I will be recommending to the Governor-General in Council the appointment of Mr Richard Smith as Director-General of the Office of National Assessments.
Mr Smith, a long-term career diplomat, is currently Australian Ambassador to the Philippines. Amongst other positions he has held are High Commissioner to the United Kingdom fromn 1991 to 1994, Deputy Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Ambassador to Thailand.
Mr Smith has exceptional breadth of experience in international relations having served in Asia, Europe and the United States and at the United Nations. He also has extensive management experience.
As head of ONA, Mr Smith will play an important role in advising me and the Government on international political, strategic and economic developments affecting Australia's national interests. ONA is also responsible for advising the Government on the adequacy and coordination of Australia's foreign intelligence activities.
He is expected to take up the position in mid July.
29 May 1996