PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Curtin, John

Period of Service: 07/10/1941 - 05/07/1945
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00000001.pdf 17 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Curtin, John Joseph
Digest of Decisions and Announcements and Important Speeches - Period 2nd October 1941 to 12th August 1942

FERIOD-2z" OCTOBER, 1941, TO 12TH AUGUST, 1942.
Bh Authornav:
L F. Josomi. Coimonwealth Coammi Natei. Cambim
( Printed inA, ustrali0.

Abboo Bread Co 4
Advisory War Council 1 3
Co-operation of Opposition 12
Aid to Russia-
Roling stock to Iran 1
Use of Australian troops 1 1
Prime Minister's statement 3 11
Shipping position 4 13
Aircraft Production 2 11
PPrroogdruecstsi orne voief wsteede ls 33 22
Unauthorized report 5 13
Shock absorbers manufactured 7 7
Inquiry into finances 8
Cotton fabric for planes 8
Australian made bomb sights 9 21
Air Screws 9 21
Australian designed riveting gun 10 is
Australian made bomb racks 10
Control of private production
EDmivipdleody mceonntt roolf rweommoevne d .12 12 11122..
Gipsy major engines 12 12
Dopartment's functions 14 13
Appointments made 14 14
Purchase of bomber 14 14
Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation 15 16
Advisory committee's work 15 16
Railwaymen needed 15 16
Expansion plans announced 17 16
Production of parts 17 16
Beaufort bomber schedule 19 12
Australian magneto 24 17
Airgraph service 4
Air raid precautions-
Blackout provisions 2
Compensation payments to workers 6 4
10 t1
18 4
35 6
36 19
Arrangements with States 7
Respirators for civil population. 10 12 11
Bulk oil installations 12
Commonwealth establishments 11 12
Supply of steel helmets .12 121
Sales Tax remissions 14 23
Review of lighting contracts 15 11
18 1iso
Premiers Conference 1.. 17 6
Icnirbob 26 21
Stirrup Pumps 18 3
IAni cernadidia rshy ebltoemrsn bs 2108 33
Types of shelters.. 22 14
Jervis Bay territory 22 14

Iwnux---e inued. Issus. Paon
Air raid precautions-cotinued.
Compulsory duties for male adults 24 21
Brown-out modified 28 24
Equipment supplies 29 22
S.. 34 14
Exemption for personnel 29 22
Construction permit 32 24
Conference on protective measures 34 14
Camouflage restrictions 35 8
Alcoholic liquor-
Illicit drinking 20
Cut in beer production and sale 22 3
33 6
35 15
Sales in the Australian Capital Territory 22 3
Prime Minister's statement 22 3
Relief from hardship 22 4
Reduction of licensing hours 24 22
Advertising restricted 2266 .. 4
d 27 22
Stsat'r espo sibiliRtoy vl 27 22
35 14
Report y ustoms MiUts ter 31 12 4
Aluminium-Man facture in Australia 6 18
MP.. 25 17
Scrapd r esqubir edP m i tr.. 12 13
Visting prohibited 15 24
Amalgamated Wireless ( A'sia.) Ltd.-
Vacany on Board filled 23
America, relations with-
Message from President Roosevelt 1 18
New York Officer 3 13
Demand for Australian news 6 16
Message to United States 10 23
Radio telegraph service 12 24
hing of do rcaurrr ency g 0 16
undd in Australia
Message to Philippines 20
Broadcastb by Primue MHinister .2o 9
Visit of Dr. Evatt M ietU e 22 21
ndpn ne.. 31
AutSePm w 32
Australian Minister relinquishes Cosition 24 17
New Australian Minister 0
RUenlietaesde Sotfa tne s forces-1wasn. d crima inal chsa rges 2309 21
Dayto -lFlag c t e 30
BVMisaict Aorf tAhuusrt rDaaliyan Cabinet Minister to United States 333 20
Independence Day 33
AppAlceqsu iasnitdio pne aSrcs-h-e-mese --ayPmyeentts . to.. r31e222ogoes 19
-Parliamentary Committee's report 4 17
-Loss on 1941 crop 9 9
Crown Law Department inquiries 9 9
-1942 plan 10
-1942 payments .20 6
-Plan to continue .36 16
Board reconstructed 13 8!
Retail price control 31 22
Free supply to forces 31 22 C-!

Argentina-Australian Representation
Armistice Day
Army Inventions Board-
Minister orders inquiry
New position explained
Minister to review
Directorate created
Chief Executive Officer appointed
Submissions received
Army Police Force-
Attorney-General's statement
Army Minister's statement
Australia First Movement~
Members interned
Summnonses served
Prosecution against members
Internment and appeals
Australia House--
Agent-General's complaint
Australian Broadcasting Act-
Bill before Parliament
Standing Committee appointed.
Australian Broadcasting Commission-
Extension of term
Appointments made
Australian Defences-
Re-organization survey
Sir Iven Mackay's report
Command change
Appointments from A. I. P.
Australian food supplies
Australian Imperial Force--
Air support for
Christmas parcels
Darwin leave arrangements
Dancin Newes
Diet in Malaya
Malaya war correspondent
Privileges at Darwin
Armoured division
No recall of
Equipment at hospitals
Conditions at Darwin
Awards for gallantry-ISSUE. 9 3. 2 8.
17 25 6 5
26 29 31 7.
27 32 32 7.
12 13 2
6. 7
14 2 3
2. 3 3. 4. 7.
4 4. 7. 9.
12 13 19
21 29 32 PAGE. 8
l0 21 7
12 7
1112 23
23 17
21 14 14
16 23 16
23 17 21 16

Australian Imperial Force--continued.
Mails to troops
Souvenir Book
Christmas leave
Unified body
Changes in drill
Age groups' suitability..
Singapore censorship
Reserved occupations
German propaganda
R. M. C. graduates
Body armour tests
Middle East reinforcements
Reserve formed
Landing in Timer
Mail censorship
Not in action in Malaya
Discharges to join Indian Army..
Returned soldiers' badges
New brigadiers
Mails to Malaya
Report on Deserters
Return to Australia
Awards for service
Personnel in Java, Amboina, Timor
Use of colour patches
nTAr.. M. Blain, missing
" Australia" shoulder badge
Prisoners in Java
Personnel missing in Malaya
Action in Egypt
Re-enlistment in Australian Military Forces
Australian Military Force&--
Leave for rural workers
Army Minister's statement
Labor Minister's statement
Elimination of extravagance in camps
Christmas leave
University students' training
Commonwealth employees
Equipment shortage
Temperance deputation
Strategic roads
Gleadall bomb
Gleadall land mine
No export of rifles
Militia enlistments in Australian Imperial Force
Christmas dinner
Use of Militia overseas
Exemptions from service
Seaside areas..
Partial mobilization
New classes 6 6.. 7 7..
7 9
17 9..
12 12 12
13 14 15 15 19 19
23 28 24 28 28 29 29 32 34 32 33 34 35 2.
27 2. 3
'. 5 10 8 8.
10 31 10 10 28 33
.35 10 10 10 10
11 11 PA03. 14 14 18 24 12 12 12 13 17 14 14 889 6699
13 13 17 8977
11 16 11 16 11 13 84 88
24 4
19 22 3
24 3 3
23 14 83
44 29

Auitralian Military Forces--contisued.
Command change
Central Australia transport
Appointments from A. LF
Billeting of troops
Reserved occupations
Impressment of rifles
Call-up of doctors
Darwin victualling
Liquor in camps
Enlistment of aliens
Sir Iven Mackay's command
Education service
Free rail reservation
Accountancy advisory panel
Promotions Hospital accommodation
Military service for aliens
Release to pick fruit
Ambulance trains
War service moratorium
Darwin administration
Further call-up
Official war artist
Commando units
Head-quarters staff
Assistant-Secretary for supplies
Training in offensive tactics
Use of Rising-Sun badge
Trawler fired on
Comforts funds officers....
Re-organization of Australian army
Powers in place of Military Board
Full war strength
Change in diet
Free postage service
X-ray examination of forces
Director-general of Medical Services
Director-general of Public Relations
Conscientious objectors
Recognition of aircraft
Special Australian medal
se in war theatres
General MacAthur's command
Preventing dengue fever
State of defences
Financial powers to commanders
Royal Military College
Release to Royal Australian Air'Force
Automatic rifle
Gifts for national defence ISSUE. 12 15 12 12 13 14 12 13 13 13
14 14 22 14 21 14 14 15 15
20 15
15 15 17 17 17 17 17 18 19 19 25 19 19 21 21 21
~ 24
24 35 24 24 24 24 24 24 .25
27 34 25 25 27 27 27 28 29 30 33 30 33 30 30 PAGE. 14 14 14 4 7
14 3 78
18 8
11 88
66 66
19 19 11 23 12 13 13 44
3 66
6 6 7
-9 12
23 24 6
.9 S9 23 13 8
13 83
14 14

Australian Military Forces--continued.
British battle dress not to be used
Air mail letter-card service
Saluting Powers of sentries
Director of Amenities
Professional sport and work on leave
Business adviser appointed
Senior cadet corps
Allied salvage
Service representation abroad
Australia-United States staff appointments
Service for personnel under twenty
Australian troops, use of
Australian war effort and capacity-
Production executive
Production executive meeting
Survey of raw materials
Production Planning Board
Appointmuents made
Scientists Changes in department.
Establishment of industries committees
Scientific resources survey
Production executive committee
Liaison officer appointed
Deputy Directors nppointed
Prohibition of manufacture of non-essential commodities 31 33 33 33 34
.34 34 35
35 35 36 19
-9-10 10 15 15 17 16
27 3.3 17 17 19
25 28 30 19 19
25 28
Prohibition of cosmetics 24
Control of retail deliveries
Rationalization of bread industry 27
.1 32
Consumer rationing-Minister's announcement 28
-Prime Minister's statement 28
-Effect on lay-bys 28
Changes in schedule 28
-Regulations announced 28
-Articles excluded
-Advertising 32 32
-Retailers' quota
Supplies to patriotic bodies 32
Soldiers' clothing 32.
-Restriction order withdrawn 32
Schedule of goods 32
-New deputy-director 32
Compulsory manufacture 32
-Returns of stocks 33
-Ration books for troops 33
-Royal Australian Air Force andWomen's
Auxiliary Australian Air Force 34
-Industrial and rural scales 35

IND x-continued. ISSUE. PAGL
Australian war effort and capacity-continued.
Review of war commitments-Man-power 30 4
.33 11
( Dairyindustry).. 33 12
S-34 8
36 21
Laundry and dry-cleaning industries 33 12
Australian Clothing Council 34 9
Public donations 35 8
Simplification of clothing 35 -8
War Organization of Industry defended by Prime Minister. 35
Small businesses 35
Control of bathing costumes 36 22
Ban on commercial travellers ( South Australia) 36 23
Australian War Memorial 21
Bank Board, Commonwealth-
Director retires 1 24
Conference held 1 24
Further conference held 3 22
35 18
Meeting with private banks 4 8
Conference with private banks 5
Appointment to board 5
Banking Control-
War-time Regulations 8 19
Concentration of banking to release man-power 20 19
24 17
S 24 24
32 21
Further regulations 21 22
Closing hours of banks 27
Exemption extended 35 8
Barley pool-
Further advance made 4 13
Representation on Board 5 8
1941-42 Crop Advance.. 10 T11
26 3
Appointment to Board.. 17 23
Acreage restriction 24 23
Bennett. Major-General H. 0.-
Visit to Middle East.. 4 16
Prime Minister's statement 20 18
Appointment as acting inspector-general 21 23
Report on Malayan campaign 24 22
Blackwell, Mr. Leslie, M. P.-
Visit to Australia 3 14
Arrival in Australia 5 12
Visit to be returned 9 8
Blarney, General Sir Thomas-
Visit to Australia 4
Discussions in Australia 5
Return to Miidle East 8 13
Return to Australia' 24 9
Prime Minister's statement 33 18
Books, banning of 4 9
Army Minister's statement 8 3
Mr. A. Cameron, 8 4
Russian newspapers 8
Censorship control 8
Boer War pensions 1 11 C

Britain-I! rime Minister's message to
Broadcast by Australian Prime Minister
Australian representation
British Broadcasting Corporation-
Prime Minister's criticism
Cable' to British Prime Minister.
British Commonwealth of Nations-
' Prime Minister's statement
British Prime Minister-
Message from
Budget, I941-42-
Invalid and old-age pensions
Summary by Prime Minister
Speech by Prime Minister
Treasurer's statement on credit.
Telephone charges increased
Postage rates increased
New issue of stamps.
Excise on brewery products
Supplementary statement
Special war taxes
Supplementary expenditure
Summary of year's transactions..
Builgaria, war with-
Proclamation Minister's statement
Burma, Prime Minister of
Butter, marketing of-
First grade butter
Rationing not proposed
Canada-Hieh Commissioner arrives
Message to Australia
Gift from Canadian women
Canberra, Departments at
Plan for new offices
Government's activities
Censorship branch
Social Service Department returned
Department of Information
Capital Issues--
Board appointed
Reguiations amended
Restrictions on mortgages
Building control
Casey, the Right Honorable R. G.-
White Paper
Position relinquished
Cash Orders and Hire Purchase-
Report by Board of Inquiry
Regulations gazetted
Regulations amended
Casualties, War-
Losses of Empire troops
Australian Forces
A. I. F. losses
Australian Imperial Force in Malaya and Mid
Censorship-Committee appointed
Chapman, Dr. James Issuz. .3.
.28 27 31 16
23 36 28
-3. 4. 0
.8 8.
11 31
.34 15
15 4.
34 14
22 22 8.
12 14 17 12 26 32
.23 24
.30 3.
Idle East 22 24 5 PAOU. 17 11 21 18 11
24 3
19 678
22 22 9
13 13 11 9
12 17
21 21 13
24 13
23 0
22 13
24 24 12
13 17 3
22 22 7
24 S.

Child endowment-
Payment to widowed mother
Members of permanent forces
Bill before Parliament
Payment to repatriated children
China-Australian relations
Admission of nationals..
Nationals in Australia
Part in Pacific war
Chinese liaison officers in Australia
Prime Minister's tribute
Christmas cards
Christmas leave
Civil Aviation-
Director-General re-appointed
Coal Mining Industry-
Boards of reference
Conference to be held
Policy regarding Coal Commission
Disallowance of Statutory Rules
Conference with miners
Shortage of labor
Conference abandoned
Strike deplored
Strike arbitrator
Prime Minister's appeal
Wallarah strike settled..
Regulations altered
Acquisition of stocks
Commission appointed..
Western Australian miners
Production hampered
Prime Minister's action
Regulations promulgated
Prime Minister's statement
Commission's powers
Conferences held
Prime Minister criticizes New South Wales miners..
War Cabinet decision
Duty of owners
New Coal Control Regulations
Labour Minister's statement
Employees required
Miners returned to industry
Statement to Parliament
Statutory Rule 168
Committee of inquiry proposed
Cause of stoppages
Conference& with miners
Conference' with owners
Coal Conference
Support for agreement
Prime Minister confers with miners
New regulations
Right to strike
Idle colliery---question of prosecution
-Prosecutions issued 2 2
27 35 7
23 23 28 33 7..
36 4..
35 3.
.5. 56
.7. 10 10 10 12 14 14 14
14. 18
18 25
.25 25
*. 25 25 27 27 30 27 29
.29 29 29 29 29 30 32
.34 34 35 35 36 PAGN. 99
22 6
12 12
22 6
17 19 19 13 88 89
14 14 7 8
14 11 78
8 889
12 19
16 477888
19 3.
17 18 16 17

Commonwealth Bank Board-
Director retires
Conference held
Further conference held
Meeting with private banks
Conference with private banks
Appointment to Board
Commonwealth Grants Commission
Commonwealth Officers' right.
Company Law-
Uniform legirJation
Conscription-Prime Minister's statement.
Propaganda by enemy
Cooper, Mr. Duff
eeting with War Council
Appointed British Minister at Singapore..
Appointment terminated
" Cost-plus inquiry-
Minister appointed
New system of costing
Machine tool hiring rates
Minister's statement
Daylight Saving-
Commencement Date
Discontinuance announced
1942-43--Cabinet to consider
Commencement date
Denmark-Position of consul in Australia
Departments at Canberra
Plans for new offices
Government's activities
Censorship branch
Social Services Department returned
Department of Information
Dutch Hospital Ship
Eastern Supply Council-
Minister to report
Sir Bertram Stevens
Economist Egg Contract
Empire Air Service-
Government assumes control
Middle East and United Kingdom
Temporary suspension
Flying-boat shot down
Partial restoration
Correspondence to Netherlands East Indies
Aircrsft in mishap
Enemy Aliens-
Education of interned children
Property regulations altered
Land transfer regulations
Military servi Curfew imposed
Employment by Works Council ISSUB. Isss 3
35 44 8.0 1.0 6.2
7.0 9.7 2.9
12 14 12 17
o 20 oø
27 34
oo 36 12 1 5
27 12 14
17 1
2 a
3 22 8
12 4
12 15 17 17 17 19 24 10 10
32 10 15
19 35 PAGIL. 24 24 22 18 8
21 11
21 19 14 19 11
11 24 24 6
23 16
21 14
23 12 13 24 13 23 9
24 23 18 13 17 8
12 13 13
24 24 9 9
22 7
13 16

Enrolment of electors
Evacuation-War Council decision
External Communications
Radio telephone services
Press telegrams
Radio telegraph services
Service with Fllinders Island
Phototelegram service
Australia and India
Transmission of pictures
Cables to United States of America
Far Eastern Position-
Statement by Prime Minister
Cohesion in Pacific
Reply to Rear-Admiral Luetzow
Prime Minister's statement
Dangers to Australia
External Affairs statement
Australian station of war
War. Cabinet meeting
Fighting Forces-
Postal voting by
Bodies of
Postage rates
Passages for wives Of members married abroad
Invalided members
. Financiai News-
Criticism answered
Finland, Hungary, Rumani-
War with
Flax Industry-
Bonus payment
Tasmanian mills
Appeal for planting
Conditions for 1942
Food supplies, Australian
Fostars Shoes Pty. Ltd.
France-Australian relations with Vichy Government
Gold mining-
Continuance of industry
Minister's statement
Statement to Parliament
Taxation Man-power decisions
Grant for mines closed.
New South Wales and Queensland mines..
, Government, the new
Administration Assistant Minister for the Army.
Assistant Minister for Munitions
Members of Parliament to assist Ministers
Title of portfolio altered
Policy-reply to Opposition Leader
Policy-banking SUNr. 2
17 2.
13 19 13
14 27 14 16
14 20 20 23 31 2. 2. 3. 4. 7. 9.
12 9.
10 9.
.24 35 36 3.
10 2.
.26 2 6.
.27 .20. 28 28 32 33
.34 19 20
19 20
21 21
25 31 PAGE. 17 7
16 23 16 14 14 .3
12 9
24 3 4
1s 73
6 7
24 9
21 18 24 is is 24 3 9
19 13 21 13 14 21 14 34
16 7 37
17 6
24 22
23 7

IniDx--conin~ ued. Issuxt.
Extension of term
Grants Commission
Graving dock
Greeco-Primo Miniater's message
Greek Migrants--
Policy modified
Health and youth welfare-
National Medical Services
National Fitness Council
Tuberculosis patients
Examination of school children
Shortage of doctors
Deputation to Minister
Employment of alien doetors
National Fitness Campaign
Medical practitioners
Venereal dise~. e
Hlides-Imports Hide and Leather Industries Board
Reguiations amended
Mr. J. S. Rosevear, MP., appointed controller
Hire Purchase and Cash Orders-
Report by Board of Inquiry
Regulations gazetted
Regulations amended
Honours Housing-Minister to call conference
Munition workers
War Workers' Housing Trust 35 2. 4.
24 12 2
4 7. 7
13 8.
12 19 27 19 27 35 4.
.34 35
23 30 13 32 PAON. 12 21 is 9
16 16 9
21 24 12 23 16 12 21 24 23 3
10 19 8
1 16
I 19
9 23
imports-Restrictions on sterling goods
Licences suspended .13
Licences varied 33
Incomes, am Australian-
Committee to report
Committee's report adopted .7
Income Tax-
Report of Parliamentary Committee .8
Special war taxes 11
Instalment deductions.. 12
Appointment of second commissioner .25
Uniform taxation-Committee to report
-Premiers' Conference. 26
-Constitutional power .28
-Bills before Parliament 29
-Compensation to Western Australia and
-High Court case .32
-Rates for 1942-43 Budget 32
-Legislation held valid.. 34
1P -States' rights 34
Deductions fforrA ir-SRuasipde nPsrioecna uotifo ntesr reitxopreyn dtaitxuerse 2364

Income Tax--coninued.
Concession to metalliferous mining industry
Alimony and maintenance
Professional men on war service..
Industrial-Minist6r states policy
Officer to Darwin
Arbitration system
Small arms factory
Avenues for representations
Conciliation machinery..
Dilution of labor
Smokes For defence worke
Dilution of Labour Committees
Trades Union Advisory Panel
Irritation tactics
Co-operation by Unions
Prime Minister to Unions
Number of strikes
Preference to unionists..
Man-power advisory committees
Holidays t i
Employment of women ISSUB. 28 32 34 34 1 1
2. 7.
2. 3. 6.
29 31
34 3. 4 5. 5 6. 7 7. 7 9.
11 12 13 14
29 33 22
Late shopping 1
Conciliation regulations 12
Conference--Industrial Relations Council 13
Council personnel 14
Council sittings cease 15
Strikes must cease 15
Road Transport Workers' Union 15
Members of Parliament to assist Minister 19
Port Kembla dispute 19
Work lost in military service 19
Statutory Rule No. 77 22
: 23
Week-end break 22
Liaison officer to trades unions 22
Employment of woiden telephonists 25
Prime Minister meets Australian Council of Trade Unions 27
Trades union conference 27 29
Payment to disemploycd persons 27
11.. 34
Medical equipment in establishments 3333
Lighting in factories 34
Apprentices 34
Technical training 35
14 PAGo. 67
21' 23 14 14 14 14 14 14 18 14 11 17 96
12 11 4
21 11 9
i6 16 17 18 13 3 6
18 13 3
13 6 9
14 19 17 17
17 3344
18 644
13 44444

ID EX-ConliLued.
Information, Department of-
Relaxing censorship
Effect savings
Obiference with press
Press cables reduced
Services to Forces, Press, Public
Reduction in expenditure
Rumors discounted
Censorship branch in Canberra
Resignation of director
Re-organization arrangements
Central office at Canberra
Australian news service
Report on activities.
Inaurance legislation
International Labour Organization-
Report of Australian delegation
International Wheat Agreement-
Conference at Washington
Approval by Governments
Italian propaganda-
Statement by Prime Minister
Japan, War with-
Prime Minister's statement
Proclamation of war
Prime Minister's broadcast
State of war
Message to United States
Parliament approves
External affairs statement
First attack on Australian territory
Swiss consulate to act
Action in Malaya
Raid on Port Moresby..
Message to Singapore
Casualties in Malaya
Japanese landings in New Britain
Singapore position
Action at Ambon
Fall of Singapore
Australian Imperial Force in Singapore
Attack on Darwin ( first raid)
( second raid)
( third raid)
( fourth raid)..
( fifth raid)
( sixth raid)
( seventh and eighth raids)
( ninth to eleventh raids)
( twelfth raid)
( thirteenth raid)
( fourteenth raid)
( fifteenth raid)
( sixteenth to eighteenth raids)
( nineteenth raid)
( twentieth to twenty-sixth raids)
Attack on Darwin, first raid, rumours
Attack on Darwin, first raid, report by judge
Attack on Broome and Wyndham
Landing in New Guinea
Command at Ceylon
Use of Allied soldiers ISSUR. 10 12 1
10 12 14
15 17 19 31
31 I
33 PAO f.
12 12 13 13 17 16 13
24 21 967
23 12 17 17
10 18
10 is
10 18
10 23
10 23
10 24
12 13 24
13 24
15 9
17 17 21
17 21
17 22
19 8
19 6
19 7
19 7
19 7
20 21
21 4
21 22 17
22 18
24 7
24 8
25 3
25 3
26 24
26 24
31 17
32 23
36 3
20 21
21 4
24 8
20 21 4
21 22 14

INDZX-cninued. IssuE. PAGE.
Japan, War with-continued.
General Douglas MacArthur .22 14 3
-War Council Meeting" 24 7
Aid from United States 22
Attack on Broome ( second raid) 22 18
Attack on Derby ( first raid) 22 i8
Attack on Katherine ( first raid).. 22 18
Attack on Wyndham ( second raid) 22 18
Air Minister's review 25 3
Attack on Born Island ( first and second raids) 28 3
( third raid) 34 3
( fourth and fifth rids) 36 4
Fall of Corregidor 28 3
Naval engagement-Coral Sea 28 4
Darwin hospital staff 28 6
Prime Minister's war conference.. 30 22
Attack on Sydney-Submarine raid 30 22
-Shelling 30 24
Attack on Newcastle-Shelling 30 24
Submarine attack on shipping 30 23
31 17
6.. 3 4
Prime Minister's statement to Parliament 31 16
*-Exchange of civilians 34 3
Further Japanese landings in Papua 34 3
Allied offensive 35 14
36 4
-Supplies 36
-Attack on Solomons 36
Attack on Townsville ( first to third raids) 3
Attack on Mossman ( Queensland) 36 4
Attack on Port Hedland 36 4
Japanese propaganda-
Reply by Prime Minister 15
Australia to counter 21 3
Judiciary-Diplomatic Representation bill 28 13
Latham, Sir John-
Proceeding to Australia 5 ll
Arrival in Australia 7 3
League of Nations-
Australia's contribution 9
Lease-Lend Negotiations-
Prime Minster's statement 8 12
Australian representative 13 4
Preliminary agreement... 20 11
United States representative in Australia 22 13
Allied Supply Council 22 13
24 23
28 a
Statements in Press; 33
Reciprocal aid to United States forces 33 11
Liberty Loan-
Terms announced 18 4
Prime Minister's speech 18 4
Payment of interest 20 21
Over subscription announced 20 21
Total subscription 24 4

Liberty Loan, Second-
Terms announced
Prime Minister's opening speech
Prime Minister's statement
Prime Minister's broadcast
Over-subscription announced
Total subscription
Literary Censorship Board-
Members rn-appointed..
Loan Bill-
Appropriation of L75,000.000
Appropriation of œ 100,000,000
Loan Council-
Reduction in programmes
Further reduction in programmes
Loan, War and Conversion-
Prime Minister's speech
Army Minister's statement
Regulations approved
Director-general appointed
Appointments made
Dismissal for serious misconduct
National register
Reserved occupations
Enlistments in Voluntary Defence Corps
Engagement of labour
Committee chairman--
State committees of advice
Review by Cabinet sub-committee
Rural industries
Exemption of working principals
Training of technicians
Powers of National Service Officers
Materials for War-
Why savings are needed
Diversion of resources
Standard of living
Curtailment of civil goods
Organization of industry
Luxury advertising
Cotton yarn stocks
Cotton imports restricted
Non-essential industries
Cbristmss spending
Essentials for defence.
Wastage of paper
Goods " frozen
Commodities controlled
Motor vehicle spare parts
Congestion at wharves..
Wattle bark INDFIX-eontinued. ISSUE. 29 31 32 32 32 32'
30 20
31 PAGE. 22 39
13 14 S.
17. 22
36 24.
15 15 17 21 21
21 21
23 24 23 24 29
25 27 31 27 32 1.
-9. 12 13 13
14 17 36 14

Materials for War-codinued.
Restriction on use of rubber
Production of minerals
Restrictions on paper wrapping..
Supplies of vegetables
Exports prohibited
Motor cycle spare parts
Tents requisitioned
Tomato ban lifted
Directorate of Defence Foodstuffs"
Defence Foodstuffs State Committees
Aluminium scrap " declared"
School uniforms
Jute goods controlled
Australian Food Council
-Copper control and prices
Restrictions on cellophane
Use of elastic restricted
Dehydration programmes
Rubber conservation
Standardization of cloth
Copra pool
Leather goods controlled
Paper d'oyleys prohibited
Regulation of bicycle covers and tubes
Maternity Allowance-
Bill before Parliament..
Meat Agreement-
Modification of terms
Frozen and canned meats
Some restrictions lifted
Canning of various classes
New control system
Lamb prices
Mercantile Marine-
Concession fares
Seamen captured by enemy
Regulations announced
Commission established
Migration, Chief Officer
Mortgage Bank-
Conference discusses proposals
Discussions at Agricultural Council
Legislation to be prepared
Munitions contracts-
Method of payinent
Minister to inquire
Allocation of plant
Bren gun carriers
Villawood explosives factories
Launceston railway annexe
. Refunds to Government ISSUE. 17 23 30 17
17 17
17 21 31 34 36
19 19 20
21 22 23 25
ø. 26 26 28 34 35 29 32 32 33 33 33 33
35 35 36 27 3.
14 15 28 19
31 33 9..
13 13 13 7.
36 2. 4.
5. 8.. PAB. 17 9
17 18 18 19 16 17 11 6
23 24 16
22 97
23 23 22 18 7
22 24 24 24 14 21
22 i8 22
2D 19 7
23 23 S
22 23 9
13 13 11 7
22 7

Munitions mission
Munitions production-
Holiday arrangements.
Master plan ' needed
Use of machine tools
Nitric acid and Methanol
Tank manufacture
Christmas arrangements
Control of forgings
Check on enlistments
Revised programme
Instrument fitters needed
Secretary of Department
Hampering activities
Speed-up of output
Employment of women
Meal service for workers
Director of armored fighting vehicle production
Gas masks regulations.
Control of hand tools
Australian-made bombs
Powers of Director-General
Munitions, Supply and-
Definitions of functions
Mr. D. J. Nolan's duties
National Economic Plan-
Prime Minister's announcement
Regulations announced
Treasurer's statement
Sales and transfers of land
Parliamentary committee appointed
Sale of house property
Prime Minister's statement
Report of Parliamentary committee
Interest rates on unsecured loans and deposits
Fixation of wages and salaries
Cost-of-living changes
Basic wage adjustments
Profit limitation-Prime Ministers' announcement..
-Regulations announced
-Parliamentary Committee's report
Government's policy
-Rebate proposal
-25,000 capital
-Averaging profits and losses
Shareholders' funds
-Plan abandoned
Adjustment of rates of pay
Hearing of wages claims
National Oil Pty. Ltd.-
Investigation by Minister
Minister confers with General Manager
Progress of discussions.
Cabinet sub-committee appointed
Company reconstructed
National Savings Campaign-
Treasurer's announcement
Broadcast by Prime Minister
Nationality of Women-
Australian Women marrying Americans ISSUE. 2. 9.
8. 8.
10 13 13 13 16 21
25 25 25 26 34 34 2 5.
18 18 18
18 20 20 20 20 22 23 28 31 18 18
.20 33
.34 34
.34 35 35 33
.35 2. 4. a.
25 25 24 PAGE. 16 23
21 19 21 7888
16. 16 3-3
17 11
21 21 24 18. 16
14 17
23 24 13
14 14 7
.18 24 11
14 19 4
16 16 4
22 4
23 12 13

Netherlands~ Australian Minister appointed
Message to Netherlands Government
Arrival of Netherlands Minister.
Netherlands East Indies-
Trade Delegation arrives
Exchange of representatives
Prime Minister sees Delegation
Dr. H. J. van Mook's visit
Gallant fight praised
Australian consul-general
Arrival of Government officials
Newcastle floating dock
New Guinea-
Capital of
Entry into uncontrolled areas
Newsprint rationing-
No further reduction
Adjustments to operate
Further reductions
Newspaper proprietor's licence
New Zealand-
Visit of Honorable W. Nash
Hides import plan
Mission to Australia
Close consultations
Visit of New Zealand Prime Minister
Nion-official Postmasters-
Inquiry into remuneration
Remuneration increased
Northern Territory-
Policy for aborigines
Darwin port superintendent
Evacuation of civilians
-Overseas Air Mails-
Use of Dutch services
Owen sfub-machine gun
Experiment on Bren gun
Plans to Britain
Request by Canadian Gvrmn
Modifications in design..
Payment of royalties
Conference on production
Ammunition imported
Number manufactured
Speed-up of production
Gift to army.
Mass production
Taciflo ( ace Far-REastern).
Page, Sir Earle, M. P.
Status in Great Britain
Parliament-Sittings ISSUE. 23
23 26
" 4. 7.
14 17
17 21 I. 2. 8. 3.
.24 32 2. 3.
20 23 35 PAGEU. 333
4 9
12 19 19 21
23 7
12 23 13 is
21 12
24 24 17
7 16
36 23
1 16
19 4
21 21
3. 4. 4. 7. 7. 7. 8.
29 38 2.
19 21
.24 31

Parliamentary Committees
Repatriation Committee
Broadcasting Committee
Passport applications
Pensions, invalid and old-ag. e-
Labor party decision
Pensioners in employment
Minister's statement
Bill before Parliament
Cost of living increase
Pensions, Widows'-
Bill lIefore Parliament.
Cost of living increase
People's Army
Army Minister's statement
rime Minister's statement
Petrol supplies-
Statement on tankers
New fuels'sought
Minister's statement
National Oil Pty. Ltd.
Rationing system
Building tsp reserve stocks
Ranney-Fairbanks report
Power alcohol distilleries
Petrol for bo okmakers.
Lakes Entrance field
Petroleum Oil Search Bill
Emergency restrictions
Ration licences cancelled
Conservation of ration.
Producer gas units
Private motorists' duty
Control in emergency
Re-assessment of licences
Pool of brands formed.
Pomeroy bullet.
Portuguese Timor-
Australian representation
Japanese propaganda answered.
Premiers, State-
Special powers
Pull co-operation given
Conference with General MacArthusr
Sunday entertainment for forces
Land for defence purposes
Regulation 35A
Fiuture confcrences ISSUEs. 31 32 7
.24 27 36
29 36 17 17 2. 4. 6.
12 3.
5 6. 7.
.34 7.
11-12 12 14 18 32 14
18 is 32 35 4. 7. 9.
20 11 17 26
.34. 11 19
26 26 26 26 26
Twnur--continued FAUB. 13 3
22 24 17 9 9
23 24 22 23 23 22 4
23 11
14 22 14 24 23
18 9 6
23 9
24 17 9
J0 23 18 9
16 S3 36
24 12 23 19

INrUx-coe* inud
Price&--Pcs-Isauu. PAGE.
Goods " declared" 3 7
12 15 16
19 6
23 11
25 6
32' 24
33 22
36 13
Suspension of order 3 16
Suspension Order removed 9 24
Firms" deolared" 6 14
7 21-22 3
10 16
14 19
19 6
23 11
25 7
30 20
36 14
Increase in petrol 6 14
Price of butter .7 21
Premier of Victoria .7 9 241
Premiers' Conference to discuss 7 21
Car insurance rates 17 13
Anti-profiteering regulations 19
New system of control 25 7
Prices Commissioner-
Assistant Commissioner 2
Prime Minister's statement 7
Customs Minister's statement 5 9
Administration changes discussed 5 9
Appeal Tribunal proposal 7 18
Power to control profits 36
Defended by Prime Minister-Inquiry offered 36
Inquiry not desired 36 12
Primary industries-
Minister states policy 1I
Cattle tick eradication 2
Agricultural Council meeting 8 6
Pm decisions 8 7
Prime Minister's statement 12 7
Poultry farmers' position 12 11
Canned fruits.. 14 18
Tobacco Board reconstituted 14 19
Acquisition of field peas 17
25 24
Members of Parliament to assist Minister.. 20 17
Stock Dispersal Committee 20 17
27 3
Dispersal of stock 22 19
27 3
Production of fodder' 22 19
Wheat for stock feed 22 19
30 21
Werribcobeef 24 23
29 4
Vegetable seeds committee .25 24
Vegetable seeds stocks " declared" 27 3
Potato committee 27 3

Primary Industnies-continued.
Guaranteed price for potatoes 29 4
Sugarocrop 31 9
Dairy industry 36 24
Prisoners of war-
Assistance to Australians 1 23
Air mail rates reduced 1 23
Conditions of employment 1 24 21
4 8
Co-operationlfom Relatives 4 8
Australians in North Africa 13
Number in Australia
Red Cross facilities 10
Letters censored 13 17
Information in letters 15
Japan to exchange news 15
Use infruit industry 15 16
Op. 17 4
Food relief to allied prisoners 23
Japan withholds information 26 22
Examining commission 26 22
Japanese treatment 28 14
Number employed in Australia 28
Letters from Australia 29 21
Escape from Australian camp 29 21
Letters to Australians in Japanese hands.. 33 6
.36. 16
Production executive-,
Prime Minister's statement 2 23
6. 3
Functions of S 4
First meeting 6 18
Survey of raw materials 7 13
Committee announced. 17 3
Two Ministers appointed. 19 16
Badiophysics School 3 s1
Ratliff and Thomas 2 4
Reconstruction-Prime Minister's statement 28 12
30 3
Cabinet sub-committee appointed 36 14
Recruiting for Services-
Conference to be held 2 17
Ministers to confer 3
Reinforcements week 4 7
Minister's joint statement 5 18
Volunteer system 5S 19
Man-power investigation 6 11
Prime Minister's broadcast S 11
A. I. F. parties to take part 7 13
Sir Thomas Blamey's report 8 21
Pool unlikely 9 6
" Unity Week" drive 9 63
Rents, re'iew of 2 16
Conference held 3a. 13
Prime Minister's statement 4 4
Conference on control 5 6
New regulations announced 9 11
Fair Rents Boards 9 12

IroEx-continued. Issum. PAGE.
Rents, review of-continued.
Regulations amended 9 12
Regulations applied to Australian Capital Territory 13
Eviction orders 15 22
21 23
Application of regulations extended 21 23
24 3
25 21
Clerks of courts as agents 26 19
Royal Australian Air Force-
Queensland training group 2
Promotions abroad 3 12
17 11
19 14
Examination of promotions 303 1123
Empire Air Scheme-Promotions 3 13
S -Increase in Australian quota 7 3
S -Australian officer to observe 8 17
S Conference in Canada 29 13
New Air Observer's School 4 4
Overseas head-quarters sanctioned 4 4
Officers promoted 4
Christmas leave 6 18
8 17
10 13
Air support for Army 6 23
Army Co-operation School 7 3
Awards for gallantry 8 17
10 14
13 6
14 6
15 7
19 14 18
.21 6
.22 24 26 09
27 23
.29 14
.32 18
.33 7
34 35 4
Tobruk action 8 17
Qantas Empire Airways 10 13
Women doctors approved 10 13
Movements of personnel 10 14
Positions in Pacific 11 2
United Kingdom bomber squadrons 12 13 6
AirTraining Corps 12 20
Increased expenditure 12 21
Volunteer Air Observers' Corps 13 6
Reservists and call-up.. 15 7
Assistant-Chief of Staff 15 8
Accountancy branch 15 8
Gift parcels 17 12
Post office in Britain 17 12
Army tales over catering 1 14
Air ambulance fleet 18

INDEx-continued. IssuE.
Royal Australian Air Force-continued.
Personnel return from Far East 21
Members of Parliament to assist Minister.. 21
Allied war communiques 22
Liaison with United States forces 22 24
Convoy of Australian Imperial Force 24
Umbrella" for Australia 24
Australia badge for personnel overseas 24
Age limits raised 24
Operational training unit 26
Personnel in Iceland 27
Dutch squadron formed 27
New Chief of Air Staff 28
Representative in United States 28
Air crews sent to Britain 29
Mobile works units 29
Need for planes 29
Personnel in India
Personnel return from overseas 32
Air Board changes 31
Assistant Chief of Air Staff 31
Merger with United States meteorological service 32
Re-organization of control 32
Letters from Britain post free 34
Judge advocate-general 34
Mobile medical units 34
Salvage enemy planes
Air transport 36
Royal Australian Navy-
Australians man destroyers 1
Leave from Darwin 7
Award for good service 7
12 14 17 19 21 23 24 27 29 31 32 34
Increases in pay 7
Flinders Naval Depot leave 8
H. M. A. S. Sydney presumed lost 9
Replacement of H. M. A. S. Sydney 9
Radio stations dealt with 9
H. M. A. S. Sydney--details of action 9
H. M. A. S. Sydney-dependante' pensions 9
H. M. A. S. Parramattato rpedoed 9
Presumed loss of H. M. A. S. Perth and H. M. A. S. Yarra 21
H. M. A. S. Yarra-survivors 23
H. M. A. S. Perth-Enemy report of survivors 34
H. M. A. S. Vampire lost..
Cable messages to personnel 27 PAGE

Royal Australian Navy-continued.
Rear-admiral commanding squadron
Second naval board member
H. M. A. S. Nestor lost
Death sentence on personnel
Royal Commission on Secret Funds--
Terms of reference
Extension of terms of reference..
Submission of documents
Russia, Aid to-
Rolling-stock to Iran
Use of Australian troops
Prime Minister's statement
Shipping position
Russia, relations with-
National Day
Minister's statement
Australian mission deferred
Exchange of representatives proposed
Anglo-Soviet treaty
Anniversary of Russo-German war
Sarawak, H. H. the Rajah
Secret Funds, Royal Commission on ( ess Royal Commission).
Secret session
Security-Appointments announced
Questioning of Press reporter
W omen Peace Officers
S erv ice p a y ra te s
Increase to Navy personnel
Dependants' allowances
Pensions for home forces
Pay, allowances, conditions
Payment of Income Tax
Pension rate for forces
Income Tax deductions
War Pensions Entitlement Tribunal
Eligibility for pension
Repatriation committee
Subsistence allow ance
State repatriation boards
P en sion s' lia b ility
Increase in pay and allowances
Ships, movement of-
Delays not countenanced
Terms of settlement of dispute
Control of ships taken
Coastal Shipping Control Board
Prime Minister invokes Navy
Undertaking by union
Stevedoring conference
Stevedoring regulations
Stevedoring regulations amended
Stevedoring commission
Cargo control regulations 33 33
33 34 36 1
-9-20 27 31
32 10
S-6 13
32 33 36
-3-12 33 12
.28 23 23
23 24 35
28 30 31 32 33 34
35 2.. 2 3
15 15 20 24 29 25 25
Issuz. PAOU.

INDX--con inued. Issun. PAoB.
Ships, movement of-continued.
Appointment of Judge Clyne 28 22
Wharf congestion 29
Central Cargo Control Committee 29
State Cargo Control Committees 33 14
Requisitioned Cargoes Committee 35 8
Shipping position 4 13
United Staces cargoes 2Q. 22
Shipbuilding-Shipyard Unions' deputation 3
Marine engines 6 22
8 12
New South Wales activities 6
Queensland industry 6 21
Cockatoo Dockyard 7 23
Naming of cargo vessels 9 12
Second stage of programme 12 16
33 22
Sir Earle Page, M. P. 2 12
Status in Great Britain 8 12
14 16
Social security-
Minister's statement 2
Tuberculosis patients-allowance to families 4
Government's plans for future 8 16
Pensioners in employment 10 17
Sport in war-time-
Prime Minister's statement 8
21 19
Mid-week fixtures 12 8
Race meetings 19 24
35 17
Racecourse for military training.. 21 19
Victoria Racing Club 30 24
State of the War-
Prime Minister's statement 9
20 8
23 19
26 28 31 3
31 18
32 14
Facing 1942 13 11
Allied Nations' Declaration 14 3
External Affairs' statement 20 9
State Parliaments-
Question in House 23 17
Constitutional reform 23 17
Statute of Westminster 6 11
Stevens, Sir Bertram 4 16
Return to Australia 22 13
Superphosphate rationing 5
Bounty Bill passed 9
Revision of scale 12 17
Arrangements for 1942-43 33 14
Orders issued 35 24

IND x-cXoeninued. Issus.
Supply and Munitions Departments--
Definition of functions 2
Mr. D. J. Nolan's duties 5
Director-General's services terminated 13
Tariff-Proposals validated 20
Tasmanian war industries-
Committee suggested 7
Committee to be appointed 8
Tea-_ Minister's explanation 3
Primo Minister's statement 6
Supplies requisitioned 20
Effect of control 21
Regulations gazetted 23
Rationing provisions 24
Export prohibited 31
Government's purchase of stocks 31
Ration coupons-commencement date 32
second period 36
Control regulations extended 32
Rations for troops 33
Service in cafes 33
Ration for R. A. A. F. and 34
Textile trade--
Imports to Australia 1
Action against hoarding* 9
Cotton goods " frozen" 10
Further stocks " frozen" 13
Thailand--Proclamation of war 21
Thomas and Ratliff 2
TinP-roducnti iTn Australia 27
Tobacco shortage-
Minister to inquire 1
Reduced distribution 13
Legal control 20
Rationing committees 23
Deliveries during May 28
Deliveries during June 30
Deliveries during July 33
Deliveries during August 35
Production of Australian leaf 30
Trades Union Advisory Panel 5
Transport-Advisory Board 4
Freight savings made 5
Regulations made 10
Restriction of services 11
Conference held 12
Reasonable services 14
Director-general appointed 20
Holiday transport traffic 22
First meeting of board 25
Movement of rail traffic 30
Priority of vehicles 32
Pool of road facilities 32 34
Commonwealth Railways Commissioner øø 36 PAO. 18 16 23
24 14
18 3
11 23 23 22 12 23 16 16 13 3
24 22 4
23 23 7
12 3
22 7
24 21 9
14 12 12
17 6
24 16 12 17 17

' rungstic ores
Unemployed insurance-
Cabinet decision
University students-
Report to bo made
Military training
Enrolment restricted
Victoria Cross, award of
Concessions to holders..
Vocational training-
Ex-members of forces
Cabinet decision
Sub-committee confers..
Report to Cabinet
Volunteer Defence Corps-
Leave of absence
Arms and equipment
Equipment distribution
Full-time duty personnel
Call-up for service
Regulations announced
Pension and compensation rights
Appointment of new commander
Guerilla warfare
Commander in Queensland
Chief officers--appointments made
Branches in industrial factories
No reduction in strength
War and Conversion Loan-
Prime Minister's speech
Succesaful operation
War Cabinet-
Appointment made
War contracts--
Royalties on patents
War Historian
War industries decentralization
Albury project
Goulburn factory
War-New situation-
R. A. A. F. takes up position
Partial mobilization
Additional recruiting of women
Premiers' conference
Emergency action to be taken
Munitions Department
Prime Minister's speech
War Cabinet decisions
New classes for mobilization
R. A. A. F.' s part
Aircraft production control
Petrol restrictions IsSux. 18 22 4
14 17 2..
19 2 246
10 4 6..
10 10 10
17 19
20 22 22
26 29 35 1 1
7 4 8. 6..
24 2..
l1l I 1 1 11 PAOU. 9
19 14 12 24 4 88
21 16 12 22 6
16 14 23 11 11
13 13
22 44
22 24

i 1
I INDEX-continued. ISSUE. PAGE.
War-New situation-continued.
Holidays 11 11
12 3
13 14L: 160
o. 1
i 21 8
24 13
S. 25 18
29 13
33 3
Urgent defence measures 11 11
Restriction of transport services 11 12
Special powers to Premiers 11 12
Air Raid Precautions II 12
12 7
Employment of women 11 13
G. P. O. plans 11 13
Late shopping 11 13
12 7
Prime Ministers speech to Houso 11
Special war taxes 11
Emergency food stocks 12 3
22 21
Primary industries 12 7
Empire Air Service 12 8
Mid-week sport 12 8
Prime Minister's broadcast 13 7
Pacific unity of command 14 4
18 11
Emergency broadcasting 14 4
15 12
20 6
Allied war planning 15 12
27 17
31 7
Unity with Britain 17 14
21 9
Empire War Cabinet 17 14
Pacific War Council at London 17
II Aids to enemy regulated 17 21 9
Radium control 17
Prime Minister's speech on Liberty Loan 18 4
Australian Military Forces call-up 18 11
Emergency control, regulations 18 11
20 3
Contracts adjustment 18 12
Allied Works Council 18 13 6
S. 21 05 19
31 7
compensation 36
Total mobilization 18 13
Call-up under total mobilization 21 6
S. 25
Restriction on telephones 18 14
National Economic Plan 18 14
External Affairs statement 20 4
Advertising 21
Total mobilization-Compulsory civil defence duties 22 22
Priorities of Commonwealth works 22 23
Local government elections 22 24
Holiday transport traffic 22 24

War-New situation-confinued.
Pacific War Council at Washington
Civil servants from Papua and New Guinea
Immobilization of small craft
Emergency communications service
Damage to Property.
Civilians, kiled or injured
Provisional cover-property
Personnel of Commission
Operation of scheme
Damage to State property
Rates announced
Companies' services free
Damage to telephone apparatus..
Cargo insurance
War Savings Certificates
War-time Profits Tax-
Proposed committee
Western Australian war industrie.
Report published
Expansion Commission..
Terms of reference
Wheat agreement, International-
Conference at Washington
Approval by governments
Wheat Board, Australian-
Minister perturbed
Additional members
Additional appointments made
Further appointment.
Reduction of personnel
* Wheat pools payments-
Further advance
Advance approved
Forthcoming harvest
1941-42 crop, first advance
Guaranteed price
FFourrmth eorf ppaayymmeenntt
I Wheat Stabilization Scheme-
Minister's statement
Position of share-farmers
Breaches of regulations
Crop season
Restrictions on acreage -WesternAutai
Elimination of marginal areas
Wine industry-
Deputation to Minister..
Relaxation of embargo..
Levy reduced
Women, Nationality of-
Australian women marrying Americans ISSUE. 24 27
-32 33 12
29 12
14 13 13
15 19 19 23 34
.34 2. 3. 6.
31 3. 4 6
28 3.
4. 6.
29 33 8.
21 23 26 36 4
.34 24 PAGE.

INDEX-contine4d. ISSUE. PAGE
Women's war organizations-
V. A. D. Officers 2 12
Service Ministers' statements 2 13
Prime Minister's statement 2 12
Qualifications for appointment 3 8
W. A. A. A. F. 3 9
8 9
S 31 6
Pay of Nursing Services and Auxiliariea 3 9
Recruitment by the Army 4 9
Australian Women's Army Service 5 18 9
17 9
S. 21 24
24 22
S. 27 23
.31 6
34 13
V. A. D.' a for overseas 5 18
29 19
Women telegraphists 6 13
Pathology courses for women 8 8
Wearing of uniforms 8 9
Additional recruiting 11 3
A. W. A. S. conditions and pay 12 16
Nurse's rankings 17 9
Compensation for " immobile" Voluntary Aid Detachments 19 4
Women doctors 19 4
33 7
Married nurses 32 22
Subsistence allowance 33 7
V. A. D. controller 33 7
Deputy. diretor of W. A. A. A. P. 35 17
Public Service typists desiring to enlist 36
Wool agreement.. 3 8
Review not made 8 11
Central Wool Committee chairman 28 22
Review made-Price increase.. 30 9
Disposal of profits 33 23
Australian Wool Board 33 23
Regulations amended 34 244
Wool packs for 1942-43 clip 36 16
Wool sales to United States of America-2 6
Price of strategic storages 6 I
Yugo-slav Battalion 4 16 . I
By Authority: L. F. JOHNSTON, Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra.