PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston

The Prime Minister and the Chief Minister are pleased to announce

the formation of a $10 million Katherine Region Redevelopment Programme,

to help the community of Katherine recover from the devastating floods.

The target is $10 million, of which the two Governments will contribute

one third each and is in addition to the significant contribution

of $31 million already announced by the Commonwealth.

We are now asking business in the region, from banks to mining companies,

to contribute the remaining third of this fund.

Corporate contributions will be tax deductible.

It is understood that Westpac Bank is supportive of the programme

and will be making a statement later today. I join with Shane Stone

in applauding this prompt response from Westpac.

It is in everyone's interests that Katherine is operating normally

again as soon as possible. The primary focus of this fund will be

to get business started again in Katherine, so that income can start

to flow and people can begin to rebuild.

Last week the Federal Government announced an emergency $5 million

worth of road funding to rebuild the Sturt Highway - the main delivery

route for goods into and out of Katherine.

Today's fund will cover areas such as re-establishment of electricity,

rehabilitation of Katherine Terrace (the main business centre), assistance

to restart business and repairing the Tourism Information Centre.

This will complement other Government action to help the residents

of Katherine. These include funding to help restore infrastructure

and financial assistance to rebuild homes and businesses.

The Commonwealth has already committed some $31 million in direct

disaster relief so far, with a further $11 million in direct assistance

from the Northern Territory.

Both leaders praised the way the community has pulled together in

this difficult time, in the best traditions of Australian mateship

and helping your neighbour.

The Australian Defence Forces have also been magnificent with the

assistance they have provided to Katherine residents.

They paid special tribute to the efforts of the Australian Defence

Forces, Police and Emergency Services and other volunteers for the

magnificent assistance they have provided to the residents of Katherine.

Prime Minister Howard and Chief Minister Stone said the workers'

efforts deserve the highest praise.

The flooding at Katherine has been quite extraordinary in the damage

it has caused. Houses and businesses have been covered in water for

days at a time. The business centre of Katherine has been very badly

damaged. This represents a significant impediment to the ability of

Katherine and the region to recover from the flooding.

The flooding is greater than a one in a hundred year event and this

has necessitated an additional effort from Government.

This need for an extra effort is behind the formation of the Katherine

Region Redevelopment Programme.