PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
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Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston


Thank you very much Mr Campbell, and my friend and colleague Bruce

Billson, and ladies and gentlemen.

It's part of the delight of being Prime Minister of Australia

that you get numerous opportunities to go around the country and to

meet in a very informal, social atmosphere, different sections of

the Australian community. And I'm especially delighted to be

at this Veterans' Village this morning and just to say very directly

to all of you that no country can ever do enough for the men and women

of this country who put their lives on the line to defend it during


And my Government, in company with other governments, have tried over

the years to do the right thing by the returned service men and women

of Australia. We have recently made a number of announcements extending

the Gold Card, extending the Seniors' Card which will be of great

benefit to veterans and to their families. And whenever I can I take

the opportunity, on behalf of the rest of the Australian community,

to express the gratitude of our nation to those men and women who

did so much in most cases so many years ago.

Recently I led a pilgrimage of returned service men and their families

to the notorious Hellfire Pass in Thailand and I opened the Hellfire

Pass Museum on Anzac Day to honour the sacrifice of those Australians

who died in such terrible circumstances, and also to honour those

who survived. Many of them were accompanied by their children and

their grandchildren, and it was a very experience, indeed it was one

of the most meaningful experiences of my Prime Ministership. And the

way in which the different generations of Australians, who had bothered

under their own steam and at their own expense, to travel to that

remote part of Thailand to pay their respects to those brave Australians

who did so much to give us the freedom and the way of life that we


Thank you very much for having me here. It is not an occasion for

long speeches. It is an opportunity for me to have a cup of tea, to

chat to you, to express my admiration for the contribution that you

made to the country, to assure you of the continued understanding

and support of people in Government for those people who have done

so much, to thank the staff, to compliment the RSL, which is a great

organisation, on the role that it plays in caring for veterans here

in Victoria, and all around Australia. It is an ongoing responsibility

and one that the Government respects and supports and will continue

to support in the years ahead.

And could I just put in a plug, not excessively but in a very general

personal sense for Bruce. He is a hard working fellow, he really does

doggedly pursue Ministers on behalf of the people of his electorate

and that is what a local member should do. He looks after all of them,

whether they like him, whether they vote for him, or they don't

vote, that his responsibility.

But, ladies and gentlemen, again my thanks and it is very nice of

you to have me amongst you and I hope to have the opportunity over

a cup of tea of talking to you.

Thanks a lot.