Subjects: Care workers
Prime Minister, the CARE workers have been seen by our Ambassador,
what's your reaction to the news?
Well, I am very pleased that at last consular access has been granted
and I am also pleased to hear that both men are in good condition.
Can I say on behalf of the Australian Government to the families of
those two men that we share the relief that you must be feeling at
the present time. We will join you in even greater relief if as should
happen the two men are released. They are caring humanitarian Australians.
They are not soldiers. They are not combatants. They have no quarrel
with the people of Yugoslavia, or the Government of Yugoslavia. They
were in that country as the guest of that country to help the people
of that country. And in those circumstances the decent humanitarian
thing to occur is for the men to be released. Now, I hope that happens
and we all keep our fingers crossed and say a few prayers that it
might happen. I don't know and I think we just have to wait and
Prime Minister, Malcolm Fraser apparently is...has got a visa and
may be able to get there as early as tomorrow, are you encouraged
by that?
Jeff, it's one of these situations where it's important
not to, sort of, overstate or understate the situation. What matters
is getting the two men out. That's the only thing that matters
to me and obviously Mr Fraser is doing everything he can and I compliment
him for that as the Chairman of CARE and as former Prime Minister
he has a lot of experience in these things and I wish him well. I
hope that we will see them released and I really am encouraged by
the fact that there has been consular access. But it's a difficult
situation and sometimes the less said at a difficult time the better.
Are you concerned also that they are being held in the [inaudible]
of defence in Belgrade under....
Oh look, I think it's a bit pointless getting into that micro
comment. I am pleased they have had consular access, I hope they will
be released and I send my good wishes to them and to their families.
And I know that the whole country is hoping and praying that they
will be released and that they are safe and sound. Thank you.