Prime Minister John Howard today announced that the Commonwealth Government
would commit $65 million from its Federation Fund to the construction
of a light rail network in Brisbane.
Mr Howard's pledge came during the official opening of the Briztram
Project Office at South Brisbane, where Premier Rob Borbidge and Deputy
Premier and Treasurer Joan Sheldon were on hand to welcome the news.
The Brisbane Light Rail Project was nominated as the Queensland Government's
first priority for assistance from the Federation Fund.
This project is expected to cost around $210 million in total and
will create an estimated 3,000 jobs in its construction phase, with
a further 150 jobs created from the ongoing operation of the system.
This $65 million support is subject to acceptance by the Queensland
government of a private sector tender to build and operate the network.
The Queensland government has an ambitious plan - that by the Centenary
of Federation in 2001 Brisbane will have a modern, advanced technology
light rail network that will be able to carry more than 40,000 passengers
each day.
This plan was developed by the State Government in conjunction with
the 18 local governments in the region and the community mindful of
the need to meet the high population growth in South East Queensland,
and the associated growth in travel demand.
"The Brisbane Light Rail Project to provide Brisbane with a world-class
integrated transport system is a visionary project for the new millennium",
Mr Howard said.
"Not only will it provide a more convenient system for distributing
people around the inner city Brisbane area, but, the system also has
the potential to benefit tourism, urban renewal and the environment."
Premier Borbidge said the state-of-the-art, light-rail system would
pump new life into Brisbane's inner-city suburbs and would be
a tangible sign of the city's progress into the new millennium.
"The State Government's dream has been for a world-class
transport system for a world-class city."
"I sincerely thank the Prime Minister and look forward to inviting
him back to officially launch the very first Briztram in 2001,"
Mr Borbidge said.
Deputy Premier and Treasurer Joan Sheldon said this exciting new Coalition
project signalled a tram-driven renaissance for the city of Brisbane.
"I predict this tram system will become as much a symbol of Brisbane
as the famous cable cars of San Francisco."
Mr Borbidge said a light rail option was clearly set out in the Integrated
Regional Transport Plan for South East Queensland and would be consistent
with overall transport planning.