PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston
East Timor – Australia/US Cooperation

Throughout this year, Australia’s exchanges with the United States on East Timor have been intense at all levels – political, diplomatic and military.

I reject completely the suggestion in today’s edition of The Australian that there have been "failings" in cooperation with the United States on East Timor. Indeed, the cooperation with the United States, and the US support for the Australian-led multi-national force in East Timor, have shown that the alliance relationship works.

I categorically reject the suggestion that Australia has held back from the United States information and intelligence on East Timor. On the contrary, exchanges have been amongst the most intense that we have ever had. US officials have expressed satisfaction with the cooperation.

It was clear from conversations that I had myself in Auckland that US defence authorities and the highest levels of the Administration were fully across the contribution that we sought from the United States for the multi-national force in East Timor. Moreover, I was assured of the Administration’s satisfaction with the level of discussion taking place between our defence forces.

Both Mr Downer and Mr Moore and their officials have been in close contact with the US Administration throughout.

Moreover, the decision the Government took earlier this year to put a second brigade on a higher level of readiness indicates that we were well prepared for possible difficulties in East Timor.

17 September 1999