PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston
North East RFA - A Balance Between Jobs and Environment

23 August 1999


Victoria’s third Regional Forest Agreement (RFA) between the Commonwealth and Victorian Governments was announced today by the Prime Minister John Howard and Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett.

The RFA for the North East region was hailed by both leaders as striking a careful balance between jobs and industries and conservation values.

The leaders acknowledged the significant industry submissions on timber resource issues and confirmed that the RFA maintains current levels of saw log supply and provides opportunities for value adding of the region’s timber. In particular, Victoria has provided an assurance to Mt Beauty Timbers that the current log quality and volume will be maintained.

The RFA will last for 20 years and will provide certainty for industry, conservation and local communities. Over the life of the Agreement, the certainty provided by the RFA has the potential to substantially increase the value-added production of the timber industry, to increase direct employment in the region by up to 30 people and to provide a welcome boost to the regional economy.

The governments reiterated their commitment to the development of the timber industry in the region and encouraged applications for industry development assistance under the Victorian Forest Industry Structural Adjustment Package (VicFISAP). VicFISAP assists industries to take advantage of new opportunities, to increase value adding and downstream processing, to set up new equipment and technology, expand local manufacturing and to assist with adjustment.

The RFA increases the area set aside for conservation by more than 40 per cent to 592,000 hectares. The upper Wongungarra catchment, a remote and rugged area with high conservation values, is included in the Comprehensive Adequate and Representative (CAR) Reserve system.

As well as establishing a CAR Reserve system and facilitating growth in forest industries, the RFA improves protection for threatened species in the region, particularly the long-footed potoroo and the spotted tree frog. It also ensures the sustainable management of forests both in reserves and in State forests.

The RFA was finalised after analysis of nearly 700 public submissions, extensive consultation with industry and conservation groups, and a comprehensive examination of the resource available to industry.

The leaders thanked the scientists, officials, industry, conservation, community and indigenous organisations and members of the general public who contributed to the RFA and reiterated their commitment to finalising the remaining two Victorian RFAs by the end of 1999.

"The North East RFA shows once again that the process is a genuine partnership between governments and regional Australia and demonstrates goodwill and cooperation in achieving balanced outcomes. It will provide the certainty needed to encourage regional employment growth," they said.

The RFA can be viewed on at