PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
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Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston


Thank you very much. And can I say to my fellow Australians

that, although the final result in terms of seats will not be determined

before some days yet, it is clear that the Coalition will have a

working majority in the new Parliament.

I want, first and foremost, to thank the Australian people for

returning the Government. I want to thank the Australian people

for embracing a bold, economic reform that is in the long-term interests

of the Australian community.

Some declarations about political precedence have been made tonight.

Let me make a declaration about political precedence. This is probably

the first time in the recent experience of western political parties

that a party has successfully won an election championing such a

major reform which so readily lent itself to a dishonest fear campaign.

And I am immensely proud of the fact that the Coalition stuck to

its guns, we stared down that fear campaign and that the Australian

people came with us.

I want to commit myself and the members of my Government, once

again to the service of the Australian people. I have always seen

myself in public life as a servant of the Australian people. And

I regard it as a privilege beyond belief to have been twice elected

as Prime Minister of Australia.

We now have a mandate to implement the policies that we took to

the Australian people that we so honestly and openly and candidly

laid before the Australian people. We have weathered the ferocious

fear campaign and we have won the mandate of the Australian people.

I want, tonight, to acknowledge with sadness the loss of a number

of my colleagues who

have been defeated. I want to thank them for their service to the

Liberal Party and to their service to the National Party. And I

know I express Tim Fischer's gratitude of extending those sentiments

and those thoughts.

I want to salute the spectacular performance of several of my colleagues

and I know it's always bad to single people out, but I'm

going to do it. I want to particularly single out Trish Draper in

the seat of Makin in South Australia. And in New South Wales and

I want to salute the magnificent performance of Danna Vale and Jackie

Kelly. But to all of my colleagues who have won in very difficult

circumstances, I profess my profound gratitude.

I also want to thank the Liberal Party organisation. I want to

thank Tony Staley the Federal President and Lynton Crosby, the Federal

Director, and also may I extend my thanks to the various state organisations

for the work they did in bringing about this magnificent result.

We are here tonight victorious because of superb organisation in

the seats that really mattered and superb cooperation between the

Parliamentary Party and the organisation.

I want to salute Tim Fischer, the Leader of the National Party.

Tim is a great colleague and a wonderful friend. And he faced a

very vicious challenge in his own seat and he beat that off in magnificent


I also extend my gratitude to Peter Costello, the Deputy Leader

of the Liberal Party who has been a great Treasurer and a great

colleague to work with. And can I also particularly thank the Premier

of Victoria, Jeff Kennett. Jeff has been a forthright supporter

of the cause of taxation reform and I acknowledge the contribution

that he made during my election campaign.

And I say to all of my fellow Australians, that the government

that you have elected tonight will lead this country into the 21st

century. The government you have elected tonight will be a government

for all Australians. The government you have elected tonight will

dedicate itself to the welfare of all of the Australian people.

I have said on other occasions that this country has unparalleled

assets. No nation on earth so uniquely combines the heritage of

our western civilisation, our great links with the nations of North

America and our placement here in the Asia Pacific region. And we

have a capacity and an opportunity to use that conjunction of circumstances

to our benefit and to the benefit of the region and to the benefit

of the entire world.

I want to dedicate my government to the maintenance of traditional

Australian values. And they include those great values of mateship

and egalitarianism. They also mean that great Australian value of

tolerance and of treating people decently and of not discriminating

against people according to their race or ethnic background.

We are a nation of many parts and many origins. And we should never

forget that. And we should see that as a tremendous asset.

And I also want to commit myself very genuinely to the cause of

true reconciliation with the Aboriginal people of Australia by the

centenary of Federation. We may differ and debate about the best

way of achieving reconciliation, but I think all Australians are

united in a determination to achieve it.

Finally, ladies and gentlemen, I want to express my gratitude to

two very special groups of people in my life. I want to thank my

magnificent personal staff in particular, my Chief of Staff, Arthur

Sinodinos. Through all the ups and downs in the last two-and-a-half

years, Arthur and my personal staff have sustained me and kept me

sane when the alternative seemed very likely. And I thank him and

I thank all those around him very, very much for what they have


And finally, can I express my love and gratitude to my magnificent

family. Thank you. No father could be prouder than I am of my three

children. And I just want to say to Janette and to Melanie and to

Tim and Richard, I love you very deeply and I thank you for everything

that you've done for me.

And finally, to all of you wonderful people, you wonderful members

and supporters of our wonderful Party, the Liberal Party of Australia,

tonight belongs to you as much as it does to me. I thank you from

the bottom of my heart for the loyalty that you've given me

over the last two-and-a-half years and let's work together

to build another great victory in three years time.

Thank you.