PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
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00010351.pdf 20 Page(s)
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  • Howard, John Winston
Face to Face

Fax from 19/ 05/ 97 16: 38 Pg:
MAY 19 ' 97 16: 21 P. 2
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Broadcast Date: 18h May 1997.
Interview with the Prime Minister, John Howard
CANBERRA ON ( 61 6) 273 6777 or 0419 418 497
Rchn AuwaU3Morkoiirg Seryiee. Pty Ltd ACN 006 369 982
Suite o Henry Lawson Bsines Cetrv Cay Sawn, Dnmwoyne NSW 2047 PH 02 98196266 FX 02 9819 6388
S7 Rouse Scret Pons Mebaowe. Victoria 3207 Tckphone 03 9646 6966 FasoUe 03 9646 6288
27 Sme Cide. oe* jn ACT 2600 -Opposite Hkntterai Eiauncv. Puarnmgit Hcu. Canbema
Tolwqhne 06 273 6777 Fabnti 06 273 6888 Err4: rvhwep@ nuinf. cwm. U

Fax from 19/ 05/ 97 16: 38 Pg: 2
MAY 19 ' 97 16: 21 P. 3
SUNDAY, MAY 18, 1997
Good morning again. John Howard could be forgiven right now for contemplating
that old saying about not pushing too hard for what you want, because you just
might get it. Certainly the Prime Minister, if he was ever in fact in any doubt, must
now fully appreciate the difficulties of office. Mr Howard would've hoped to have
been out selling his budget, one he trumpeted as a political circuit breaker.
Instead, he's back out on the stumps selling his Wik plan, and still ticking away is the
time bomb of media ownership. Add to that, Pauline Hanson's popularity, high
unemployment and even criticism of his own leadership and you have a picture of
someone perhaps anything but relaxed and comfortable. The Prime Minister joins
us this morning, along with our panel, Seven's Glenn Milne and Anne Davies from
the Sydney Morning Herald.
Prime Minister, good morning to you.
Good morning Stan, how are you?
Rownm & Aztnia Montorin Swvics Pty Ltd ACN 006 369 982
Suit S01 MH eiy rwso BuonhanCinemr . Cay Stre. iDnmwyne NSW 2047 PH 02 98196266 FX 02 9819 6388
S7 Rome Pon Melboune. Vicoria 3207 Telekphone 03 9646 6966 Fauirnile 03 9646 6288
27 Sae Cide DeWd% ACT 2600 OppmitmI HInbtelra Entrwme, PalanmMt Hous Canmbe-
Tlephone 06 273 6777 Faaintie 06 273 6888 E mhu* nel ntnfo. cowiu 1

Fax from 19/ 05/ 97 16: 38 Pg: 3
MAY 19 ' 97 16: 21 P. 4
E GRANT: I'm I'm very well thank you. Yesterday you were out at Longreach. I suppose
into the lion's den. You've weren't how... howled down though. What's your
reaction to the response you received?
HOWARD: I thought it was a very very good meeting. I didn't expect them to stand and cheer
because they've been fed an enormous amount of misinformation by people who, I
think, are being a little mischievous. It was a first class opportunity for me to get
across the guarantees that the ten point plan gives to Australian pastoralists, and all
in all, I was very pleased about the outcome. I didn't expect them to
overwhelmingly endorse, but I think I made an impression and Tim Fischer and I felt
well pleased after the meeting.
We we had an opportunity of talking to them directly and to give them a lot of
assurances. I was amazed, absolutely amazed, at the level of fear and
misinformation. GRANT: Well well let's deal deal with that. Because I saw someone last night, a
woman with a couple of children on her hips, saying she didn't know how she was
going to to feed the children in the future.
HOWARD: Well I mean this is this is it. I mean there is
Where's that coming from?
Rehale Auxil Mnorm ongServ Pty Ltd ACN 006 369 982
Suhke SoI Hry Lwon & Buirna Cent Cay Street. rOnammeyne NSW 2047 PH 02 98196266 FX 02 9819 6388
S7 Route Saeet Port Meboume. Victoria 3207 Telephone 03 9646 6966 Facsmile 03 9646 6288
27 Sat* Circe. Deardn. ACT 2600 Oppostet 1Inh-turtal Entrancv Parlbmant Houe. Canbera
Teephoone 06273 6777 Faumile 06273 688 Emil rehalmega@ nInfo. ofn. mu

Fax -rom 19/ 05/ 97 16: 38 Pg: 4
Fax from MAY 19 ' 97 16: 22 SEVEN NETWORK UMITED
Well I it could be coming from extreme groups who are pedalling this
information and if they are, they they you know they deserve to be to be
criticised and and and exposed because they are those people yesterday
were decent hard working Australian men and women and if they did have those
genuine fears, then that is is a terrible condemnation of people who've spread
those sort of lies. Because in no way is anybody's title at risk. In no way can
anybody, even if nothing is done about the Wik decision, can anybody be driven off
their property. But we are going to do something about the Wik decision.
We're going to wind it right back. Not as far as they might want us to go, but we
are certainly going to wind it back. But can I just say again, nobody can lose their
farm, nobody can lose their pastoral lease. Nobody can be prevented from carrying
out their pastoral activities and an expanded range of primary production activities.
And they can do that without having to get the permission, or the approval of any
Aboriginal native title claimant.
GRANT: Personally, the the fact that you were you were out there on the weekend,
just so soon after the budget, having to to sell the the Wik proposal. Some
have described you as fog bound by the whole the whole Wik issue. I think there
was one headline yesterday describing you as as " nowhere man" because of the
various [ indistinct]...
Well I was somewhere yesterday and and I think the whole of Australia know I
was somewhere.
Rehwe A= rzfia Montort Soreka Pey Ltd ACN 006 369 982
Suie Sl Hery Lwwon Busteu Cet* , SCtmareyet . D mmoyne NSW 2047 PH 02 98196266 FX 029819 6388
57 Row Sumet Port Melbwin. Vlctoria 3207 Telephone 03 9646 6966 Faunile 03 9646 6288
27 Stat Cida. Deaid ACT 2600 Oppote Mbilntwta Entra vn. PdiJament Hous. Canbanea
Telephone 06 273 6777 Faiftile 06 273 6888 Em. 4mhane* tino. com . u

Fax from 19/ 85/ 97 16: 38 Pg: S
MAY 19 ' 97 16: 22 P. 6
I GRANT: Are you are you fog bound by
HOWARD: I think I think yesterday actually was a was a good, old fashioned exercise in
face to face politics. I I think political leaders ought to get out of the television
studio, you know, pardon your presence, ought to get out of the television studio a
little more often and actually go and talk to people who are affected by something.
I mean, there were fifteen hundred to two thousand people there yesterday.
They'd come from all over north Queensland, some from the Northern Territory,
some from New South Wales, some from Western Australia. They feel deeply
about this issue. They are entitled to hear from their Prime Minister and Deputy
Prime Minister about it and so far from yesterday's experience discouraging me
from face to face contact with people, it's actually renewed my belief in the value of
I don't think there's any doubt though Prime Minister that some people out there
probably feel that you've been preoccupied with the wrong issues, even though
Wik is obviously a very weighty and important one. Now that you've got the
legislation through the party room, it's going into the Parliament. Will you now back
off selling Wik, or are you still going to continue?
HOWARD: No, I think no, look I'm not going to back off doing anything that's important.
But I think now that it's through the party room, the political interest in it will be
less because everybody now knows it's government policy and I'm not going to
change it. And the legislation is being drafted at the present time. I'm going to get
Kelmn Austra Mwfdt0r Servic. Pty Ltd ACN 006 369 982
Suits 501 Hemy L in Bwinm Cerm Cary ' ae Dnrmoyne NSW 2047 PH 02 98196266 FX 029819 6388
57 Rouse Streer Port Meblun. V" ilXria 3207 Teletphon 03 9646 6966 Famimde 03 9646 6288
27 Ste Cirete, Oe. Idn, ACT 2600 Opposke KbfttwW Entzc., Pwaillment Houso. Canbera
Tekqhomn 06 273 6777 Facsimdle 06 273 6888 Emad: elm. egm@ Nkiifoxnmau 4

Fax from 19/ 85/ 97 16: 38 Pg: 6
MAY 19 ' 97 16: 23 P. 7
the legislation involve legal representatives of the interest groups in having a
look at the legislation when it's drafted and naturally I'll involve the party in that
process as well.
But we have determined a course, it's a fair course, it's the right course and I'm
going to keep going on it. Obviously, it's not going to be as preoccupying over the
next few weeks as it has over the past few weeks. But this idea that being prime
minister is only about the budget, is only about industrial relations, is only about
cutting things, or about the taxation system, has always been wrong. Getting Wik
right, getting native title right is very important to the long term economic future of
Australia, but it's also important for the social cohesion of the nation.
We have to get the balance right. The pendulum has swung too far in the direction
of Aborigines in the argument. What I'm trying to do is bring it back in the middle,
but I'm not going to push it back over the other side because it needs to be in the
middle, and that's what I think Australians want.
MILNE: Prime Minister you say that you're very determined on this issue. You won't brook
any changes in the Senate.
HOWARD: Mmm. MILNE: If the Senate does try to substantially amend..
Rahw Auzria Montorinf Swrvku Pty Ltd ACN 006 369 982
Swi 501 Henry Lwmon Businms Centu, Cary Screv Dnrmnoynw NSW 2047 PH 0298196266 FX 02 9819 6388
57 Rouse Seet Port Mlboumne, Vktora 3207 Telephone 03 9646 6966 Fasme 03 9646 6288
27 Stue Orde. Dakin. ACT 2600 Oppasks MInltetbl Entrwne. Parilamnt Home. Cnbwmra
Telephone 06 273 6777 Facsimile 06 273 6888 EmIil. rhamegxrngtnfo. cofa-u

Fax from 19/ 05/ 97 16: 38 Pg: 7
MAY 19 ' 97 16: 23 P. 8
MILNE: the Wik legislation. What will you do?
Well we won't agree with any substantial amendments. I'm not going to have the
plan watered down. I mean, if there are things at the margin that don't make any
difference, of course we'll have a look. But I'm not going to have it watered down.
But what we do is something we'll decide if and when that that that arises.
GRANT: One of the things that has been raised, a possibility of a a double dissolution on
this iss... issue Are you prepared to go that far?
HOWARD: Oh look I'm not going to say what we'll do if the Senate were to knock it back. Tim
Fischer and I have had a discussion about that and we've got a very clear view of
what our response might be. But for reasons
GRANT: Is it some something you can discuss?
HOWARD: No, Tim and I have discussed it. Of course we have. Tim and I are working
together very closely on this and it was a great great privilege to be on that
platform with him out in Longreach yesterday. He's a terrific deputy leader and he's
done a superb job as Leader of the National Party.
Rehame Auraa Monitoir Servie Pty Ltd ACN 006 369 982
Suite 501 Henry Lawsn Bins o C Cary Street. Drunmoyne NSW 2047 PH 02 98196266 FX 02 9819 6388
S7 Rouse Street Port Melbournx Vicona 3207 Telephone 03 9646 6966 Facimile 03 9646 6288
27 State Cirde. Deakin. ACT 2600 Opposi Ministrlal Entrncow Parlament Houme Caniber
Telephone 06 273 6777 Faclmile06 273 6888 Eoik rehanea@ ncinf. com. au

Fax from 19/ 85/ 97 16: 38 Pg: 8
A referendum Prime Minister?
HOWARD: Oh I just Glenn I'm not going to speculate.
GRANT: But yet you
Try as you may, we we've given given it a lot of thought and we have a view. I
hope the Senate will agree with what we're putting up. Mr Beazley should agree
with what we're putting up because it cleans up the mess that his former
government left us with.
GRANT: You you mentioned Tim Fischer. Of course, the the whole native title issue
has caused great divisions within the National Party. Well come back after the
break and just deal with that. COMMERCIAL BREAK
GRANT: Prime Minister John Howard is our guest on Face to Face. Prime Minister, just
before the break you you mentioned Tim Fischer, you were in Longreach with
him yesterday. Rumblings within the National Party about his leadership, what
would your message to National Party MPs be to the ones who were trying to
destabilise Tim Fischer's leadership?
Rahwme Aer. lia Montortr Services Pry Ltd ACN 006 369 982
Suite S0 I Hery Lwsou Buimess Centre Cry Street. Oranoyne NSW 2047 P' 0298196266 FX 029819 6388
57 Rouas Streit Port Malbourne Vlctoara 3207 Telephone 03 9646 6966 Fuzinie 03 9646 6288
27 Scae Cird' Deakn ACT 2600 Opposite Minbterl Entran, Patmnt Hotite. Canerwa
Tkp. a 06 273 6777 Fasimnle 06 273 6888 Em avi r hmegarnuctnfo. omau

Fax from 19/ 05/ 97 16: 38 Pg: 9
MAY 19 ' 97 16: 24 P.
Well I think they're crazy. I mean. I I just can't believe we waited for
thirteen years to get into government. We've been in government fourteen months
and these characters are running around talking about leadership. I mean, you've
got to be joking.
GRANT: How seriously do you take them?
Well I I noted at the end of last week the the absolute anger of the great
majority of the members of the National Party towards a few and I I think his
leadership is very solid. He really has done a great job for the bush and he's done a
terrific job for Australia as a trade minister and he's very highly respected in the
business community.
I noticed when I had that fourteen person business delegation with me in China,
how warmly they spoke of the job that Tim Fischer is doing for Australian
exporters. He's always out there, getting a market, pushing an Australian product.
Now that's his job and anybody who criticises his leadership is is politically stupid
and has no understanding of the absolutely invaluable job that he's doing for
Australia. I think it's just a touch of, what shall we call, autumn madness.
But hasn't there been a breakdown of trust between yourself and the National
Party organisation over Wik? I mean, how are you going to repair those relations?
Ram Autr~ la Monitor Servkc Pty Ltd ACN 006 369 982
Suite 50 Hewry Lwwwn Bunes* Cni Cy Saet. Dnvnoyn. NSW 2047 PH 02 98196266 FX 02 9819 6388
S7 Rous Sav Port MeIbourmne. V'ctqia 3207 Teephne 03 9646 6966 Facskniq 03 9646 6288
27 State Cr DOean. ACT 2600 Opposite MbilAtrW Entnwc., Parait Hous. Camrva
Telephone 06 273 6777 Facsimiie 06273 6888 E rea@ netnfo. onmu 8

Fax from 19/ 05/ 97 16: 38 Pg:
MAY 19 ' 97 16: 24 P. 11
Well at the end of the day on our side of politics, we talked to the organisation, we
consulted, but we're not instructed by it and it's as simple as that. Now I've I
spent Friday evening with the Federal President of the National Party who's a
pastoralist in Queensland and I've a very good personal relationship with him. He's
a very pleasant individual, Mr MacDonald. We've had a slight difference of policy on
this, but that's part and parcel of the of the process and he indicated to me on
Friday night that he thought the whole idea of the visit to Cloncurry and Longreach
had been very good and that the smaller group we met on Friday night there
was a lot of shifting of opinion during that discussion. Because for the first time I
think they really understood the protections that are in the plan.
But you have these sorts of things along the way. You've got to involve the
organisation. You've got to talk to it. But at the end of the day, the people who
have been voted into office, that's Tim Fischer and myself, have got the authority
and the responsibility to take decisions.
MILNE: Prime Minister, if we can turn now to the budget.
HOWARD: Mmm. MILNE: One of the most negative reactions seemed to come from, what I would term, one
of your natural constituency groups, the Business Council of Australia. I think Stan
Wallis, the President, said that he didn't think the Government had a great deal of
strategic vision. How did you respond to that?
Pmne AurallaMofrou Sowicw Py Ltd ACN 006 369 982
Ste 501 HIenry LawonBuinsnm Camc, Cary StreL Dnmioyn NSW 2047 PH 02 98196266 FX 02 9819 6388
S7 Rous Samt Port Melbourme. Victoria 3207 Telephone 03 9646 6966 Faumile 03 9646 6288
27 St OrcdeDi i. ACT 2600 Oppmita Mbstwial Entrance. Parufammt Hmoue, Canbera
Telephone 06 273 6777 Facimile 06 273 688 EmvA rehwneg&@ n. einfcom.* u

Fax from 19/ 05/ 97 16: 38 Pg: 11
MAY 19 ' 97 16: 25 P. 12
Well I was a little puzzled at that, for two reasons. Firstly, all of the things that we
said we were going to do before the election, industrial relations reform, capital
gains tax relief for small business, family tax reform, health insurance rebates, all of
those things have been ticked off. And one of the things the Business Council has
been very strong about is reducing the budget deficit.
I mean, we did inherit a deficit of ten and a half billion, and by the end of our first
term we'll have a surplus of one point six billion. Now that is a spectacularly
successful implementation of what the Business Council has been on our back about
for a long time. And it's made all the more puzzling to me by the fact that at the
same time as I'm being criticised by the President of the Business Council, that very
same body is asking the Government for spending measures and tax concessions
that would total four to five billion dollars a year.
What was this in their pre-budget submission?
HOWARD: No, no in a submission they've put to another government inquiry. They want the
restoration of DIFF, they want the restoration of the R& D tax concessions that
were paired back in the last budget, they want the restoration of the tariff
concession change incidentally DIFF and the tariff concession we promised to do
in our election campaign and they want a four to five per cent tax rebate on
exports. Now, all of those things in their own right, I suppose have merit, but where's the
money coming from? Now where do you find another four to five billion dollars and
Raiwna AuiaiM onftoerr Sorvk Pty Lld AcN 006 369 9a2
Ste SOt Henry Lawsm OinasW Cerm. C* ry Stum DnannWne NSW 2047 PH 02 98196266 FX 02 9819 6388
57 Rouse Siaet Po MIboum. VicZb 3207 Tekp e 03 9646 6966 nie 03 9646 6288
27 Stat Circle. DeAd ACT 2600 Opposlko Nii rteEl nt2-co, Paament House, Canlbov. a
Takhumm 06 273 6777 Facdnde 06 273 6888 Enrl: t o. ' n.

Fax from 19/ 5BS/ 97 16: 38 Pg: 12
MAY 19 ' 97 16: 25 P. 13
isn't it a bit contradictory on the one hand to be saying to the Government, cut
the deficit, but give us a four to five billion dollars extra? Now you you can't, I
mean a government has got to strike a balance, and and where does that
money come from? I mean, we have already cut what people would call middle
class welfare, the HECS charges, the nursing home charges, all of those things that
were implemented in the last budget represented a a heavy targeting of the
government dollar. Now there's a limit beyond which you can't go otherwise you
do start cutting into the genuine social safety net and I've got to strike the balance. I
have obligations to all of the Australian people.
You talk about striking a balance, could we just turn to industrial relations?
HOWARD: Mmm. MILNE: lan McFarlane, the Governor of the Reserve Bank said this week that he felt there's
more to be done on labour market deregulation. You're now looking at further
changes to the unfair dismissal laws, do you think there's another raft of changes to
IR legislation coming through? Is that your plan?
Well I think it's a a I mean, we don't sort of have a a have a bag, a
second wave in the drawer, but it's it's an evolutionary process, you always have
to be looking at further changes. But this debate about IR, we really have to sort of
stop perhaps talking in code. If you're talking about cutting minimum wages, which I
Rehwv" Awzusiz Mon* ork SavKaz Pty Ltd ACN 006 369 982
Sk 5O1 Henry Lzwzon Buwue Cutre. Cary Sat, Dnwmmoyo NSW 2047 PH 0298196266 FX 029819 6388
57 Routc Scret Part Melboaift. Vtooam 3207 Ttlephne 03 9646 6966 Fsirni 03 9646 6288
27 Se Ckre. DOecin. ACT 2600. OppmChta MHhktwr Entrwx*, Pargamrnt HousMe, Carra
Telephone 06 273] 6777 Famuinde 06 273 6888 Emnil: rehgaqtidro. cxm. au

Fax from 19/ 05/ 97 16: 38 Pg: 13
MAY 19 ' 97 16: 26 P. 14
I'm not, then people who involve themselves in the debate should say so. They
shouldn't say, well we want further industrial relations reform. If if what you
mean is, we should cut the minimum wage in the hope that if the wages bill of
employers is lower, then they'd be able to employ more people. If you're not
meaning that, we'll you should specify what you what you what you really
do mean.
I think there's a lot of sort of double talk in this whole industrial relations debate
because most of the major changes, other than getting rid of the minimum wage,
we have made. Now I made it dcear before the last election that we were going to
guarantee a safety net, as far as the minimum wage was concerned, and that was
the take-home value of the take-home pay value of the award. Now, I'm not
going to walk away from that. I'll make other changes. I'll entertain any other
changes, but that rock solid guarantee that I gave in relation to the take-home pay
under the award stays, and I'm not going to compromise that or walk away from it.
GRANT: Prime Minister if I could just just take take a short break there. We'll come
back after this and deal with the other area of reform that's been called throughout
the community, taxation reform. Just after this.
GRANT: Welcome back. Our guest this morning, Prime Minister John Howard. Prime
Minister, before the break we were talking about industrial relations reform. The
other arm of reform, taxation reform, something you've ruled out during this term
ahueAuwwia Moortng WSvkc ® PtyULtd ACN 006 369 982
Site 501 Hwry Lrwsoo gBum Contr. Cay Stret. Drmmoym NSW 2047 PH 02 98196266 FX 02 9819 6388
57 Rat" Sc Port Medboti. Vitkorim 3207 Telephoe 03 9646 6966 FaoJmle 03 9646 6288
27 Stau rCideD. s iN ACT 2600 Opposke Hnkrtal Entranc. Pwruwmnqt " ous, Canbemr
Tauphoo. 06 273 6777 Fatia 06 273 6888 Emai: rehanmw ain nfm . com. u
12 2'" M IR 11. MW

Fax from 19/ 05/ 97 16: 38 Pg: 14
of of government, but is it something you'll be looking at further down
down the track, particularly, the issue of a GST?
Well I wouldn't yet start getting time specific about that, but there's no doubt that
at some stage, sooner or later, we will have to reform the Australian taxation
system. GRANT: Does does that include revisiting a GST [ indistinct]?
Well you can't you can't have a reform unless you look at all of the options.
Now, I can't deny that in the twenty or so years that I've been in politics, I I have
been over the years a consistent supporter of tax reform. I think of all of the people
that are, you know, have had a bit of an influence and a bit of a say in Australian
politics over the years, I've been a more consistent supporter of tax reform than
most. And but we made a commitment about this term of government, quite
precise commitment, and I'm I'm obviously very conscious of that and I I
intend to honour that commitment.
But if you if you're saying to me, do I envisage the Australian taxation system
remaining as it is for the next five or ten years, I'd have to say no.
GRANT: The the other area of course of change, a bit more imminent perhaps than
tax change, is in media ownership. Will James Packer get his Christmas wish and
own Fairfax by Christmas?
Rofnw Aucah Moowi" Srv~ c ® Pty Ltd ACN 006 369 92
Sutke 501 Hawnry Lason Buiu Cetra. Cary S r. Dnrumimoyne NSW 2047 PH 02 98196266 FX 02 9819 6388
57 RaOU Suawt Pot Mbawum. ViemOrta 3207 Tplmne 03 9646 6966 Faime 03 9646 6288
27 SC. Cide. Dedn, ACT 2600 Opposkl Ht IFkkEtrn mtin, radliamnt HouM, Cabobm
Telaphon 06 273 6777 Faedrr 06 273 6888 EmaU: riu@ lMmco. am* u

Fax from 19/ 05/ 97 16: 38 Pg:
MAY 19 ' 97 16: 27 P. 16
Well we're having a look at the changes. I mean, this is a very interesting debate.
Everybody's got a view. I think perhaps we ought to have a new ground rule on this
debate that that journalists who have a very strong personal view in this ought to
declare their positions before they write columns, or ask questions, or give
interviews because there's a lot of I mean, James Packer and and Kerry
Stokes and others are out there openly stating what their view is.
I think it's also fair to say that many working journalists, quite rightly, and I I
don't for a moment contest their right to have a view and to lobby for that point of
view, which many of them are now doing. But I think the public ought to know
where they stand when they make comments on these things and offer opinions
and views. Because it's not just the Packer's and the Stokes' and the Murdoch's
who have a view on this, journalists have a view on it as well. They're entitled to
have those views, but we are entitled to know their views as well as know
[ indistinct]...
GRANT: We we actually have someone here who perhaps could be could be affected
DAVIES: I'm a Fairfax journalist and I have a strong view about it. What is the urgency to
move in this area?
Your view is what?
Relwme Awuafla Moitanq Serde PCy Ltd ACN 006 369 982
SuOte S0I Hery L we un Cirre, . Cay SureM. Onmmoyn NSW 2047 PH 02 9 819% 266 FX 02 9819 6388
57 Roe Street Pon Mebaumne. VItcti 3207 Telephoe 03 9646 6966 Faknile 03 9646 6288
27 Ses Cvde. Deukin. ACT 2600 Oppret Mflntst. l EancM. P , bnent Hos, Canbena
Teklhone 06 273 6777 Factitnl 06 273 68W Env rzhwaeg{ An@ eka. cam. au
i i i i 1 .1 j i in -r B i w II I i iiim i ø ii ,, ff a T,

Fax from 19/ 85/ 97 16: 38 Pg: 16
MAY 19 ' 97 16: 27 P. 17--
Well, I I don't think that we should have further concentration of media
ownership. HOWARD:
You're against any change to the laws?
Ah, I think the law's worked pretty well at the moment.
You you'd like to leave them as they are?
Yeah, well I think it's interesting in the US and the UK, they have cross media laws.
I just wonder what's different about Australia that we feel the need to get rid of our
cross media laws?
HOWARD: Now, well we haven't taken any decision on it. We are going to examine all of the
options and we're listening to your views as as well as reading your views on it
which and we're listening to the views of other people, including Mr Packer and
Mr Stokes and Mr Murdoch and Mr Price of the of IEL, who's got an interest in
Fairfax. I mean, it's a it's a very very interesting debate and it'll perhaps go on for
a little while longer before we take a decision.
There's a lot of opposition in Australia to a further concentration of foreign
ownership. I understand the argument about diversity. I think diversity of opinion is
very important and there are some newspapers in Australia that have great diversity
Rahue Aua Morwarm -S-ic Pty Ltd ACN 006 369 982
Suite 501 Homy Laws onButinsm CWM Cary Stert. OfWmnxyne NSW 2047 PHI 0298196266 FX 029819 638a
57 RPAu Stro Poert Mebamn Vktoria 3207 Telephon 03 9646 6966 F* anim 03 9646 6280
27 Siao Cidle. Oean. k ACT 2600 OpoPek MbitwWo Enbmanc, Ptfatmit HMoums, Cabma
TeahhMO 06 273 6777 FumIie 06 273 6888 EnuiL hiwm@ nednfecomuM

Fax from 19/ 05/ 97 16: 38 Pg: 17
MAY 19 ' 97 16: 28 P. 18
of opinion within them. If I could be forgiven for quoting your opposition number
in Sydney and that's the Sydney Daily Telegraph, that paper has an enormous range
of views within its borders. Whereas some other media outlets, like the ABC on
political and social issues, tend to have too narrow a spectrum of views and it's one
of my criticisms of the ABC that it doesn't have a a right wing Phillip Adams, if I
could put it like that. If the ABC had a greater spectrum of views, then I think a lot
of people would feel that it was a a better disbursement of the taxpayer dollar.
But their views tend to be so predictable, you you can almost close your eyes
and say, well I know what the ABC's going to say.
GRANT: Prime Prime Minister, we'll have to pause there. We'll come back after the
break and perhaps we can ask you questions again [ laughs].
GRANT: Prime Minister, welcome back. A lot of talk about cent... centring around the
media ownership issue, is talked-about deals and that certain people are going to
to make a big killing out of any change to media ownership rules, including Michael
Kroger, reported to be receiving something in the range of a seven million dollar
bonus if the media ownership rules are changed in favour of Kerry Packer. What do
you know about that deal?
Rehum Aust-afa Monkodnrg Serve Pty Ltd ACN 006 369 982
Suce 501 H ry Lw-on Busine* n Centn Cay Stre t Drummnoyne NSW 2047 PH 02 98196266 FX 02 9819 6388
57 RoMe Steat PoMt Melbouff Vikmaoa 3207 TeUtlpor 03 9646 6966 Facime 03 9646 6286
27 Sta CoCi. Dekk,. ACT 2600 Opposiae MbdfatwWil Entbun., arflManuwt Hous, Cabwra
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Fax from MAY 19 ' 97 16: 28 19/ 85/ 97 16: 38 Pg: 18
P. 19
HOWARD: Nothing. I do know
organisation, but if you
he's getting, go and ask that Michael Kroger has a consultancy with the Packer
want to know how much they're paying him, or how much
Kerry Packer or
GRANT: That that sort of that sort of speculation
Well hang on, hang on, hang on, hang on. He's an individual.
GRANT: Also a former heavyweight of the Liberal Party.
HOWARD: I I I yeah well I know him. He is entitled to make a living like anybody else.
But look, I don't know. Go and ask him. Don't ask me, I I don't run Michael
Kroger's private affairs. I haven't spoken to Michael Kroger for some weeks and
he's got a consultancy, everybody knows that, he's not disguised what it's worth
and so forth, I haven't the faintest idea. I don't know.
There's no no conflict there that he he
HOWARD: No conflict?
GRANT: a a big winner and a former heavyweight of the Liberal Party?
fawe Auwdlia Monitor Servcs ty Ltd ACN 006 369 982
Suia SO I Henry Lawisn Business Cenro Cary Stree, Daurmmoy NSW 2047 PH 02 98196266 FX 02 9819 6388
57 Rne ee Port Melboume. Vlaorta 3207 Telephonm 03 9646 6966 Fauhtmole 03 9646 6288
27 Sae Crde. Oeakn. ACT 2600 Oppodit Mink ti Entmar rabmmnt Houm. Cabmra
Teliphone 06 273 6777 F~ asiml 06 273 6888 Enad: reha n-a@ netnfo. om. au
17 2.

Fax from MAY 19 ' 97 16: 28 19/ 85/ 97 16: 38 Pg: 19
Well how's that a conflict? I mean, there therefore you're saying Graham
Richardson shouldn't work for Packer, you're saying that somebody's who's had a
past political association shouldn't ever come onto this program. I mean, in twenty
years time if I retire from politics and want to become a TV interviewer, you mean
to say I can't do that?
GRANT: Well you almost just did a moment ago. [ laughs]
Well I'm practising.
MILNE: Prime Minister, interesting to hear that you're not going to be Prime Minister for
twenty five years, but just [ laughs] just to revisit the tax issue for a second.
HOWARD: [ laughs] Yeah.
MILNE: Obviously you can't go into the next election foreshadowing a GST or or or
exactly spelling out the kind of tax reform that you might get into in the next term.
How will you deal with that as a political problem? Is there a structure you've got in
mind for
Rahaw Ausra Monitorirmg Services Pty Ld ACN 006 369 982
Suite 501 Hwery Lzws Business CIta. Cry Sret. Drumwnoyne NSW 2047 PH 02 98196266 FX 02 9819 6388
57 Roue Sret Part Melboue Victort 3207 Tlephonsa 03 9646 6966 Facimii 03 9646 6288
27 Sote CrdeMD, hin. ACT 2600 Oppmato Mnistulre Etancea, Paroanut House., Canberra
Telephone 062736777 Facsie 06 273 6888 Enma hgcanEdo. onwu
18 n ~ CI l.-i: r r~ 9riW~ l~ mPIBBA1BI

Fax from MAY 19 ' 97 16: 29 19/ 85/ 97 16: 38 Pg: 28
P. 21
HOWARD: Oh it's a long way off, Glenn [ indistinct] we're not having an election for
quite a while, I really haven't given it any thought for that [ sic]. I was just making the
obvious comment that I don't see the Australian taxation system remaining static
indefinitely, but I'm conscious of what we said before the last election and I'm not
going to walk away from that commitment, and it remains rock solid. But looking
forward, you have to acknowledge that the Australian taxation system is less than
perfect and I don't know how anybody can argue otherwise and I've certainly
always been, in the long term, in favour of quite fundamental change and reform.
But it's a question of of timing, it's a question of explanations, it's a question of
balance. GRANT: Prime Minister in parliament you can afford to run over time. Unfortunately in
television, we don't have that we don't have that privilege. Again, thank you very
much for coming in here this morning. Our thanks to the Prime Minister, John
Howard and also to our panel, Seven's Glenn Milne and Anne Davies of the Sydney
Morning Herald.
Our thanks also to you for joining us. Don't forget all today's big stories, Seven
Nightly News at six. I'm Stan Grant, enjoy the rest of your day.
Rah am rual Monltorl Servkc PCy Ltd ACN 006 369 982
Sut SOl 4ery L u-vn ius sCn C-C a Dnmmayn NSW 2047 PIH 02 98196266 FX 02 9819 6388
57 Rome Strt Pot Melbournw VkIort 3207 Tel lihona 03 9646 6966 Facsh n 03 9646 6288
27 Sea Cile. Deakdl ACT 2600 Opposelt KMtw EntMlrance. Paarren hi Canberra
Tokphon 06 273 6777 F'iimi 06 273 6888 Ema: rah. e . wiidtunfeo
19 S