Ladies and Gentlemen, the Chief Minister of the Northern Territory
and I have called this news conference so that I can announce the
decision of the Commonwealth Government that the Northern Territory
is to become the seventh State of Australia.
We have taken this in-principle decision and the goal very simply
is a new State for a new century. And the goal is that the Northern
Territory should become a State of the Commonwealth on the 1st
of January in the year 2001. It will thereby become the first State,
new State admitted to the Federation in 100 years and I doubt that
in the lifetime of any person at this gathering we will see a similar
announcement. It is an historic decision by the Commonwealth Government.
It follows the commitment that was given in the 1996 election campaign.
We will facilitate at a Federal level the holding of a referendum
on Statehood within the Northern Territory at the time of the next
Federal election. I have asked the Minister for Territories, Mr Somlyay,
to chair the deliberations on behalf of the Commonwealth in negotiating
the terms and conditions of the Constitution of the new State of the
Northern Territory. I have no doubt that this will help to revitalise
and reinvigorate the Australian Federation. The Northern Territory
enjoys an enviable economic growth rate. It has a very healthy population
rate. It contributes more than double on a per capita basis to the
export income of the entire nation and I regard today's announcement
as a very, very important investment in the future of Australia into
the new millenium.
I would like to congratulate Mr Stone as the Chief Minister of the
Northern Territory for the vigorous, yet constructive and understanding
way in which he has pursued the long cherished goal of Statehood on
behalf of Territorians. So I am very proud indeed to announce that
the Commonwealth Government is committed to this very important development
in the growth of our nation and the revitalisation and the reinvigoration
of the Federation. And I congratulate those in the Territory who have
worked so hard to bring this about and I have little doubt that the
negotiations that will go on over the weeks and months ahead will
successfully end in the putting forward of a Constitution which will
be acceptable not only to Territorians but to the rest of the Australian
people. I should indicate that the Commonwealth's desired method
of admitting the new State to the Federation is under Section 121
of the Constitution whereby an Act of the Commonwealth Parliament
can create a new State. I might also mention that the other States
have indicated to the Commonwealth their in-principle support for
the decision that I am announcing today and I believe that it will
be widely applauded by all but the mean in spirit and narrow of vision
so far as the development of the Australian nation is concerned.
Well certainly Statehood would ensure that Territorians have the same
rights that other Australians take for granted.
Well such as, to give you a small example, the way that our vote is
counted in a referendum. It is counted as a majority of the people,
it is not counted as a majority of the States. But it would also ensure
that we have the legislative base to legislate for ourselves in an
unrestricted way.
[Inaudible]... marginal seat of mining royalties or... (inaudible)...?
The Commonwealth receives the uranium royalties. We would seek to
be treated on the same basis as other States in South Australia. They
receive the uranium royalties so we would have the expectation of
that revenue stream. Now no doubt the Commonwealth would simply make
an adjustment in other areas and that would be a satisfactory arrangement
to us Prime Minister.
Is that something that the Prime Minister has discussed with you yet?
Well these are the matters that need to be discussed and negotiated
in the time ahead. Today really is a moment of history for the Commonwealth
and it is a moment of fulfillment for territorians but we still have
a way to go as we make ourselves and take ourselves down the path
to January of 2001.
Well, I believe there is a way through that accommodates everybody's
concerns and that way through, ironically, has been presented by the
Native Title Act which is a Commonwealth piece of legislation but
administered effectively now by the States and the Territories and
there is no reason why the Aboriginal Land Rights Act could not remain
a Commonwealth Act and yet be administered by the Northern Territory
Prime Minister, what about these questions of for example uranium
royalties and also control of national parks.
Oh look all of these things will be discussed. I have no doubt that
we can reach a very happy arrangement. The Federation has got a lot
of life left in it and it is going to enjoy reinvigoration.
[Inaudible] and the flag?
Well the Australian flag remains exactly the same.
[Inaudible] ... federation star won't have to change?
Well that's a very interesting proposition.
What about the name?
The name?
Well, the State of the Northern Territory is no more perhaps contradictory
than New South Wales.
Well we need to talk about that. Obviously you can't have 12
and I think that has been understood from the word go. One formula
that has been discussed is that at the time of Statehood you might
go to three with a formula for adding as population rose. That is
one possibility but I am prepared to sit down and talk to Mr Stone
about that.
[Inaudible] extraordinary power to 180, 000 Australians to...(inaudible)...
Well it's no more extraordinary, if you call it extraordinary,
than the present situation where you have an equality of Senate representation
from the States irrespective of population. See, the original federal
compact was that the smaller units of the new federation surrendered
power to the centre which they knew through the popular vote would
be dominated by Melbourne and Sydney, and the eastern seaboard, and
in return they sought and obtained equality of State representation.
Now you have to honour, to some degree, that but I don't think
it's realistic to have 12 Senators. I don't think anybody
from the Territory is seriously seeking that and it has not been something
that will be on the agenda.
Yes, I could indicate that in all of our discussions to date, and
we've never sought 12 Senators, no one seriously has ever put
that proposition from the Northern Territory, that if we had a beginning
point of three and then a formula locked into population growth so
that when we reached the least populist State, for example, Tasmania
at 450,000, that there would be adjustments along the way. Now, that
would seem to be an imminently fair and equitable approach but it
would take 30 years based on our even rapid population growth to reach
that of Tasmania.
(Inaudible) would you seek to have the power to ... the federal
Land Rights legislation or would that we only ....(inaudible)..?
No, look I believe that the perfect compromise that should meet everybody's
concerns, and this includes the land rights and the very important
Aboriginal constituency in the Northern Territory, would be for the
Aboriginal Land Rights Act to remain with the Commonwealth
Parliament but to be administered by the new State of the Northern
Territory. That would be consistent with the way that the Native
Title Act works.
So the power would remain in your....(inaudible)?
The power of amendment would in those circumstances, but you would
obviously, because there would be a partnership involved in it you
wouldn't act in a way that was indifferent to the concerns of
the new State. I think what Mr Stone has said, which he raised with
me this morning, is a very very worthwhile imminently sensible way
of dealing with this issue. It recognises that the day-to-day management
of these matters ought to rest with the Territory and not with the
Commonwealth, equally because there are concerns about national approaches
and so forth in these areas if it were to remain an Act of the Commonwealth
Parliament, it would meet those concerns and I think it's an
intelligent compromise which I'm favourably disposed to but I
want to get some advice on it. But I like it and I thank Mr Stone
for making such a sensible proposition.
(inaudible) ... Senators from other States based on population?
Well I don't have anything in mind on that at the present time.
I've got a few other things I want to get out of the way before
I start looking at things like that and I don't know that I'll
turn my mind to that issue in the foreseeable future. It's pretty
hard to make any changes in that area.
(inaudible) legislate that that could be changed without reference
to the people...
Could I just perhaps comment on that Prime Minister? We've not
sought to change this flag and these fellows haven't sought to
change that flag which is more important in the sense of where Territorians
are coming from.
(inaudible) Federation star.
Yep, well I understand, well, we'll have a think about that but
I mean I don't think Shane is going to feel that his, you know,
virility as a Territorian is challenged by the continuation of the
existing federation star - let me put it that way.
Not at all.
(inaudible).. legislate to pass the euthanasia laws without...?
Is that question directed to me or Mr....to me? Well the goal would
be that the new State would have essentially the same powers as the
existing States and obviously that's something, that issue will
come up in discussions. And bear in mind that the Act that was passed
by the Commonwealth Parliament was not an Act sponsored by the Government,
although I personally supported it and my view has not changed and
I don't think is likely to change. I think it's also fair
to say that the composition of the Parliament of the Northern Territory
has probably changed and attitudes on that issue may well have changed
since it was last before the Territory Parliament. That is something
that will come up. You've got to remember that once you go down
the path of Statehood the ideal is that the Territory should have
essentially the same powers as other States otherwise there's
no point in doing it. You don't sort of give a State half the
authority of the other States.
(inaudible) ... bounce back in the Newspoll today?
Well I'll take that question first.
What does the Northern Territory Statehood mean for the Budget in
terms of the change to outlays and revenue and how will the Northern
I'm sure...look the Northern Territory, like the other jurisdictions
of the federation will be greatly strengthened and greatly benefited
and greatly enhanced under the tax plan that's going to be announced
on Thursday.
Could I just add to that? I'm understanding the intent of your
question. We have been funded as a State for eight years so we take
our chances at Premiers' conference along with everybody else.
And there's no special formula for the Northern Territory. For
eight years we've been funded as a State so it costs nothing
to the Australian tax payer, nor to Territorians, to become a State.
Is there any chance that the NT will be ...(inaudible)
Well far from it. No, the NT will not be worse off.
[Inaudible]...Are you thinking of opening the door for changes
to federal funds, change to the .....
I'm not sure I understand your question.
Oh no I was making an observation. I mean, the legal mechanism to
deliver statehood would be via an Act of the Commonwealth Parliament
which the Government will sponsor under Section 121 of the Constitution.
We won't be sort of making Statehood for the Northern Territory
formally conditional on each of the other States ticking off on each
provision of the Territory's constitution. Once we've ticked
off on it and if the Commonwealth Parliament supports it, then the
Northern Territory will become a State. But I was expressing the view
that the development and the movement towards Statehood would be acceptable
to the rest of the Australian community. And I think the rest of the
Australian community will have a very positive view about Statehood
for the Northern Territory. They will see it as eminently sensible,
they recognise the distinctive character of the Territory and I think
people will regard it as the most natural thing in the world to have
a new State for a new century.
Why has this taken nearly a hundred years?
Well, Shane and I can only answer for the last two or three years
together, but it has come further in the time that we have occupied
our current positions than perhaps in some earlier years, although
I do remind you that the first federal politician to seriously commit
a federal Government to Statehood for the Northern Territory was Malcolm
Fraser in the lead up to the 1975 election campaign.
Prime Minister perhaps I should put my question this way. Do you think
the announcement of Statehood for the Northern Territory has contributed
to the bounce back in the polls or do you think....?
Glenn I don't know. You understand my notorious reticence when
it comes to polls. I saw that with interest and we'll just sort
of see. I think you are seeing a recognition in the Australian community
develop that there's the Government that's offering something,
there's the Government that has got a plan for the future and
then you've got our traditional opponents, the Labor Party who
just say no to everything and our other opponents on the periphery
who also say no to everything but sort of say that on occasions in
different languages.
...are you concerned about the Australian Broadcasting Authority's
problems with the ads that you ...?
No. No.
How will you overcome that...?
Well, very easy. You just follow the law.
...disclaimer at the end of the advertisements?
Well, the law will be followed and we've got advice on that,
and everything is perfectly in order. May I say in relation to this
that I find this business about us running advertisements on this
plan quite extraordinary. I mean, this is the biggest change to the
Australian taxation system since World War II and perhaps earlier
than that, and the Australian public is entitled to have the detail
and for the Labor Party who has spent equivalent amounts of public
money in advertising things with a tenth or twentieth of the detail
or the significance of this plan have got the nerve to moralise to
us about the quite legitimate expenditure of public money to explain
something that people want to know something about. People want to
know about this. They want to know how they are affected. They want
to know how they are benefited and how they are helped and how their
parents are helped and their children are helped, and their community
is helped. I think it is an utterly legitimate expenditure by the
Commonwealth. It will be done in accordance with the law. I make no
apologies at all for doing it, and I find the utterances of Senator
Faulkner and Mr Beazley on this pathetic.
It's clearly an essential part of the election campaign isn't
Well, there's no campaign. I mean, you may know when the election
is, I don't.
.... What is an acceptable amount of time for people to ingest
and understand a tax package before an election?
I have said before Glenn that I have no intention of dropping the
tax package and then running straight off to an election. There will
be adequate time allowed for people to have the plan explained to
them. There will be information made available so that people understand
how it will work. As to when the election is going to be held I don't
know. And I certainly haven't made any de