PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00010137.pdf 4 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston

The Hon. John Howard
Prime Minister
The Hon. Tony Rundle
The Hon. John Moore
Minister for Industry, Science and Tourism
Friday, 18 October 1996 253196
An independent review of Tasmania's industry and employment opportunities will be
conducted by The Hon. Peter Nixon AO. The study will update a report produced by
Sir Bede Callaghan in 1977 and assist the Federal and State Governments to develop strategies
and policies for optimising Tasmania's economic growth.
The decision to conduct the review follows representations by Tasmanian coalition members
during the election campaign and the recent announcement of Federal Government funding in
the Budget on August
The appointment of Mr Nixon, a former senior Federal Mnister, was announced jointly today
by the Prime Mnister, John Howard, the Premier of Tasmania, Tony Rundle and the Minister
for Industry, Science and Tourism, John Moore in Hobart.
The Prime Minister said that he was pleased that Mr Nixon had agreed to chair the review.
" Mr Nixon is an eminent Australian with extensive experience in industry and government,"
Mr Howard said. " He is well placed to lead such an important inquiry and draw together the
diverse issues being considered in this study."
Mr Rundle said the study was of critical importance to Tasmania.
" The broad terms of reference will include analysis of the potential for new industries and the
expansion of existing industries in Tasmania.
" This review will provide the State with information essential for the future economic
development of Tasmania. The inquiry Secretariat will be based in the Department of Premier
and Cabinet in Hobart and will have access to all the information it needs for the review," he
said. 1686

Mr Moore said Tasmania's contribution to Australia was important, and that the review would
enable the State's special circumstances and natural advantages to be evaluated.
" The new study will provide advice to both Governments on how Tasmania can best use its
resources," he said.
The review is being funded by a Budget allocation of $ 150,000 from Mr Moore's portfolio. It
is expected Mr Nixon will be able to report back to Mr Rundle and Mr Moore by 30 June
Mr Nixon said he was delighted to have been asked to conduct such an important study.
" I look forward to gathering views from the community and government and developing them
into a report which will be of significance to the people of Tasmania," he said.
The terms of reference and Mr Nixon's curriculum vitae are attached.
Contact: David Gazard Peter Hazelwood Cheryl Cartwright
CNM304 Mr Howard's Office Mr Rundle's Office Mr Moore's Office
06/ 2777744 0362/ 333464 06/ 2777580 1687

I The study is to inquire into and report on industry development and employment in
Tasmania. It will draw on and update a previous study, chaired by Sir Bede Callaghan,
which reported in June 1977.
2 The study will:
a identify areas or sectors in which the Tasmanian economy has or can develop
a sustainable competitive advantage, and the resultant opportunities for and
impediments to sustainable employment growth;
b identify issues to be addressed by all governments and the private sector to
facilitate sustainable economic and employment growth in Tasmania;
c advise on strategies to assist Tasmania to increase its international
competitiveness and export performance, and on appropriate consultative
arrangements between governments and industry.
3 Specific issues to be addressed by the inquiry will include:
a strategies to increase investment in Tasmanian industries and firms
b opportunities for value-adding to Tasmania' s resource industries, taking
account of environmental, community and social issues
c the potential for non-resource industries ( including elaborately transformed
manufactures, eco-tourism and location neutral high technology industries) to
develop in Tasmania, and strategies to facilitate their development
d the impact of competitive reforms and how they may be better progressed,
taking account of their implementation nationally and the Commonwealth's
international obligations
e strategies to promote Tasmania nationally and internationally as a source of
goods and services and as a location for investment
f strategies to implement the inquiry's recommendations.
4 The study will take into account relevant Commonwealth policies and other sources of
information, such as relevant Industry Commission Reports.
The inquiry will consult with the State and Commonwealth Governments to enable the
study to reflect the latest views, information and statistics from government
departments and agencies in its report.
6 The inquiry will report jointly to the Commonwealth Minister for Industry, Science and
Tourism and the Treasurer of Tasmania.
7 The inquiry will aim to report by 30 June 1997.
1688 II

Retired from Parliament
Minister for Primary Industry
Minister for Transport ( including Aviation)
Minister for Shipping and Transport
Minister for Interior
Member House of Representatives I1I March 1983
1975 1971-72
1967-7 1
196 1-83
Attended OECD Agriculture Ministers' Conference, Paris in March 1980; New Delhi, Dacca, Jakarta.
Australia-Japan Ministerial Meeting, 1972, 1977, 1979 and 198 1; and World Food Council Meeting,
Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, 1981 and Acapulco, Brazil, 1982. Ministerial Transport Councils in Belgrade,
Greece and Paris. South Pacific Forum New Zealand, Western Samoa and New Guinea.
Negotiated first Agricultural Accord when guest of Government of People's Republic of China, 198 1.
DIRECTORSHIPS Chairman Chairman
Chairman/ Director
Director Director Director Chairman 1995) Southern Cross Broadcasting ( 1984
Gippsland and Northern Co. Ltd ( 1983-92)
Associated Container Transport Australia ( December 1983-92 retired)
Emery Worldwide Advisory Board ( 1983-88)
Linfox Corporation ( 1988
Budget Corporation ( 1988-9 1)
Interstate Rail Services Committee ( November 1994 December
PERSONAL Born Orbost, 22 March 1928
Educated at Orbost, Wesley College, Melbourne
Grazier, ' Macclesfield', Orbost
Married Sally J. T. Dahlsen, Bairnsdale, Victoria
Three children Joanne, Mark and Christopher
Member, Institute of Public Affairs
Commissioner, Australian Football League ( 1984-9 1)
Trustee, Melbourne Cricket Ground ( 1986-91)
Freeman City Jakarta, Athens
Officer Order of Australia ( 1993)
Chairman, Weary Dunlop Statue Appeal ( 1993-95)
Chief Commissioner, East Gippsland Shire ( 1995
CLUBS Melbourne Club
Australian Club
V. R. C.
V. A. T. C.
* M. C. C HOBBIES Racing Fly Fishing
El 1689