Fax f ron 4 28 27/ 10/ 97 21: 04 Pg:
OCT 27 ' 97 20: 56 PRIME MINISTER
Australia will cxtcnd its existing successful prormmes assisting the development of
sport in the Comnmonw~ ealth.
Australia will provide an additional $ 1.8 milion to assist development of South
Afiica's Protca Sport programe and vw aith South Africa to aedzid this
programme to other parts of the Commonwealth in Affica.
As purt of Ausimlia's coffmaimnx to ensu= Corrnonwrlth sport prospers wc will
also provide S$ 1.35 million. to work with Carribean contries to exctend support for
junior sport development
These progmarmes wil run unti 2006.
The Commonwealth has a proud record in sport at the elite icvcl and, equally
importantly, as purt of its work for community developmeMt As a strong sporting
nation Auswdaia is an active supporter of CommonwcaIth sport iad the major donor
for Sport$ Telated activities.
But more can be done to ensure Commnonwralth spori prospers ia the Internatioually
comnpetitive sporting arena-
These mneasures wil I help to broaden sports dcvelopment so the Commonwealth
G~ ncs remains a competition of inernational. stature and vida in~ rc-st.
In building for the future now. we not only encourage tomnorrows athletes but ensure
all our young peple the beniefits of sports participation.
Ausgtrai has a $ 3 million sports development'prograime for the South Pacific. This
programmne aimns at ensuring the South Pacific counitncs have every opportunity to
participate in the Sydney 2000 Olympics and strengthens thc Cornmonwt-alth focus
on the benefits of sprts dEvelopment Subject to rev. iew this proganme will bc
exteuded until 2006.
To help the Commonwealth position itself, Australia also is willing to support a
worlding group of the Cl-l0OM Comnmittee on Cooperaton on Sport to develop a
Fax from
WOCT 4 20
27 ' 97 20: 56 2
Commonwealth wide strwcW on spoMt development and ensure greater integration of
donor cffortS.
The packagc reflects Australia's commiunent to shaiing with others the cxpenisc in
all aspeats of sports devclopuien provided by hosting the Sydney 2000 Olym~ pics.
As nations we can only gain from the swise of national identity and commriunity ihat
Sport Offers.
27 October 1997 27/ 10/ 97 21: 04 Pg: 2
P. 11