PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
  • Jeff Kennett, MRI Scheme
Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston
Doorstop Interview, Parliament House, Canberra



Mr Howard, the end of an era in Victoria today.


Yes, I think it’s a great shame that Mr Kennett is no longer the Premier of Victoria but that is the verdict of the political process and with great dignity and grace he has arranged the transition today. He will be remembered as a great reforming Premier. He did turn that State around. And if public life is about making a difference for the better then Jeff Kennett made a difference for the better. I thank him for the contribution he made to building a stronger Victoria and through that the contribution he made to the national scene. We’ll all miss him. We wish him and Felicity and their family well. I can understand his desire, having ceased being Premier, to relinquish the leadership of the Liberal Party. It will be different. We all hope that he has a very fulfilling and satisfying life ahead of him. He’s done a great job for Victoria and he ought to be remembered with great warmth and affection for that.


What do you think of Steve Bracks?


Well, I barely know the man. Naturally as Prime Minister I will co-operate with him. I co-operate with all Premiers irrespective of their political stripe. I offer him the hand of co-operation. The public wants Prime Ministers and Premiers to work together. The fact that we come from different political parties and the fact that I’m sorry, in a sense, that he’s there and Mr Kennett’s not there, that’s the democratic process. And I’ll naturally work with him and if he deals in good faith with me I’ll deal in good faith with him.


Does the Health Minister have your full support on the MRI…?


Absolutely. The Opposition has not raised anything which in any way impugns the integrity of the Minister. They’ve had days and days to do that. Nothing new was produced today. And he continues to enjoy my full confidence.


Are you concerned, though, that it took so long to get an inquiry up?


It didn’t. Good night.
