Thank you very much, Sally-Anne; to Mr Samaranch, the President of
the International Olympic Committee; to Doctor Primo Debiolo; to my
parliamentary colleague, Andrew Thomson, the Federal Minister for
Sport; to the Chairman of the Organising Committee, Mr Michael Knight;
to Frank Sartor, the Lord Mayor of Sydney; to John Coates, the President
of the Australian Olympic Committee, other very distinguished guests,
ladies and gentlemen.
May I, as Prime Minister of Australia, welcome all of our overseas
visitors to this very important gathering. And can I say, not only
as the Australian Prime Minister but also as someone who has had Sydney
as his home town for all of his life, say to all of our visitors just
how tremendously excited all Australians are about the prospect of
hosting the Olympic Games here in Sydney in the year 2000.
Australians are, as many of you know, great sports loving people.
Sport has defined the character of the Australian nation and the Australian
people, perhaps like no other nation on earth. It is a source of enormous
pride to Australians that we share, with Greece, the honour of being
one of the only two countries that have participated in all of the
Olympics of the modern era. But when it is borne in mind that in 1896
Australia got formally federated as a nation and we have a population
of probably only four million people, that is a remarkable achievement.
I know that Sydney will host the Games in 2000 with style, with flair
and, I believe, with ease. I want to congratulate those responsible
for organising the Games for the tremendous work they have already
achieved. I believe the complimentary remarks made by the President,
Mr Samaranch, are well deserved and well merited.
I want to say, on behalf of the Federal Government, that this is a
united Australian effort. It brings great pride and credit to Sydney
but, above all, it is a compliment to all Australians.
The Games in the year 2000 will belong to all Australians. We will
have the opportunity to showcase our magnificent nation to the rest
of the world. And being the great sports lovers that we are, we will
barrack like never before for the achievements and the successes of
the Australian team. All Australians drew great pleasure and store
from the achievements of our team at Atlanta and we look forward,
eagerly, to the efforts of our team in Sydney in the year 2000.
May I congratulate you, Mr President, on your very strong statement
about drugs in sport. Can I say that my Government totally shares
your feelings and we believe the very high standard you have set by
those remarks is well merited.
I see the Olympic Games as a tremendous opportunity not only to showcase
Australia to the world but once again to bring together the young
men and women of the world in open enthusiasm and competition.
Sport can unite and enable and encourage and can inspire the best
in men and women. And I'm very proud, as Prime Minister of Australia,
that my country, our country, will play a central role in these great
Games at the turn of the century.
I hope all of you enjoy your time in Sydney. I promise you continuing
hospitality. I promise you a great and rapturous welcome in the year
2000. And my Government will do all it can to make the Games of the
year 2000 the most memorable yet. Thank you. I formally open the conference
and I welcome you all.
Thank you.