PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
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  • Howard, John Winston


Well it appears that tomorrow Federal Cabinet and Prime Minister

Howard will formally commit Australia to support any United States

attack on Iraq and to declare that President Saddam Hussein cannot

be allowed to retain and use chemical and biological weapons. A

couple of points before I speak to the Prime Minister.

The first that should be said, is that America and its allies will

continue to explore every diplomatic initiative available to them.

So this is not going to happen tomorrow. However, Prime Minister

Howard was right at the weekend when he said, "the sort of

capacity and the sort of weapons he shouldn't have, have the

potential for the most awesome and dreadful effect". Mr Howard

said, "we have to consider a whole range of contributions it

is not a purely military contribution."

The Defence Department has been ordered to prepare a submission

for Tuesday's Cabinet meeting. We sent two frigates and a supply

vessel to the Gulf in 1991 but none were directly involved in the

conflict. But we are talking about an arsenal of weapons being marshalled

by Saddam with the capacity to wipe out the world's population

twice over. And United Nations inspection teams have been locked

out. So this is not an American ego trip, it is a United Nations

repudiation by Saddam Hussein. United Nations inspection teams have

been unable to account for 4,000 tonnes of chemical warfare materials

and more than 600 tonnes of materials for making nerve gas. And

inspite of every diplomatic effort United Nations inspection teams

have been locked out of Iraq. Now what President Clinton is doing

is seeking support for a course of action in case diplomacy doesn't

work. Hence, Mr Clinton called John Howard at the weekend at Kirribilli

House after securing the support from British Prime Minister Tony


Our Prime Minister, John Howard is on the line. Prime Minister

good morning.


Good morning Alan.


Rather belatedly but Happy New Year to you.


And to you to.


And it is going to be a tough year ahead. In this Mr Clinton spoke

to you for about 20 minutes what was the general thrust of that?


Well he gave me a background to the American efforts. He said how

they wanted to keep trying to get a diplomatic solution, they didn't

want to use force. However, they were faced with the terrible prospect

that Saddam would not allow UN-sponsored inspections of facilities

that were clearly believed to house chemical and biological war

material. Now as you said in your introduction, if a stand and a

firm and uncompromising stand is not taken against the storage and

potential proliferation of this material the consequences into the

next century is to awful to contemplate.

We cannot allow, the civilised world cannot allow rogue states

who have no sense of international morality to have possession and

therefore the capacity to use that kind of material. Now that is

what is at stake and therefore there is a clear Australian national

interest, there is a world security interest involved in this, it

is not Clinton vs Saddam Hussein, it is the interests of the civilised

world against somebody who has demonstrated an utterly amoral approach

to his own population. He is the only person in my living memory

who has used such foul material against his own people and he has

demonstrated an utter indifference to the elementary basics, the

elements of basic human values for his own population. So there

is a lot at stake.

Now the Americans are trying to get a diplomatic solution, so are

we. And we will go on doing that and it is not beyond hope that

at the last moment he may blink. Now that is something that I discussed

with the President, he doesn't rule it out, and he will try

very hard to achieve that. But at the end of the day he said that

some kind of military action could be necessary and he asked whether

Australia would consider making a contribution and I said, we would

certainly consider that and we will talk about it tomorrow.


It was reported, talking about blinking, you have used that image

there, it was reported at the weekend from the Middle East that

Iraqi army commanders would rebel against Saddam Hussein if they

were convinced an attack by the United States, Britain and others

was aimed at removing him from power.


Well that is always possible, although that has been talked about

for years and it has never happened.


One wonders though whether his own people aren't getting tired

of it?


Well one has to wonder about that. And one would hope that they

are and that somehow or other that there would be that kind of reaction.

But in the past when that has been predicted it hasn't materialised.


No, but he did call at the weekend for a million volunteers for

a civilian force.


Yes he did.


And reports from Iraq say that those calls were being ignored?


Well all of that is mildly encouraging and I hope that it has an

impact even on him. And I repeat, we don't want force used

unless it is the only alternative, we really don't.


So what are you meeting for tomorrow with your Cabinet to decide

should the circumstances arise what would be the extent of our involvement,

is that it?


That is the intention, yes.


And you have briefed Mr Beazley?


I rang Mr Beazley on Saturday evening after I had had the call

from President Clinton and I told him of it. And I told him that

he would be kept fully informed. That not only would I ensure that

the Opposition was fully briefed, I will make the service people

available for the Opposition to be fully briefed and on top of that

I will keep the Australian public regularly informed. The Australian

public is entitled to know quickly and fully from me what is occurring

on the issue because there is no more serious decision that any

government takes than to contemplate the use of Australian assets

and Australian military personnel in some kind of military action.

And therefore the public is entitled to be fully informed.

We have already had, at a senior Minister level, discussions with

our defence advisers. We will have a fully Cabinet meeting tomorrow,

it is only Cabinet that can authorise this kind of action and I

will be saying something more to the Australian people naturally

after that Cabinet meeting.


Good on you. Good to talk to you and thank you for your time.


Thanks Alan.
