their Year 2000 preparations,
- Making Year 2000 software expenditure deductible for tax purposes, and
- Information campaigns on the year 2000 problem, and the example set by the Commonwealth Government in ensuring its own Year 2000 readiness, and reporting to the Australian people on our progress.
The Federal Government’s lead in reporting publicly on the status of our own Year 2000 readiness is now being matched by the States and Territories, who, because of their responsibility for basic utilities, must keep up their Year 2000 efforts.
These reports, together with those to the Australian Stock Exchange by Australia’s listed companies, mean that information is now available concerning Year 2000 preparations throughout the economy.
However, not all businesses are yet ready for the Year 2000. I urge all businesses to complete their preparations. Only then will Australian businesses avoid losing work to their competitors and avert disruptions to their business and employees.
The Commonwealth Government is working closely with the States and Territories to finalise information for distribution throughout the nation so that all Australians are able to make informed judgements about our country’s preparations.
With these solid preparations, Australia is well placed to overcome our nation’s Year 2000 challenges so that we are not distracted from our goals of securing job creation and further economic growth. However, Governments and business must keep building on our achievements. We must not be complacent or slacken our efforts.
31 August 1999