PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00010478.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston
APEC Leaders and Minister Meetings - Vancouver

Canada will host the 5th annual APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in Vancouver on November 24 and 25 this year. It will be preceded by other senior level meetings, including the 9th meeting of APEC Ministers for Foreign Affairs and Trade.

The media program thus far is as follows:
Nov 18      - official opening of media centre, briefing on facilities and tour of sites.
Nov19-20  - APEC Senior Officials meeting.
Nov 21-22 - APEC Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Ministers Responsible for Trade
Nov 24      - APEC Business Advisory Council ( ABAC) meeting and dialogue with Leaders.
Nov 25       - APEC Economic Leaders' Retreat.

As for previous years, the accreditatiohi process starts well in advance. Please complete the attached application for media accreditation and forward to Alison Brown at the Prime Minister's Press Office with two passport sized photos ( with names written on back) by MONDAY 22 SEPTEMBER for delivery to Canada. Freelancers will also need to attach a letter of assignment.

The High Commission in Canada has booked 35 rooms in the hotel where the ministers and Prime Minister are staying ( the Rennaissance). The room rate varies from $218 ( city views) to S241 ( harbour views). This hotel is likely to be the venue for Australian press conferences and will also house a modest media centre. The rooms will be allocated on a " first in, first served" basis. If you wish to book reserved room please complete the attached accommodation request form and return it with your accreditation ( and tick "will not require hotel reservation" in the accommodation section of the application).

Could you also please ensure this information is passed ASAP to non gallery-based media in your group likely to be seeking accreditation.

For further information:
Prime Minister's Media Office Alison Brown ( 02) 62777744
Dept Foreign Affairs Trade.-Kirk Coningham ( 02) 62611555 

9 September 1997