PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00010353.pdf 5 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston

Fax from 22/ 05/ 97 12: 26 Pg 1
-MAPY 22 ' 97 11: 43 P. 2
The 1.25 billion Natural Heritage Trust launched today represents the
commencement of the Howard Government's long term agenda to repair
Australia's environment.
It was with a feeling of great pride that I launched the Trust today.
The Trust was one of the main promises of the last election and, despite the
strident opposition from the ALP, Democrats and Greens, we have been able to
deliver. In fact the Government has overdelivered and is spending S lO0m more than
we promidsed at the election.
The Natu ral Heritage Trust seeks to tackle our environmental problems in a
consolidated and thoughtful way.
The money will be spent on real projects and real work; there have been
enough reports and research on the extent of the problems.
Importantly, it will create many thousands of jobs at the same time as repairing
our environment.
The Government is keen to get on with the job after so many delays in the
Senate and so I have anniounced a number of projects across Australia where
work can start ( attached).
These projects will allow the benefits of the Trust to start flowing to
Australians and their environment
In coming months, I look forward to many more projects being funded across
Australia as we embark on the greatest environmental restoration project in our
nation's history.
22 May 1997

Fax from:
-MAY 22 ' 97 11: 43 22/ e5/ 97 12: 26 Pg: 2
P. 3
Attachment A:
Tlotal funding for 1996-97: PROGRAM $ 2 548 396
NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service
Title 199611997
Fontainea oraria Recover/ Plan S24 096
Elaeccarous williamsianus Rec--very PlIan S1 588
Achrcnvchia littoralis Reccveri 01an S9 500
Diplcglottis campbellii Recove?-/ Plan Si1015
gibbosa Recovenj FaPn $ 22100
Cynanchurn elegans Recovery Rlan $ 31 806'
Olearia flocktoniae Recover Pan $ 5100__
Grevillea caleyi Recover Plan 2 0
Grevillea beadleana Recovery Plan
Zieria orostrata Recovery Plan 52400__
Epacns harniltonui Recovery P'an 000_
Golds Petrel Research Plan $ 47800__
TOTAL$ 11E5]
Parks and Wildlife Commissicn of the Northern Territory
Gouldian Finch Recoveri Plan $ 100 000
[ Pt chosnermna bleesefi Racov= i. i Plan S10 500
ITOTAL1 $ 285 500
WA Department of Conserva! on and Land Management
Title 199611997
Eucalycwus rnodan" I'la ( Rose M~ e) Recovery Plan si 000
Thevenard iland Mouse Reses.:: h and Recovery Plan $ 9 000
Chuditch Recover Plan $ 86 200
Shark-8Ba Mouse Recovery P~ 7 $ 77 000
Noisy Scrub-tird Recovery P! an $ 42 300
western Swamp Tortoise Recviery Plan $ 65 100
BanKsia cuneata( 1MatChstiCkS;. a7, ksia)_ RecoveryPlan 6500
Lake Tcolibin Recoverl Plan $ 75 000
Numbat Recoveri Plan $ 102 200
Merredmn diszrict. Declared Rar-e Flora, Program No 9 Determine and review management 544 100
priorities. Rulingia sp. ( Tring-Nell Br-die: -; ngwel'rs Rulingia) Recovery Plan 5500
Grevillea scaoigera ( Corrigin Gevllea) Recoveri Plan $ 34 500
Difbler Research Plan $ 39 790
Gilbert's Pctoroo Recover/ P se54150
Threatenea Ilora in ne Micora : strict. Wildlife Mianagement Program implementation $ 48 400
Nar. cc~ DCs : rict. -f) tehee nWail dlife Management Program 544 200
lmnp~ emTenia*: on lr. er ?: lcl. ' Janagemnent Guidelines and Recovery Plan for 11 critically 559 800
endancerad WPA piant taxal
Phvtccr. ur. cre cinrar-oni Rac> Research $ 500
ITOTAL S799 740

Fax from
-MAY 22 ' 97 11: 43 22/ 05/ 97 12: 26 Pg: 3
P. 4
Queensland DePartment of Environment
iT it le 1996/ 1997
j8r~ cled Nailtail Wallaby $ 103 000
Ncr*, Merrn Hairy-nosed WCIm: at Recovery Plan $ 85 912
[ Prosercine Rock W~ allaby $ 67 630
IWarcgarw Glider Reseaecn P'arn 584 000
IGclden-shoulderea Parrot e: r Plan S24 000
Ncrern Settong Resear:. 7 ;! an $ 4 300
' M~ cricring of Threatened cr: gcs : nl the Eungella Region 54 500
Mcn imnrl of Threatened F-ccs : n the Viet Tropics $ 19 500
Declining forgs project, Ncr'. East NSW and South East Queensland, ( spp. include. mixophys 56 307
flea'; i)
. TOTAL $ 399 149
SA Department of Environment and Natural Resources
TItle 1996/ 1997
Karcarco Island G& ossv 2: ack C-cc. atco Recovery Plan $ 82 300
Caladenia behrii ( Pink Saider Orchid) Recover Plan $ 525
Caladenia gladiolata ( Savcrnet Scider Orchid) Recovery Plan $ 360
Caladenia rigida ( White Scider Orchid) Recovery Plan 5200
Greater Stick-nest Rat Recover.' Plan $ 12 300
, TOTAL $ 93 185
Victorian Department of Natural Resources and Environment
ITItle 1 199611997
lBlac:-eared Miner Recover'.' Ran 1 3105 OC01
Sccized: Tree Frog Resear~ n Pan I 339 6C6
Tasmanian Department of Environment and Land Management
Title 199611997,
Pe-er Galaxias Recover: P! zrn 312 100
Eucaiyptus mrriscovi Recovery P; ai 14
18ar . araa auszrafis Recoveyj F~ a: $ 3 935
Galax: as Recover': P~ an $ 7 950
IP'nealium daviesii Reccvef%/ Management Phase $ 6250
Swi" Parrot Recovery Rlan S132 300
TOTAL $ 164 083
Other projects
State ITitle .199611997
QL-. I Declining Frogs ot Queen sand and northern NSW 553 243
OLD lAustromyrtus qcncctad. a Recovery Plan $ 9 500
QCLD I Recovery Plans for five anne ' turtles. $ 15 000
0LU ) Artesian Soring Fshes. Recovery Plan S88 145
I$ A I~ it Loit Ranges Emu Ven Recover Plan S56 850
SA Iaract'iscomee mue . en Rz-searcn Plan $ 7 500
SA lAcaciaw'hibleyana Research R'an 34 400
ISAl IPultenea tr: choahylla Rec-verv Plan $ 9 600
SA I Ptercstylis areniccla, Re-.: very Plan. $ 15 100
JProstanthera eur'::: cidss Recovery Plan S13 600
S JAcac: a crea-aca Rec P ! an 315 100
SA IF~ iorr-1 Blue-ton c Pe a Plan 5 57 000
V'C IPrascchylhum correczur-' 7eco', ery Plan 59 940
SUB-TOTAL 1 354 9781

Fax from
-MAY 22 ' 97 11: 44 22/ 85/ 97 12: 26 Pg: 4
Aerial Geoph, rsical Surveys for Salinity Management
State Location Funding
Queensland Balfes Creek Catchment. North Qld $ 170939
NSW Liverpool Plains. Central NSW $ 229180
Victoria Willaura, Western District $ 150450
WA Chapman Valley Northern Agricultural Zone $ 264 025
WA Tcolibin Catchment. South west $ 107689
Total S922 283
': awkesburylNepean Regional Strategy
Announce an allocation of $ 1 m for the forthcoming year for the Hawkesbury/ Nepean Regional Strategy, to
give some security to initial planning and implementation.
Approximately $ 900 000 to contrcl rubber vine and prickly acacia as part of the Government's commitment
to implement the National Weeds Strategy.
Southern Ironstone $ 25 500
Land acquisition to protect a critical remnant of a threatened ecological community on the Swan Coastal
Plain ( a high priority region) in Western Australia.
Cobar Peneplain Bioregional Conservation Strategy $ 325 000

JMA1Y 22 ' 97 11: 44 4
Fax from State IPro ect Title Agency Fundinq
New South I 1nves%, iga-: cf cf -v-etlands outside New South Wales National $ 6 000
Wales reserves Ne. u South Wales for Parks and Wildlife Service
ScossitIe ;; am7szr -ornination
Towra PC Reserve Ramsar New South Wales National $ 100 000
wet and -Rev:$ -n of Plan of Parks and Wildlife Service
Manaer7 nt erosion remediation
I ctiorns. NSW
Northern Identifi! ca: Ci' an= management planning Parks and Wildlife Commission 320 000
Territory for signif-. cani ' a;' tnats within the of the Northern Ter . ritory
Ccccurg M1arire = ark Ranmsar wetland,
Northern~ T 1
Queensland IManagernant P'an for Currawinya Lakes Queensland Department of $ 38 267
Rarnsar wetar:. Queensland IEnvironment
Preparatcr of a submissicn for Ramsar Queensland Department of $ 13 650
nominaticn of zt" e Great Sandy Straits, Environment
Old Wetland lrwentmr/ Program for important Queensland Department of $ 46 725
wetlands of the Cesert Uplands. Environment
Brigalow Belt Nc-h and Sinasleigh
Uolands ticre: c-. s. Queensland
South ocume, aticn. the Water Valley South Australian Wetlands and $ 14 754
Australia wetlands lead;-: Ramsar nomination, Wildlife Trust
South Ausztaliz
lnterpret;, ve s: 7-ae for the Riverland Bookmark Biosphere Trust $ 10 000
IRamnsar Australia
Management ans for The Coorong and South Australian Department of $ 56 000
SLakes Alexanc-ñ. a and Albert Ramsar Environment and Natural
wetlands Phase-= 2 of 3. South Australia Resources
South Aujstralian WetLands database South Australian Department of 340 642
Wazertnrrs c-1 Hope. Lower Cooper New South Wales National5300
cree. K. Szzlec'. : faek, Lake Blanche Parks and Wildlife Service
and Lake CaIa:: nna. Scuth Australia I
Tasmania Management sn '. or Clarence Plains Clarence Plains Landcare Group $ 15 000
Rivulet and Ca,::. nent. Tasmania ( Tasmania)
Management sns for Tasmanian Tasmanian Department of $ 41 800
Ramsar. sites ase 3 of 4 Environment Land
Victoria lder-! icat~ on assessment of Victorian Department of Natural S30 000
naticnally impc. 7 snt wetlands in Victoria Resources and Environment
for inclusion i. 3rd edition of A
Oireec'yr cf Ir:: rant Wetlands in
Western Management Sn for the Lower Ord Western Australian Department S49100
Australia Ramnsar vietla: Ylestern Australia. of Conservation and Land
Survey and ie-ryof Western Western Australian Department 59 000
Aus: raiian we: B for the 3rd edition of of Conservation and Land
A of -: cflant WAetlands in Management
Aus, fa
National Tec:, nii; L le :: ment and databases Environment Research Institute 540 000
for _., haced e: n netr nof the Supervising Scientist
ncr--rerlus: Designing the scope
of -re Na*; orna ettands Inventory.
A revjiew of rna-sgement issues World Wildlife Fund for Nature 537 850
affec-ing , detla-: s on the National Estate
Rc. s er TOTAL* uu g oo
22/ 05/ 97 12: 26Pg: P. 6