PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00010439.pdf 1 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston
Prime Minister's New Internet Home Page

The Prime Minister's new Home Page has come on line on the Internet this weekend. The Internet address is

Australians have always been at the forefront in the use of new technologies. The Internet is no exception. There are some 500,000 Internet users in Australia and it is estimated that 1500 businesses and 20,000 other users are joining the web every month throughout our nation.

The revolution in on-line and information technologies, together with telecommunications advances and deregulation, is dramatically diminishing geographical barriers between Australians.

Whether it be facts about Australia and our institutions or recent policy announcements and interviews, the new Home Page brings the Government closer to Australians and provides greater direct access to accurate information for users, particularly in regional and rural Australia.

The Federal Government and its departments will be making greater use of the opportunities which the Internet offers.

The Prime Minister's Home Page provides quick access to his latest speeches, media releases and interviews. Through the Home Page, organisations and other Internet users will be able to join a distribution list to receive all new media releases and transcripts by electronic mail as soon as they are released.

Information is also included on the ministerial team, Australia's Constitution and system of government, our flag, our national anthem and other national symbols.

The new Home Page covers information of use to Australians and overseas users and includes a range of material of interest to organisations, businesses, individuals, students and children.

3 August 1997