PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston

The Government is pleased to announce a $51 million package of taxation

measures to encourage greater corporate and personal philanthropy

in Australia. This initial annual revenue cost will rise over time

as these measures encourage the further growth of philanthropy.

This announcement supports our determination to draw upon the unique

skills of individuals, business, government and the community to forge

a new social coalition to help create a stronger, fairer Australia.

Through enlightened self interest many businesses already greatly

contribute to their communities. This announcement is further encouragement

to them as it is to others that business can do well by doing good.

The specific taxation measures flow from the recommendations of a

taxation working group, chaired by David Gonski from Wentworth Associates.

Set up following the Roundtable meeting with business and community

leaders in March last year, this working group was one of a number

that advised the Government on initiatives to promote business and

community partnerships.

Under the new arrangements, to take effect from 1 July 1999, income

tax deductions will be provided for the market value of donations

of property worth more than $5,000, regardless of when it was purchased

or acquired. This is expected to lead to around $45 million each year

in increased donations, with a larger increase predicted over time.

Initially, government revenue will be reduced by around $20 million

per annum.

Existing provisions which allow for deductions for property donations,

such as under the Cultural Gifts Programme, and more generally for

property purchased less than 12 months before the donation, will not

be subject to this $5,000 threshold.

A capital gains tax exemption will also be provided for testamentary

gifts of property to bodies eligible to receive tax deductible donations.

As a result, eligible not-for-profit organisations can expect a $15

million boost in donations once this measure impacts on donor behaviour.

The Government will also introduce a new category of private charitable

funds. These will need to meet all the criteria now required to qualify

as a public fund, but without the need to seek contributions from

the public. This will provide businesses, families and individuals

greater freedom to set up their own trusts for philanthropic purposes.

This is expected to increase donations by a further $15 million per

year, with a $10 million yearly cost to Government revenue.

The Government will also provide greater incentives for donations

of property under the Cultural Gifts Programme. These donations will

be exempt from capital gains tax and donors will be able to apportion

their tax deductions for donations over a period of up to five years.

All these measures will help cut through the red tape that has discouraged

many businesses individuals and families who want to give more to

their communities.

They are also consistent with the goals of the Government's new

tax system to provide choice, opportunity and simplicity to help create

a fairer Australia.

In addition to the new measures, the Government will act on the recommendation

of the Round Table to establish a new body to encourage partnerships

between businesses and communities more generally in Australia. To

be named the Prime Minister's Community Business Partnership,

the organisation will have a board of high profile people drawn from

business and the community.

The Prime Minister will chair the board, and in his absence it will

chaired by the responsible Minister, Senator Jocelyn Newman on his

behalf. Also represented on the board will be some of the 1998 business

and community Round Table members.

The Partnership will promote and showcase corporate examples of best

practice engagement in the community across the country. It will also

play an important brokerage role by fostering new partnerships between

the community, government and business.

All these initiatives confirm our commitment to a new social coalition

and demonstrate the further investment the Government is willing to

make to meet its social obligations.

26 March 1999